9,309 research outputs found

    New Applications of Radio Frequency Identification Stations for Monitoring Fish Passage through Headwater Road Crossings and Natural Reaches

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    Within the Ouachita National Forest, roads and streams intersect each other thousands of times. Many of these road crossings alter stream hydrology and potentially limit longitudinal fish movement. To investigate the potential impacts of these road crossings on fish passage, we monitored movements of 3 native fish species (n = 2,171) individually tagged with radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in 2012 and 2013. We installed solar-powered RFID stations in 2 streams with road crossings and 2 reference streams without road crossings. Each of the 4 monitoring stations included a pair of antennas bracketing a road crossing (or similarly-sized natural reach) to continuously detect upstream or downstream passage. To monitor natural reference streams, we avoided full-duplex RFID technology, which would have required rigid in-stream structures. Alternatively, we utilized new applications of RFID technology such as direct in-stream installation of half-duplex wire antennas and figure-eight crossover antenna designs. These techniques appear promising, but technical difficulties limited the consistency of fish passage detection and consequently limited the strength of ecological conclusions. Even so, we report evidence that fish passed at significantly higher rates across reference reaches than reaches with road crossings. Furthermore, Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) passed reference reaches at significantly higher rates than Highland Stonerollers (Campostoma spadiceum), which passed at higher rates than Longear Sunfish (Lepomis megalotis). Stream intermittency appeared to exacerbate reduced passage rates associated with the road crossings

    The impact of consent on observational research: a comparison of outcomes from consenters and non consenters to an observational study

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    Background Public health benefits from research often rely on the use of data from personal medical records. When neither patient consent nor anonymisation is possible, the case for accessing such records for research purposes depends on an assessment of the probabilities of public benefit and individual harm. Methods In the late 1990s, we carried out an observational study which compared the care given to affluent and deprived women with breast cancer. Patient consent was not required at that time for review of medical records, but was obtained later in the process prior to participation in the questionnaire study. We have re-analysed our original results to compare the whole sample with those who later provided consent. Results Two important findings emerged from the re-analysis of our data which if presented initially would have resulted in insufficient and inaccurate reporting. Firstly, the reduced dataset contains no information about women presenting with locally advanced or metastatic cancer and we would have been unable to demonstrate one of our initial key findings: namely a larger number of such women in the deprived group. Secondly, our re-analysis of the consented women shows that significantly more women from deprived areas (51 v 31%, p = 0.018) received radiotherapy compared to women from more affluent areas. Previously published data from the entire sample demonstrated no difference in radiotherapy treatment between the affluent and deprived groups. Conclusion The risk benefit assessment made regarding the use of medical records without consent should include the benefits of obtaining research evidence based on 100% of the population and the possibility of inappropriate or insufficient findings if research is confined to consented populations

    Scottish theme towns: have new identities enhanced development?

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    Three small towns in southwest Scotland have recently been branded as distinct theme towns, based on books, artists and food. This is an attempt to make them more attractive to visitors and thereby improve their economy. The objective of this research is to establish whether the new identities possessed by the towns have enhanced their development. It is argued, using data reviewing the past decade, that they have all developed, albeit at different rates, in terms of the economy and culture. Moreover, it is maintained that social capital has been enhanced and is a factor whose importance has been under-appreciated by planners and observers of this type of process. The relevance of the new identity to the pre-branding identity is also seen as a factor in successful development and ideas of authenticity and heritage are brought to bear on the relationship

    Administration of galacto-oligosaccharide prebiotics in the Flinders Sensitive Line animal model of depression

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    INTRODUCTION: Major depressive disorder is the leading source of disability globally and current pharmacological treatments are less than adequate. Animal models such as the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats are used to mimic aspects of the phenotype in the human disorder and to characterise candidate antidepressant agents. Communication between the gut microbiome and the brain may play an important role in psychiatric disorders such as depression. Interventions targeting the gut microbiota may serve as potential treatments for depression, and this drives increasing research into the effect of probiotics and prebiotics in neuropsychiatric disorders. Prebiotics, galacto-oligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides that stimulate the activity of gut bacteria have been reported to have a positive impact, reducing anxiety and depressive-like phenotypes and stress-related physiology in mice and rats, as well as in humans. Bimuno, the commercially available beta-galacto-oligosaccharide, has been shown to increase gut microbiota diversity. AIM: Here, we aim to investigate the effect of Bimuno on rat anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviour and gut microbiota composition in the FSL model, a genetic model of depression, in comparison to their control, the Flinders Resistant Line (FRL) rats. METHODS: Sixty-four male rats aged 5–7 weeks, 32 FSL and 32 FRL rats, will be randomised to receive Bimuno or control (4 g/kg) daily for 4 weeks. Animals will be tested by an experimenter unaware of group allocation on the forced swim test to assessed depressive-like behaviour, the elevated plus maze to assess anxiety-like behaviour and the open field test to assess locomotion. Animals will be weighed and food and water intake, per kilogram of bodyweight, will be recorded. Faeces will be collected from each animal prior to the start of the experiment and on the final day to assess the bacterial diversity and relative abundance of bacterial genera in the gut. All outcomes and statistical analysis will be carried out blinded to group allocation, group assignments will be revealed after raw data have been uploaded to Open Science Framework. Two-way analysis of variance will be carried out to investigate the effect of treatment (control or prebiotic) and strain (FSL or FRL) on depressive-like and anxiety-like behaviours

    Separation of the mRNAs coding for α and β-tropomyosin

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    Genetic exchange in <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>: evidence for mating prior to metacyclic stage development

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    It is well established that genetic exchange occurs between Trypanosoma brucei parasites when two stocks are used to infect tsetse flies under laboratory conditions and a number of such crosses have been undertaken. Both cross and self-fertilisation can take place and, with the products of mating being the equivalent of F1 progeny in a Mendelian system and. Recently, analysis of a large collection of independent progeny using a series of polymorphic micro and minisatellite markers, has formally demonstrated that the allelic segregation at loci on each of the 11-megabase chromosomes conforms to ratios predicted for a classical diploid genetic system involving meiosis as well as independent assortment of markers on different chromosomes. Further extensive analysis of these F1 progeny, using a large panel of micro and minisatellite markers, has led to the construction of a genetic map of one parasite stock A. MacLeod, A. Tweedie and S. McLellan et al., The genetic map of Trypanosoma brucei, Nucleic Acids Res 33 (2005), pp. 6688–6693. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (10)

    Acute Encephalitis

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    The role of regulatory mechanisms for control of plant diseases and food security — case studies from potato production in Britain

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    Being aware of the potentially devastating impacts of plant diseases on food security, governments have designed and employ plant health legislation to prevent or inhibit the worst impacts. The development of such policies in Britain, and latterly in Europe, can be closely linked to disease events that have occurred in the potato sector. We analyse early and current examples of policies governing potato diseases in Britain to identify the decision processes leading to the implementation of such phytosanitary policies and how they have evolved over time and in response to different disease threats. Reasons for developing and implementing phytosanitary policies include the desire to prevent pathogens being introduced (entering and establishing in a new area), the protection of export markets, and the lack of effective control measures. Circumstances in which regulatory policies would not be appropriate could include situations where a disease is already widely distributed, unacceptable costs, lack of exclusion measures, or difficulties of disease diagnosis. We conclude that in general, government policies have worked well in protecting British potato growing over the last one hundred years, despite of the failures of some of the policies discussed here. They have also contributed much to the development of plant health policies for other crops. Voluntary grower initiatives are a new mechanism complementing existing formal policies with an additional level of security that allows individual growers to take on additional responsibility rather than relying entirely on government legislation

    Programs for the promotion of family wellness and the prevention of child maltreatment: A meta-analytic review

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    This thesis is a meta-analytic review of interventions that focus on the promotion of family wellness and the prevention of child maltreatment. Fifty-six evaluations which met the inclusion criteria were coded and effect sizes were calculated for each of the studies. I identified five key elements or “moderator variables,” through a review of the literature, which I believed might have an impact on the effectiveness of interventions. These moderator variables were: an ecological framework, an empowerment/strengths-based focus, the duration/intensity of the intervention, and the availability of social support and concrete support. A three step model testing process was used to evaluate the impact of the moderator variables on the effectiveness of the interventions. In Step 1, the impact of the moderator variables was tested across the entire sample of 56 studies. In Step 2, the studies were subdivided according to program type before testing for the impact of the moderator variables. There were eight distinct types of programs; four were proactive and four were reactive. In Step 3, testing for the impact of the moderator variables occurred after the studies were subdivided by both program type and outcome measure. Lastly post-assessment and follow-up effect sizes were examined separately to identify any possible trends. Findings indicated that although the proactive and reactive interventions had similar mean effect sizes (.37 and .43, respectively), the effect sizes for the proactive interventions tended to be larger at follow-up than post-assessment, while the effect sizes for the reactive interventions tended to have higher effect sizes at post-assessment than follow-up. This indicates that gains made through proactive interventions are sustained, and even enhanced, over longer periods of time, compared with those of reactive interventions. Other findings revealed that for home visiting interventions, higher effect sizes were found for interventions which were longer in duration and higher in intensity, and that interventions with components of social and concrete support had lower effect sizes than interventions without those components. Intensive family preservation interventions with high levels of participant involvement in program planning and implementation, an empowerment/strengths-based focus, and a component of social support had higher effect sizes than interventions without those elements. Lastly, both home visiting and intensive family preservation interventions achieved higher effect sizes with participants having mixed socio-economic status than those working solely with participants having low socio-economic status

    Relations Between Consultant Characteristics and Measures of Consultation Quality and Outcome

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    The purpose of this study was to explore school-based consultation effectiveness (as perceived by classroom teachers) and important indices of consultation quality and student outcome. Specifically, the research explored 1) important characteristics of school-based consultants using the Consultant Effectiveness Scale (CES), 2) the relations between quality of the consultation process and student outcome, and 3) the measurement similarities between the CES and the measure of consultation process quality. Questionnaires were completed by 85 teachers working in grades K-12 in a suburban area of Chicago. To participate, teachers must have engaged in a consultative relationship within the past 12 months. Consultants characteristics perceived by teachers as most effective are identified and discussed. Some indices of quality were found to be more important in effecting child outcome than others. This finding, which partially supports and contradicts previous literature, is detailed. Finally, positive relations were found between the CES and the measure of consultation quality, which may significantly contribute to existing CES research. Implications of these findings for school psychologists are provided in depth. The researcher also suggests ways in which the information may be used to improve consultative relationships with teachers and thereby, services to children