33 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Differential Forms on the kappa-deformed Space

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    We construct a differential algebra of forms on the kappa-deformed space. For a given realization of the noncommutative coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra we find an infinite family of one-forms and nilpotent exterior derivatives. We derive explicit expressions for the exterior derivative and one-forms in covariant and noncovariant realizations. We also introduce higher-order forms and show that the exterior derivative satisfies the graded Leibniz rule. The differential forms are generally not graded-commutative, but they satisfy the graded Jacobi identity. We also consider the star-product of classical differential forms. The star-product is well-defined if the commutator between the noncommutative coordinates and one-forms is closed in the space of one-forms alone. In addition, we show that in certain realizations the exterior derivative acting on the star-product satisfies the undeformed Leibniz rule.Comment: to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Five-headed superior omohyoid

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    The omohyoid is an infrahyoid muscle with two bellies. It is responsible for lowering and positioning of the hyoid bone. It is morphologically variable in the origin, insertion and morphology of its bellies. Quantitative variations of the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle are not common. We present a case of a five-headed superior omohyoid, and a short clinical review related to this muscle. All the bellies had their origin in an intermediate tendon and were attached to the hyoid bone. The volume of its superior part was greater than usual. Knowledge of the anatomy of this muscle is important, especially for surgeons operating in the anterolateral neck region

    Cardiosphere-derived cells suppress allogeneic lymphocytes by production of PGE2 acting via the EP4 receptor

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    derived cells (CDCs) are a cardiac progenitor cell population, which have been shown to possess cardiac regenerative properties and can improve heart function in a variety of cardiac diseases. Studies in large animal models have predominantly focussed on using autologous cells for safety, however allogeneic cell banks would allow for a practical, cost-effective and efficient use in a clinical setting. The aim of this work was to determine the immunomodulatory status of these cells using CDCs and lymphocytes from 5 dogs. CDCs expressed MHC I but not MHC II molecules and in mixed lymphocyte reactions demonstrated a lack of lymphocyte proliferation in response to MHC-mismatched CDCs. Furthermore, MHC-mismatched CDCs suppressed lymphocyte proliferation and activation in response to Concanavalin A. Transwell experiments demonstrated that this was predominantly due to direct cell-cell contact in addition to soluble mediators whereby CDCs produced high levels of PGE2 under inflammatory conditions. This led to down-regulation of CD25 expression on lymphocytes via the EP4 receptor. Blocking prostaglandin synthesis restored both, proliferation and activation (measured via CD25 expression) of stimulated lymphocytes. We demonstrated for the first time in a large animal model that CDCs inhibit proliferation in allo-reactive lymphocytes and have potent immunosuppressive activity mediated via PGE2

    Generalized kappa-deformed spaces, star-products, and their realizations

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    In this work we investigate generalized kappa-deformed spaces. We develop a systematic method for constructing realizations of noncommutative (NC) coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra. All realizations are related by a group of similarity transformations, and to each realization we associate a unique ordering prescription. Generalized derivatives, the Leibniz rule and coproduct, as well as the star-product are found in all realizations. The star-product and Drinfel'd twist operator are given in terms of the coproduct, and the twist operator is derived explicitly in special realizations. The theory is applied to a Nappi-Witten type of NC space

    Possibilities and restrictions of applying cadastral data within process of working out land use plan

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    Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie mo偶liwo艣ci i ogranicze艅 dotycz膮cych wykorzystania danych katastralnych w procesie opracowania projektu miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego. W artykule wskazano zar贸wno na zagro偶enia wynikaj膮ce z niepe艂nego lub nieprawid艂owego pos艂ugiwania si臋 tymi danymi, jak r贸wnie偶 zalety oraz specyfik臋 informacji pozyskanych z baz katastralnych. Wskazano na r贸偶nice poj臋ciowe wynikaj膮ce z odmiennych przepis贸w prawnych reguluj膮cych planowanie przestrzenne i kataster nieruchomo艣ci.The objective of the paper is to present possibilities and restrictions concerning cadastral data applied during the process of working out project of land use plan. It has been showed in the paper both impendency resulting from not complete or irregular making use of these data, and also advantages and specification of information captured from cadastral data bases. It has been pointed on differences in conception resulting from different law regulations, controlling spatial planning and real estate cadastre

    Land use plan as a basis for local land information system

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    Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie koncepcji tworzenia system贸w informacji o terenie spe艂niaj膮cych wymagania okre艣lone w obowi膮zuj膮cych przepisach prawnych i optymalnie dostosowanych do potrzeb samorz膮d贸w lokalnych. Autorzy, analizuj膮c przepisy prawne z zakresu geodezji i kartografii oraz planowania przestrzennego, a tak偶e aktualne zaawansowanie prac nad tworzeniem krajowego systemu informacji o terenie, proponuj膮 wykorzystanie plan贸w zagospodarowania przestrzennego jako podstawy lokalnego systemu informacji o terenie. Przedstawiaj膮 w tym zakresie w艂asne rozwi膮zania szczeg贸艂owe pozwalaj膮ce na standaryzacj臋 zapisu cyfrowych rysunk贸w plan贸w.The aim of the paper is to show an idea of land information system creating, fulfilling demands specified in obligatory regulations and best adapted to the needs of local authorities. Analyzing geodesy and cartography and spatial planning acts and regulations, and visible progress in national land information system creating, authors propose applying land use plans as a basis of local land information system. Authors also show, within this problem, their own detailed solutions, making possible standardization of land use plans in digital form