13 research outputs found

    Динамика и пространственное распределение снегозапасов в крупном городе в бассейне Волги (на примере Нижнего Новгорода)

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    Processes of formation and melting of snow cover in large cities remain poorly studied, for example, one of those is Nizhny Novgorod, the largest city in the Volga River basin. Using the relationship between the amount of precipitation, falling over the cold season, and the snow storage, formed on the whole territory of the city, that was built taking account of the influence of thaws, a continuous series of values of the snow water equivalent (snow storage) for the time of the snowmelt beginning was restored for the period 1965– 2019. Thaws were taken into account through the use of the sums of positive air temperatures for the cold period, calculated for each individual year of observation. During the period under consideration, the maximum snow storage occurred in 2011, while the minimum – in 1998; and it was close to the average value in 1973. Field snow-measuring surveys in the city and its environs, carried out in 2020, showed that the classical notion of the snow-storm transport is not true in the urban landscapes rather than in the environs. The use of the results of field snow surveys performed in different parts of the city in 2021, as well as the statistical characteristics of the above series of snow storage values, allowed estimating the distribution of the snow water equivalent in catchments of six small rivers in the city Nizhny Novgorod. The assessment is detailed for different types of urban landscapes and for years of different snow conditions, including the extreme ones.На основе метеорологических характеристик (включая данные о зимних оттепелях) восстановлены отсутствующие значения в ряду снегозапасов на начало весеннего снеготаяния в г. Нижний Новгород с 1965 по 2019 г. Оценена однородность этого ряда с помощью критериев Фишера и Стьюдента, рассчитаны основные статистические характеристики, а также определена теоретическая функция распределения вероятностей, удовлетворительно аппроксимирующая эмпирическую кривую вероятностей снегозапасов. С использованием результатов полевых снегомерных работ, выполненных в разных частях города в 2021 г., а также статистических характеристик многолетнего ряда снегозапасов на начало весеннего снеготаяния оценено пространственное распределение запаса воды в снежном покрове для шести водосборов малых рек города, в том числе и для расположенных в их пределах территорий с различным видом подстилающей поверхности для каждого года исследуемого ряда

    Оцінювання показників системи глутатіону залежно від варіанта перебігу захворювання у хворих на вперше діагностований туберкульоз легень при ко-інфекції туберкульоз/ВІЛ

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    The aim was to estimate the thiol-disulfide compounds depending on the variant of disease course in tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis (NDT/HIV). Materials and methods. The study involved 54 patients with NDT/HIV, who were treated in the clinic of Zaporizhzhia regional clinical tuberculosis dispensary during 2010 – 2014 (average age 37,8 ± 1,2 y), 41 (75,9%) men, 13 (24,1%) women. Focal tuberculosis was diagnosed in 5 cases (9,3%), infiltrative – in 25 (46,3%) cases, disseminated – in 24 (44,4%) cases. The control group included 32 healthy individuals – blood donors (average age 35,9 ± 2,5 y), 22 (68,7%) men, 10 women (31,3%). Patients depending on the results of the treatment were retrospectively were divided into 3 groups: 1 – 15 patients with positive dynamics, 2 - with progressive disease course without systemic inflammatory response syndrome (n=13), 3 –with progressive disease course with SIRS (n=26).Results. Levels of aldehyde-phenylhydrazone in 2nd and 3rd groups were significantly higher than in control in 1,3 and 1,2 times accordingly (p˂0,01 for both values), in the 3rd group they were higher in 1,1 times than in group 1, p˂0,05. Ketone-phenylhydrazone levels were higher in all groups compared with the control, in the 3rd group patients they were 1,1 times higher than in group 1, p˂0,05. The malondialdehyde level in 3rd group patients was higher than other groups parameters in 1,4 times in comparison with 1-t (p˂0,005) and 1.2 times – with 2nd group (p˂0,05).Conclusion. Imbalance in the “oxidants-antioxidants” system both through increased free radical peroxidation, and because of thiol-disulfide balance shifts at the disease progression was detected.Тиол-дисульфидные соединения играют существенную роль в патогенезе инфекционных заболеваний, но недостаточно изучена система глутатиона при различных вариантах течения заболевания у больных ко-инфекцией туберкулёз/ВИЧ.Цель работы – изучение изменений компонентов тиол-дисульфидных соединений в зависимости от варианта течения впервые диагностированного туберкулёза при ко-инфекции туберкулёз/ВИЧ.Определяли у 54 больных в крови уровни альдегидфенилгидразона, кетонфенилгидразона по методике B. Halliwell (1999), малонового диальдегида по методике В. Б. Гаврилова (1983), глутатиона восстановленного по стандартной методике (1981), глутатионпероксидазы, глутатионредуктазы по методике E. Beutler (1975) и глутатионтрансферазы по методике W. H. Habig (1974).Установили, что при прогрессирующем течении заболевания на фоне повышения показателей перекисного окисления белков снижаются уровни глутатиона восстановленного и глутатионпероксидазы. При развитии синдрома системного воспалительного ответа на фоне увеличения показателей перекисного окисления белков и липидов и уменьшения уровня глутатиона восстановленного снижаются уровни глутатионредуктазы и глутатионпероксидазы. Это свидетельствует об углублении дисбаланса в системе «оксиданты – антиоксиданты» при прогрессировании заболевания как за счёт усиления свободно-радикального перекисного окисления, так и вследствие сдвигов тиол-дисульфидного равновесия. Тіол-дисульфідні сполуки відіграють вагому роль у патогенезі інфекційних захворювань, але недостатньо вивченою є система глутатіону при різних варіантах перебігу захворювання у хворих на ко-інфекцію туберкульоз/ВІЛ.Мета роботи - оцінювання змін компонентів тіол-дисульфідної системи залежно від варіанта перебігу захворювання в пацієнтів із вперше діагностованим туберкульозом легень при ко-інфекції туберкульоз/ВІЛ (ВДТБ/ВІЛ).Визначали у 54 хворих рівні у крові альдегідфенілгідразону, кетонфенілгідразону за методикою B. Halliwell (1999), малонового діальдегіду за В. Б. Гавриловим (1983), глутатіону відновленого за стандартною методикою (1981), глутатіонпероксидази, глутатіонредуктази за методикою E. Beutler (1975) і глутатіонтрансферази за методикою W. H. Habig (1974).Встановили, що при прогресуванні захворювання на тлі зростання показників перекисного окислення білків зменшуються рівні глутатіону відновленого та глутатіонпероксидази. З розвитком синдрому системної запальної відповіді на тлі зростання показників перекисного окислення білків і ліпідів й зменшення рівня глутатіону відновленого зменшуються рівні глутатіонредуктази та глутатіонпероксидази. Це свідчить про поглиблення дисбалансу в системі «оксид анти – антиоксиданти» при прогресуванні захворювання як унаслідок посилення вільно-радикального перекисного окислення, так і через зрушення тіол-дисульфідної рівноваги.

    Evaluation of risk factors of disease progression in HIV-infected patients with relapses of pulmonary tuberculosis

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    There are no defined risk factors for progression of TB in HIV-positive patients with relapses of pulmonary tuberculosis (RTB/HIV) nowadays. In order to identify the risk factors of disease progression 23 patients with RTB/HIV were examined; we determined complex influence of clinical, radiological, immunological and laboratory parameters on the progression of TB. We determined the following risk factors: the presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, massive bacterial excretion, multiple destructive process in the lungs, reducing the number of CD4+-cells 2.0 units, decreased lymphocyte level and <18 g/l, albumin level reduction <40%, reduction of albumins/globulins <0.7 units). In this case each "small criterion" we estimate at 1 point. To determine the progressive course minimum number of points (1 out of 5) is necessary

    Оцінювання факторів ризику прогресування захворювання у ВІЛ-інфікованих хворих на рецидиви туберкульозу легень

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    There are no defined risk factors for progression of TB in HIV-positive patients with relapses of pulmonary tuberculosis (RTB/HIV) nowadays. In order to identify the risk factors of disease progression 23 patients with RTB/HIV were examined; we determined complex influence of clinical, radiological, immunological and laboratory parameters on the progression of TB.We determined the following risk factors: the presence of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, massive bacterial excretion, multiple destructive process in the lungs, reducing the number of CD4+-cells &lt; 200 cells/mm ("large criteria"). Each "large criterion" is estimated at one point. To enable the laboratory data as predicting disease progression criteria in patients with RTB/HIV the simultaneous presence of any 3-of-9 indicators that relate to "small criteria" is necessary in patients (reduction of Hb level &lt;110 g/l, decreased lymphocyte count &lt;20%, decreased hematocrit &lt;35 units., increased leukocyte intoxication index &gt;2.0 units, decreased lymphocyte level &lt;0.25 units, the presence of C-reactive protein in the blood, fibrin level 9&gt; and &lt;18 g/l, albumin level reduction &lt;40%, reduction of albumins/globulins &lt;0.7 units). In this case each "small criterion" we estimate at 1 point. To determine the progressive course minimum number of points (1 out of 5) is necessary.В настоящее время не определены факторы риска прогрессирования туберкулёза у ВИЧ-положительных больных рецидивами туберкулёза лёгких (РТБ/ВИЧ). С целью выявления факторов риска прогрессирования заболевания обследовано 23 больных РТБ/ВИЧ и определено комплексное влияние клинических, рентгенологических, иммунологических и лабораторных показателей на прогрессирование туберкулёза.Определили, что факторами риска является наличие синдрома системного воспалительного ответа, массивного бактериовыделения, распространённого деструктивного процесса в лёгких, снижение количества CD4+-клеток &lt;200 кл/мкл («большие критерии»). За каждый «большой критерий» выставляется по одному баллу. Для включения лабораторных показателей в критерии прогнозирования течения заболевания у больных РТБ/ВИЧ необходимо одновременное наличие у пациентов любых 3 из 9 значений, которые отнесены к «малым критериям» (снижение Нв &lt;110 г/л, снижение количества лимфоцитов &lt;20%, снижение гематокрита &lt;35 ед., увеличение лейкоцитарного индекса интоксикации &gt;2,0 ед., снижение лимфоцитарного индекса ˂0,25 ед., наличие С-реактивного белка в крови, уровень фибрина в границах 9&gt; и &lt;18 г/л, снижение уровня альбуминов &lt;40%, снижение коэффициента альбумины/глобулины &lt;0,7 ед.), тогда за «малый критерий» выставляется 1 балл. Для определения прогрессирующего течения необходимо минимальное количество баллов – 1 из 5.Дотепер не визначені фактори ризику прогресування туберкульозу у ВІЛ-позитивних хворих на рецидиви туберкульозу легень (РТБ/ВІЛ).Мета роботи – встановити фактори ризику прогресування захворювання, обстежили 23 хворих на РТБ/ВІЛ і визначили комплексний вплив клінічних, рентгенологічних, імунологічних, лабораторних показників на прогресування туберкульозу.Встановили, що факторами ризику є наявність синдрому системної запальної відповіді, масивного бактеріовиділення, поширеного деструктивного процесу в легенях, зниження кількості CD4+-клітин &lt;200 кл/мкл («великі критерії»). За кожний «великий критерій» виставляється по одному балу. Для включення лабораторних показників у критерії прогнозування перебігу захворювання у хворих на РТБ/ВІЛ необхідна одночасна наявність у пацієнтів будь-яких 3 із 9 значень, котрі віднесені до «малих критеріїв» (зниження Нв&lt;110 г/л, зниження кількості лімфоцитів &lt;20%, зниження гематокриту &lt;35 од., зростання лейкоцитарного індексу інтоксикації &gt;2,0 од., зниження лімфоцитарного індексу &lt;0,25 од., наявність С-реактивного білка у крові, рівень фібрину в межах 9&gt; та &lt;18 г/л, зниження рівня альбумінів &lt;40%, зниження коефіцієнта альбуміни/глобуліни &lt;0,7 од.), тоді за «малий критерій» виставляється один бал. Для встановлення прогресуючого перебігу необхідна мінімальна кількість балів – 1 із 5

    Estimation of the glutathione system parameters depending on the variant of the disease course in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis at coinfection tuberculosis/HIV

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    The aim was to estimate the thiol-disulfide compounds depending on the variant of disease course in tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis (NDT/HIV). Materials and methods. The study involved 54 patients with NDT/HIV, who were treated in the clinic of Zaporizhzhia regional clinical tuberculosis dispensary during 2010 – 2014 (average age 37,8 ± 1,2 y), 41 (75,9%) men, 13 (24,1%) women. Focal tuberculosis was diagnosed in 5 cases (9,3%), infiltrative – in 25 (46,3%) cases, disseminated – in 24 (44,4%) cases. The control group included 32 healthy individuals – blood donors (average age 35,9 ± 2,5 y), 22 (68,7%) men, 10 women (31,3%). Patients depending on the results of the treatment were retrospectively were divided into 3 groups: 1 – 15 patients with positive dynamics, 2 - with progressive disease course without systemic inflammatory response syndrome (n=13), 3 –with progressive disease course with SIRS (n=26). Results. Levels of aldehyde-phenylhydrazone in 2nd and 3rd groups were significantly higher than in control in 1,3 and 1,2 times accordingly (p˂0,01 for both values), in the 3rd group they were higher in 1,1 times than in group 1, p˂0,05. Ketone-phenylhydrazone levels were higher in all groups compared with the control, in the 3rd group patients they were 1,1 times higher than in group 1, p˂0,05. The malondialdehyde level in 3rd group patients was higher than other groups parameters in 1,4 times in comparison with 1-t (p˂0,005) and 1.2 times – with 2nd group (p˂0,05). Conclusion. Imbalance in the “oxidants-antioxidants” system both through increased free radical peroxidation, and because of thiol-disulfide balance shifts at the disease progression was detected

    Особливості перебігу хіміорезистентного ВІЛ/СНІД-асоційованого туберкульозу у хворих, які померли від ко-інфекції

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    Introduction. Today the problem of spread of two epidemics - TB and HIV/AIDS is too complicated in Ukraine. This problem is significantly complicated by the spread of the other world's problem - resistant TB. The growth of the HIV epidemic influences the situation of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MRTB), which is also associated with disorders of antituberculosis immunity. According to the literature, the high incidence of MRTB is directly correlated with the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS. Tuberculosis is the direct cause of death of up to 30.0% of patients with HIV infection and in 90.0% cases of AIDS.  That’s why studying the clinical course of HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis and analysis of causes of death of these patients are highly actual today.The aim of the study. To determine the clinical course and causes of death in patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis.Materials and methods. 14 patients cards who died from chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis and who were supervised and treated at Zaporizhzhya TB dispensaries during the period of 2010-2012 are analyzed in this article.The results of research. Among patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis there were 12 men (85.7%) and 2 (14.3%) women. The average age was 41.9 ± 1.8 years. There were 100% of unemployed patients, 8 patients (57.1%) were former prisoners, 4 (28.5%) patients were shelterless persons, 4 patients (28,5%) suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism. Antisocial lifestyle was in 8 (57.1%) cases. HIV-infection started significantly (P &lt;0.05) more often after tuberculosis (in 8 patients (57.1%), before tuberculosis - in 2 (14,4%) patients, the simultaneous detection of co-infection was found in 4 cases (28,5%).Chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis was found in patients with primarily diagnosed HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis in 2 cases (14.3%), with recurrent tuberculosis – in 2 (14.3%), with chronic tuberculosis - in 10 (71.4%). As it was noticed, the chronic process prevailed significantly (P &lt;0.05) in patients who died from resistant co-infection. Among patients with MRTB patients who were resistant to 6-9 antitubercular drugs prevailed - 8 cases (66.7%), compared with patients with resistance to 4-5 antitubercular drugs - in 4 cases (33.3%).Among patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis disseminated (57.3%) and fibro-cavernous forms of lungs tuberculosis (28.5%) prevailed significantly (P &lt;0.05) more often.There are 3 patients (13.6%), who interrupted treatment, 1 patient refused treatment completely. Antiretroviral therapy was received by 4 patients (28.5%), 1 patient (7,1%) renounced, in 9 cases (64.4%) - antiretroviral therapy was not intended.The autopsy determined that 14 (100%) patients died due to progression of tuberculosis.Conclusion. It was determined that most of the patients lived the anti-social way of life, and suffered from alcoholism or drug addiction. More often co-infected patients with chemo-drug resistant tuberculosis suffered from tuberculosis earlier, than from HIV, most of the patients had chronic tuberculosis. They had interruptions and failures in previous treatment; most of the patients who died from co-infection had MRTB with resistance to 8-9 anti-TB drugs and all of those patients had pulmonary tuberculosis and predominantly disseminated and fibro-cavernous forms, they had a low level of CD4+ cell. Most patients had noncompliance with a specific anti-TB and antiretroviral treatment and did not receive preventive treatment.Проанализированы 14 амбулаторных карт больных, которые умерли от ВИЧ/СПИД-ассоциированного химиорезистентного туберкулеза и которые находились на диспансерном учете и лечении в противотуберкулезных диспансерах г. Запорожье за период 2010–2012 гг. Определили, что большинство больных вели асоциальный способ жизни и страдали алкоголизмом или наркоманией. При ВИЧ/СПИД-ассоциированном химиорезистентном туберкулезе именно последний чаще возникал раньше ВИЧ-инфекции. Большинство умерших от химиорезистентной туберкулезной ко-инфекции страдали хроническим туберкулезом, и у них были перерывы и неудачи в предыдущих курсах лечения. Среди умерших от ко-инфекции с химиорезистентным туберкулезом большинство составляли больные с мультирезистентным туберкулезом с устойчивостью к 8–9 противотуберкулезным препаратам. У всех пациентов была легочная локализация туберкулеза и преимущественно диссеминированная и фиброзно-кавернозная формы, низкий уровень СD4+ клеток. Большинство больных не имели приверженности к специфическому противотуберкулезному и антиретровирусному лечению и не получали профилактический курс лечения.Проаналізовано 14 амбулаторних карток хворих, які померли від ВІЛ/СНІД-асоційованого хіміорезистентного туберкульозу та які перебували на диспансерному обліку і лікуванні у протитуберкульозних диспансерах м. Запоріжжя за період 2010–2012 рр. Встановлено, що більшість хворих вели асоціальний спосіб життя та страждали на алкоголізм чи наркоманію. При ВІЛ/СНІД-асоційованому хіміорезистентному туберкульозі саме останній частіше передував розвитку ВІЛ-інфекції. Більшість померлих з хіміорезистентною туберкульозною ко-інфекцією мали хронічний туберкульоз та перерви і невдачі у попередніх курсах лікування. Серед померлих від ко-інфекції з хіміорезистентним туберкульозом більшість становили хворі з мультирезистентним туберкульозом і з резистентністю до 8–9 протитуберкульозних препаратів. Всі хворі мали легеневу локалізацію туберкульозу і переважно дисеміновану та фіброзно-кавернозну форми, низький рівень СD4+ клітин. Більшість померлих не мали прихильності до специфічного протитуберкульозного та антиретровірусного лікування та не отримували профілактичний курс лікування

    Peculiarities of chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis in patients who died from co-infection

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    Introduction. Today the problem of spread of two epidemics - TB and HIV/AIDS is too complicated in Ukraine. This problem is significantly complicated by the spread of the other world's problem - resistant TB. The growth of the HIV epidemic influences the situation of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MRTB), which is also associated with disorders of antituberculosis immunity. According to the literature, the high incidence of MRTB is directly correlated with the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS. Tuberculosis is the direct cause of death of up to 30.0% of patients with HIV infection and in 90.0% cases of AIDS. That’s why studying the clinical course of HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis and analysis of causes of death of these patients are highly actual today. The aim of the study. To determine the clinical course and causes of death in patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis. Materials and methods. 14 patients cards who died from chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis and who were supervised and treated at Zaporizhzhya TB dispensaries during the period of 2010-2012 are analyzed in this article. The results of research. Among patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis there were 12 men (85.7%) and 2 (14.3%) women. The average age was 41.9 ± 1.8 years. There were 100% of unemployed patients, 8 patients (57.1%) were former prisoners, 4 (28.5%) patients were shelterless persons, 4 patients (28,5%) suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism. Antisocial lifestyle was in 8 (57.1%) cases. HIV-infection started significantly (P <0.05) more often after tuberculosis (in 8 patients (57.1%), before tuberculosis - in 2 (14,4%) patients, the simultaneous detection of co-infection was found in 4 cases (28,5%). Chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis was found in patients with primarily diagnosed HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis in 2 cases (14.3%), with recurrent tuberculosis – in 2 (14.3%), with chronic tuberculosis - in 10 (71.4%). As it was noticed, the chronic process prevailed significantly (P <0.05) in patients who died from resistant co-infection. Among patients with MRTB patients who were resistant to 6-9 antitubercular drugs prevailed - 8 cases (66.7%), compared with patients with resistance to 4-5 antitubercular drugs - in 4 cases (33.3%). Among patients with chemo-resistant HIV/AIDS-associated tuberculosis disseminated (57.3%) and fibro-cavernous forms of lungs tuberculosis (28.5%) prevailed significantly (P <0.05) more often. There are 3 patients (13.6%), who interrupted treatment, 1 patient refused treatment completely. Antiretroviral therapy was received by 4 patients (28.5%), 1 patient (7,1%) renounced, in 9 cases (64.4%) - antiretroviral therapy was not intended. The autopsy determined that 14 (100%) patients died due to progression of tuberculosis. Conclusion. It was determined that most of the patients lived the anti-social way of life, and suffered from alcoholism or drug addiction. More often co-infected patients with chemo-drug resistant tuberculosis suffered from tuberculosis earlier, than from HIV, most of the patients had chronic tuberculosis. They had interruptions and failures in previous treatment; most of the patients who died from co-infection had MRTB with resistance to 8-9 anti-TB drugs and all of those patients had pulmonary tuberculosis and predominantly disseminated and fibro-cavernous forms, they had a low level of CD4+ cell. Most patients had noncompliance with a specific anti-TB and antiretroviral treatment and did not receive preventive treatment

    Immunological status features in patients with tuberculosis/HIV co-infection

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    Aim. Immunological status of the Tuberculosis/HIV co-infected patients determines course of the disease and treatment results. Method and results. Immune status in 85 patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis at co-infection was studied. CD4+- lymphocytes level in 1 mсL of blood was determined with flow cytofluorimetry method. It was found that in the most part of patients (57.4%) with newly diagnosed tuberculosis HIV and TB were diagnosed at the same time and only 11.1% of patients received antiretroviral therapy before TB diagnostics. In 39.1 % of cases with newly diagnosed tuberculosis at HIV length of the period of HIV-positive status official registration was up to 1 year. CD4+-lymphocytes level was less than 200 cells/mcl in 62.9% of cases, and less than 50 cells/mcL - in 38.9%. This indicated a low level of active HIV detection among population and late start of the treatment. The number of patients with tuberculosis relapses at HIV in the deep immunosuppression stage was less (51.6%, only in 19.3% of whom CD4+-lymphocytes quantity was less than 50 cells/mcL) than that one at newly diagnosed tuberculosis at HIV. It can be explained by much greater percentage of HIV-positive status detection before tuberculosis relapse diagnosis (in 70.9% and 86.4% of patients suffered from HIV for more than 1 year) and more frequent and timely antiretroviral therapy appointment, that was assigned to 31.5% of patients. Conclusion. Frequency of such clinical forms as infiltrative and disseminated TB statistically significantly increased in co-infected patients with a decrease of the number of CD4+-lymphocyte

    The protein and lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in patients with HIV/AIDS-associated newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis depending on the severity of immunodeficiency, clinical and radiological changes

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    Aim. The clinical, radiological and immunological aspects of co-infection are actively studied nowadays. To identify the peculiarities of oxidative status in patients with HIV/AIDS-associated pulmonary tuberculosis depending on the severity of immunosuppression, and clinical and radiological data 47 patients were examined. Methods and results. Protein peroxidation products were determined with the method by B. Halliwell, lipid peroxidation – with method by V.B. Gavrilov, catalase activity - M.A. Koroljuk method, SOD activity – by B. Haglof. Patients with HIV/AIDS-associated newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis had mostly marked increase in levels of 254 nm intermediate mass molecules at immunodeficiency. Conclusion. Rise of protein peroxidation products levels and the decrease of catalase activity at extensive pulmonary or severe extrapulmonary lesions and in cases with multiple organs dysfunction were determined too