2 research outputs found

    Атомная силовая микроскопия структуры мембран эритроцитов при острой кровопотере и реинфузии

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    Objective: to examine the surface heterogeneities of red blood cell membranes after acute massive blood loss and blood reinfusion, by using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Materials and methods. Experiments were carried out under nembu-tal anesthesia on male rats. Hypovolemic hypotension was induced during 60 minutes, followed by blood reinfusion. The experimental phases were as follows: control before blood loss; 5 minutes after its onset; 1 hour following hypotension; and 1 and 3 hours after reinfusion. Membrane surface images were obtained by AFM in the constant scanning mode. Spatial surface spectral transformation was used. Results. The nano-surface parameters were shown to be intrinsic characteristics of membranes. The greatest changes occurred at the early stages of transient processes: blood loss and reinfusion. Conclusion. The application of AFM permitted the authors to trace the time course of changes in the red blood cell membrane surfaces during acute total blood loss and further blood reinfusion to tolerances of fractions of nanometer. Key words: blood loss, reinfusion, nanostructure, atomic force microscopy.Цель исследования — изучение поверхностных неоднородностей мембран эритроцитов после острой массивной кро-вопотери и реинфузии крови, с помощью методов атомной силовой микроскопии (АСМ). Материал и методы. Эксперименты проводили на крысах-самцах под нембуталовым наркозом. Использовали гиповолемическую гипотензию в течение 60 минут с последующей реинфузией крови. Фазы экспериментов: контроль до кровопотери, через 5 минут от начала кровопотери, через 1 час после гипотензии, через 1 и 3 часа после реинфузии. Изображения поверхности мембран получали с помощью АСМ в режиме постоянного сканирования. Использовали пространственное спектральное преобразование поверхности. Результаты. Показано, что параметры наноповерхности являются собственными характеристиками мембран. Наибольшие изменения происходят в начальных стадиях переходных процессов: кровопотери и реифузии. Заключение. Использование АСМ позволило наблюдать динамику изменений поверхностей мембран эритроцитов при острой тотальной кровопотере и дальнейшей реинфузии крови с разрешением до долей нанометров. Ключевые слова: кровопотеря, реинфузия, наноструктура, атомная силовая микроскопия

    Atomic Force Microscopy of the Structure of Red Blood Cell Membranes in Acute Blood Loss and Reinfusion

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    Objective: to examine the surface heterogeneities of red blood cell membranes after acute massive blood loss and blood reinfusion, by using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Materials and methods. Experiments were carried out under nembu-tal anesthesia on male rats. Hypovolemic hypotension was induced during 60 minutes, followed by blood reinfusion. The experimental phases were as follows: control before blood loss; 5 minutes after its onset; 1 hour following hypotension; and 1 and 3 hours after reinfusion. Membrane surface images were obtained by AFM in the constant scanning mode. Spatial surface spectral transformation was used. Results. The nano-surface parameters were shown to be intrinsic characteristics of membranes. The greatest changes occurred at the early stages of transient processes: blood loss and reinfusion. Conclusion. The application of AFM permitted the authors to trace the time course of changes in the red blood cell membrane surfaces during acute total blood loss and further blood reinfusion to tolerances of fractions of nanometer. Key words: blood loss, reinfusion, nanostructure, atomic force microscopy