21,545 research outputs found

    Measuring device Patent

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    Expulsion and measuring device for determining quantity of liquid in tank under conditions of weightlessnes

    CDS wide slit time-series of EUV coronal bright points

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    Wide slit (90" x 240" ) movies of four Extreme Ultraviolet coronal bright points (BPs) obtained with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SoHO) have been inspected. The wavelet analysis of the He I 584.34 Å, O V 629.73 Å and Mg VII/IX 368 Å time-series confirms the oscillating nature of the BPs, with periods ranging between 600 and 1100 s. In one case we detect periods as short as 236 s. We suggest that these oscillations are the same as those seen in the chromospheric network and that a fraction of the network bright points are most likely the cool footpoints of the loops comprising coronal bright points. These oscillations are interpreted in terms of global acoustic modes of the closed magnetic structures associated with BPs

    Calculating effective resistances on underlying networks of association schemes

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    Recently, in Refs. \cite{jsj} and \cite{res2}, calculation of effective resistances on distance-regular networks was investigated, where in the first paper, the calculation was based on stratification and Stieltjes function associated with the network, whereas in the latter one a recursive formula for effective resistances was given based on the Christoffel-Darboux identity. In this paper, evaluation of effective resistances on more general networks which are underlying networks of association schemes is considered, where by using the algebraic combinatoric structures of association schemes such as stratification and Bose-Mesner algebras, an explicit formula for effective resistances on these networks is given in terms of the parameters of corresponding association schemes. Moreover, we show that for particular underlying networks of association schemes with diameter dd such that the adjacency matrix AA possesses d+1d+1 distinct eigenvalues, all of the other adjacency matrices AiA_i, i0,1i\neq 0,1 can be written as polynomials of AA, i.e., Ai=Pi(A)A_i=P_i(A), where PiP_i is not necessarily of degree ii. Then, we use this property for these particular networks and assume that all of the conductances except for one of them, say cc1=1c\equiv c_1=1, are zero to give a procedure for evaluating effective resistances on these networks. The preference of this procedure is that one can evaluate effective resistances by using the structure of their Bose-Mesner algebra without any need to know the spectrum of the adjacency matrices.Comment: 41 page

    Statistical Analysis of Small Ellerman Bomb Events

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    The properties of Ellerman bombs (EBs), small-scale brightenings in the H-alpha line wings, have proved difficult to establish due to their size being close to the spatial resolution of even the most advanced telescopes. Here, we aim to infer the size and lifetime of EBs using high-resolution data of an emerging active region collected using the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) and Rapid Oscillations of the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instruments as well as the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We develop an algorithm to track EBs through their evolution, finding that EBs can often be much smaller (around 0.3") and shorter lived (less than 1 minute) than previous estimates. A correlation between G-band magnetic bright points and EBs is also found. Combining SDO/HMI and G-band data gives a good proxy of the polarity for the vertical magnetic field. It is found that EBs often occur both over regions of opposite polarity flux and strong unipolar fields, possibly hinting at magnetic reconnection as a driver of these events.The energetics of EB events is found to follow a power-law distribution in the range of "nano-flare" (10^{22-25} ergs).Comment: 19 pages. 7 Figure

    Assessment of the visibility impairment caused by the emissions from the proposed power plant at Boron, California

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    The current atmospheric conditions and visibility were modeled, and the effect of the power plant effluent was then added to determine its influence upon the prevailing visibility; the actual reduction in visibility being a function of meteorological conditions and observer-plume-target geometry. In the cases investigated, the perceptibility of a target was reduced by a minimum of 10 percent and a maximum of 100 percent. This significant visual impact would occur 40 days per year in the Edwards area with meteorological conditions such as to cause some visual impact 80 days per year

    Detecting Reflected Light from Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets with the Kepler Photometer

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    NASA's Kepler Mission promises to detect transiting Earth-sized planets in the habitable zones of solar-like stars. In addition, it will be poised to detect the reflected light component from close-in extrasolar giant planets (CEGPs) similar to 51 Peg b. Here we use the DIARAD/SOHO time series along with models for the reflected light signatures of CEGPs to evaluate Kepler's ability to detect such planets. We examine the detectability as a function of stellar brightness, stellar rotation period, planetary orbital inclination angle, and planetary orbital period, and then estimate the total number of CEGPs that Kepler will detect over its four year mission. The analysis shows that intrinsic stellar variability of solar-like stars is a major obstacle to detecting the reflected light from CEGPs. Monte Carlo trials are used to estimate the detection threshold required to limit the total number of expected false alarms to no more than one for a survey of 100,000 stellar light curves. Kepler will likely detect 100-760 51 Peg b-like planets by reflected light with orbital periods up to 7 days.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication by ApJ May 200

    Simulation Studies of Nanomagnet-Based Architecture

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    We report a simulation study on interacting ensembles of Co nanomagnets that can perform basic logic operations and propagate logic signals, where the state variable is the magnetization direction. Dipole field coupling between individual nanomagnets drives the logic functionality of the ensemble and coordinated arrangements of the nanomagnets allow for the logic signal to propagate in a predictable way. Problems with the integrity of the logic signal arising from instabilities in the constituent magnetizations are solved by introducing a biaxial anisotropy term to the Gibbs magnetic free energy of each nanomagnet. The enhanced stability allows for more complex components of a logic architecture capable of random combinatorial logic, including horizontal wires, vertical wires, junctions, fanout nodes, and a novel universal logic gate. Our simulations define the focus of scaling trends in nanomagnet-based logic and provide estimates of the energy dissipation and time per nanomagnet reversal