21 research outputs found
Эндопротезирование гастродуоденальной артерии стент-графтом с целью «выключения» ложной аневризмы из кровотока
Introduction. Aneurysms of visceral arteries in the abdominal cavity are very rare. Often aneurysms of branches of the abdominal aorta are an incidental finding as patients seldom present obvious clinical signs or pathological changes in the organ supplied by the artery involved. The incidence of aneurysms of branches connecting the celiac trunk and the upper mesenteric artery amounts to 3.5% of all the cases of aneurysms of abdominal aorta arteries, mostly the gastroduodenal artery. This paper presents a case of minimally invasive treatment of gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm at the BSMU Clinic.Materials and methods. Patient K, a 47-year-old female, was admitted for emergency treatment at the Bashkir State Medical University Clinic in May 2019. The patient’s complaints included feeling weak, black stool for seven days prior, faintness and epigastric pain.Results and discussions. Instrumental examination and angiography data demonstrated that the size of the pseudoaneurysm has increased 2.5 times and reached 65×45 mm; the clinical picture led to the conclusion that the aneurysm was ready to rupture and that there was an immediate need to stop the blood flow to the gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm.Conclusion. The range of currently available image-guided surgical procedures makes it possible to perform adequate embolization of pathological structures such as artery aneurysms.Введение. Аневризмы висцеральных артерий брюшной полости встречаются очень редко в клинической практике врачей. Зачастую аневризмы ветвей брюшной аорты являются диагностической находкой, так как клиническая картина редко когда отображает явные признаки ее наличия и на первый план выходят патологические изменения со стороны органа, который данная артерия кровоснабжает. Частота встречаемости аневризмы ветвей, соединяющих чревный ствол и верхнюю брыжеечную артерию, составляет 3,5 % от всех аневризм артерий брюшной аорты, и основную долю их занимает гастродуоденальная артерия.Цель исследования: демонстрация мини-инвазивного лечения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии в Клинике БГМУ.Материалы и методы. В Клинику Башкирского государственного медицинского университета в мае 2019 года в экстренном порядке поступила пациентка К. 47 лет с жалобами на слабость, черный стул в течение 7 дней, головокружение, боли в эпигастральной области.Результаты и обсуждение. По данным инструментальных методов исследования и ангиографии, размер ложной аневризмы увеличился в 2,5 раза и составил 65×45 мм, по клинической картине можно было судить о готовности разрыва аневризмы и прямой необходимости в устранении кровоснабжения ложной аневризмы гастродуоденальной артерии.Заключение. На сегодняшний день инструментарий для проведения рентген-хирургических вмешательств позволяет выполнять полноценную эмболизацию патологических образований, таких как аневризмы артерий
Analysis of the results of tracer tests for the monitoring of the development of super-viscous oil deposit
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The article describes the results of implementation tracer studies at one of the super-viscous oil deposits in the Republic of Tatarstan. Accurate information on the flow of liquid in oil deposits is absent, this is an obstacle to the successful development of such deposits. The information obtained as a result of tracer studies is an addition to the general history of field development and is used to reduce uncertainties in the construction of geological and hydrodynamic models of deposits. The main tasks were the determination of the hydrodynamic connection between the wells along channels with low filtration resistance, the determination of the filtration rates of the condensate in the reservoir and the heterogeneity of the reservoir in the inter-well space of the investigated section of the oilfield. In order to determine the quality of the hydrodynamic connection within the bituminous deposit, the geological structure, as well as the direction of the filtration streams, a solution of the chemical eosin indicator was pumped into one of the steam injection wells, followed by registration in the samples of the surrounding production wells. To detect fluorescent indicators in the wells, unique equipment was used that significantly reduces the previous sample processing and detection time
Analysis of the results of tracer tests for the monitoring of the development of super-viscous oil deposit
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The article describes the results of implementation tracer studies at one of the super-viscous oil deposits in the Republic of Tatarstan. Accurate information on the flow of liquid in oil deposits is absent, this is an obstacle to the successful development of such deposits. The information obtained as a result of tracer studies is an addition to the general history of field development and is used to reduce uncertainties in the construction of geological and hydrodynamic models of deposits. The main tasks were the determination of the hydrodynamic connection between the wells along channels with low filtration resistance, the determination of the filtration rates of the condensate in the reservoir and the heterogeneity of the reservoir in the inter-well space of the investigated section of the oilfield. In order to determine the quality of the hydrodynamic connection within the bituminous deposit, the geological structure, as well as the direction of the filtration streams, a solution of the chemical eosin indicator was pumped into one of the steam injection wells, followed by registration in the samples of the surrounding production wells. To detect fluorescent indicators in the wells, unique equipment was used that significantly reduces the previous sample processing and detection time