16 research outputs found

    Testing of the relative precision in local network with use of the Trimble Geo XR GNSS receivers

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    The paper deal with testing of different GNSS measurement methods in highly accurate network for the objectives engineering surveying. The test is comprised of a set of measurement acquired by particular GNSS methods with different observation length. For purposes of the test, an appropriate network of five points in local system was created and accurately trigonometrically measured. The result of testing is a comparison of individual methods in position using two dimensional congruent transformation and in height using one dimensional congruent transformation

    Online graph exploration with advice

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    We study the problem of exploring an unknown undirected graph with non-negative edge weights. Starting at a distinguished initial vertex s, an agent must visit every vertex of the graph and return to s. Upon visiting a node, the agent learns all incident edges, their weights and endpoints. The goal is to find a tour with minimal cost of traversed edges. This variant of the exploration problem has been introduced by Kalyanasundaram and Pruhs in [18] and is known as a fixed graph scenario. There have been recent advances by Megow, Mehlhorn, and Schweitzer ([19]), however the main question whether there exists a deterministic algorithm with constant competitive ratio (w.r.t. to offline algorithm knowing the graph) working on all graphs and with arbitrary edge weights remains open. In this paper we study this problem in the context of advice complexity, investigating the tradeoff between the amount of advice available to the deterministic agent, and the quality of the solution. We show that Ω(n logn) bits of advice are necessary to achieve a competitive ratio of 1 (w.r.t. an optimal algorithm knowing the graph topology). Furthermore, we give a deterministic algorithm which uses O(n) bits of advice and achieves a constant competitive ratio on any graph with arbitrary weights. Finally, going back to the original problem, we prove a lower bound of 5/2 - ε for deterministic algorithms working with no advice, improving the best previous lower bound of 2 - ε of Miyazaki, Morimoto, and Okabe from [20]. In this case, significantly more elaborate technique was needed to achieve the result. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Mobile Agents Rendezvous in spite of a Malicious Agent.

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    We examine the problem of rendezvous, i.e., having multiple mobile agents gather in a single node of the network. Unlike previous studies, we need to achieve rendezvous in presence of a very powerful adversary, a malicious agent that moves through the network and tries to block the honest agents and prevents them from gathering. The malicious agent can be thought of as a mobile fault in the network. The malicious agent is assumed to be arbitrarily fast, has full knowledge of the network and it cannot be exterminated by the honest agents. On the other hand, the honest agents are assumed to be quite weak: They are asynchronous and anonymous, they have only finite memory, they have no prior knowledge of the network and they can communicate with the other agents only when they meet at a node. Can the honest agents achieve rendezvous starting from an arbitrary configuration in spite of the malicious agent? We present some neces- sary conditions for solving rendezvous in spite of the malicious agent in arbitrary networks. We then focus on the ring and mesh topologies and provide algorithms to solve rendezvous. For ring networks, our algorithms solve rendezvous in all feasible instances of the problem, while we show that rendezvous is impossible for an even number of agents in unoriented rings. For the oriented mesh networks, we prove that the problem can be solved when the honest agents initially form a connected configuration without holes if and only if they can see which are the occupied nodes within a two-hops distance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to study such a powerful and mobile fault model, in the con- text of mobile agents. Our model lies between the more powerful but static fault model of black holes (which can even destroy the agents), and the less powerful but mobile fault model of Byzantine agents (which can only imitate the honest agents but can neither harm nor stop them).We examine the problem of rendezvous, i.e., having multiple mobile agents gather in a single node of the network. Unlike previous studies, we need to achieve rendezvous in presence of a very powerful adversary, a malicious agent that moves through the network and tries to block the honest agents and prevents them from gathering. The malicious agent can be thought of as a mobile fault in the network. The malicious agent is assumed to be arbitrarily fast, has full knowledge of the network and it cannot be exterminated by the honest agents. On the other hand, the honest agents are assumed to be quite weak: They are asynchronous and anonymous, they have only finite memory, they have no prior knowledge of the network and they can communicate with the other agents only when they meet at a node. Can the honest agents achieve rendezvous starting from an arbitrary configuration in spite of the malicious agent? We present some necessary conditions for solving rendezvous in spite of the malicious agent in arbitrary networks. We then focus on the ring and mesh topologies and provide algorithms to solve rendezvous. For ring networks, our algorithms solve rendezvous in all feasible instances of the problem, while we show that rendezvous is impossible for an even number of agents in unoriented rings. For the oriented mesh networks, we prove that the problem can be solved when the honest agents initially form a connected configuration without holes if and only if they can see which are the occupied nodes within a two-hops distance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to study such a powerful and mobile fault model, in the context of mobile agents. Our model lies between the more powerful but static fault model of black holes (which can even destroy the agents), and the less powerful but mobile fault model of Byzantine agents (which can only imitate the honest agents but can neither harm nor stop them)