74 research outputs found

    Current trends in photogrammetry and remote sensing in light of the 22nd isprs congress. Commision I - Image data acquisition – sensors and platforms

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    Na przełomie sierpnia i września 2012 roku odbył się w Melbourne XXII kongres Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Fotogrametrii i Teledetekcji (ang. ISPRS). Na podstawie materiałów konferencyjnych, rozmów oraz obserwacji własnych, zidentyfikowano kierunki rozwoju oraz trendy we współczesnej fotogrametrii i teledetekcji ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem prac komisji I. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie głównych kierunków prac naukowo-badawczych oraz trendów w aspekcie rozwoju technologii wykorzystywanej w fotogrametrii i teledetekcji.The 22nd ISPRS Congress took place in August 2012 in Melbourne. Based on conference materials, conversations and private observations, new trends in photogrammetry and remote sensing were identified as well as a number of areas, which are worth developing especially within the works of the 1st Commission. The purpose of this article is to present the main research areas and trends in terms of technologies used in photogrammetry and remote sensing

    Engineering geological maps in Poland

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    W Polsce istnieją mapy geologiczno-inżynierskie wykonane w różnych skalach, od 1:1 000 000 do 1:10 000 i większych. Właściwe, o odpowiedniej dokładności mapy geologiczno-inżynierskie zaczynają się od skali 1:10 000. Takich map brakuje dla całego obszaru Polski. W pracy zostały przeanalizowane wszystkie mapy i atlasy geologiczno-inżynierskie oraz mapy związane z ocenami gruntów jako podłoża budowlanego. Wskazano przykładowe, wykonane w sposób nowoczesny (cyfrowy) mapy warunków geologiczno-inżynierskich w skali 1:10 000.The Polish engineering-geological maps are being compiled on scales varying from 1:1 000 000 to 1:10 000 and larger. The proper scale for adequate engineering-geological maps starts with 1:10 000. However, such maps are lacking for the entire Polish territory. In this paper, all engineering-geological maps and atlases as well as maps related to soil evaluation for engineering-geological purposes have been reviewed. Examples are given of modern (digital) presentations on 1:10 000 scale showing engineering-geological conditions

    Overconsolidation and microstructures in Neogene clays from the Warsaw area

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    The main objective of the study was determine the loading history and establish the current state of consolidation of Neogene clays, to study their lithological and microstructural properties, and to define their geological-engineering properties. To accomplish this task, series of laboratory and field tests were performed. The tests were made on clays taken from pits excavated for underground stations and tunnels (A-14-A-15) in Warsaw and from 2 borehole cores taken from the Stegny experimental field. The tests showed that: the clays are historically overconsolidated with an OCR ratio of 25-50 and their current state of preconsolidation is OCR = 2-14; their range of clay microstructures, observed for the first time, are matrix-turbulent and turbulent-laminar and there was a clear anisotropy of quantitative parameters of the pore paces, these parameters varying with depth. The engineering-geological characteristics (physical and mechanical properties) of the clays were assessed. The results of the study can be used directly to evaluate the Neogene clays of the Warsaw area for their suitability as a subsoil for engineering projects and indirectly to accomplish the same with other overconsolidated soils, particularly in regard to the study methodologies applied and described

    Zastosowanie fotogrametrii analitycznej i cyfrowej w prognozowaniu powodziowym rzeki Wisły

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    Modern flood forecasting methods are based on the use of detailed and up-to-date numerical maps and Digital Elevation Models (DEM). The largest Polish River, Vistula, floods its valley almost every year. The existing traditional maps in scale 1:10000 are outdated and not suitable for the purpose of flood forecasting.The described mapping project, initiated in Spring 1999, deals with the elaboration of DEM and numerical maps for the 400 km long stretch of upper and middle Vistula river with required accuracy.Black and white aerial photography of the area has been acquired in two scales: 1:17000 for generation of DEM and numerical maps, and in and in scale 1:25 000 for generation of orthophoto maps in two periods: April and September, when the level of water was at its lowest. Signalized GCP’s have been measured in field with GPS methods. Aerial triangulation has been performed on analytical plotter Planicomp P-l Zeiss. Block adjustment has been done with the use PAT-MR- GPS Inpho and BINGO-F softwares with Sigma naught 6 pm. Numerical topographic maps in scale 1:10 000 have been elaborated according to map standards and recorded in DXF format in MicroStation environment. The same aerial photos in scale 1:17 000 were used for production of DEM with 25 meters grid and with accuracy in elevation mh = +/- 0.5 m.Aerial photographs in scale 1:25 000 have been scanned with pixel size 22.5 pm with compression by JPEG. Digital aerial triangulation has been performed on ImageStation INTERGRAPH with Sigma naught 8 pm. Scanned photos and highly accurate DEM have been used for generation of ortophoto - maps in scale 1:10 000, with pixel size in field 1 x 1 m. Additionally, the enlarged aerial photographs have been used for the elaboration of land cover and land use maps in MicroStation environment. All these digital data will be incorporated into GIS, to be used by flood forecasting specialists in Regional Water Management Office in Warsaw. This project have been accomplished by the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and PPKG in Warsaw. MSWiA has awarded this project with 2nd price this year

    Spatial Information Systems And Digital Mapping

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    127 years of engineering geology

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    W roku 2007 minęło 127 lat od wydania pierwszego podręcznika z geologii inżynierskiej. Rok 1880 można uważać zatem za początek geologii inżynierskiej jako nauki. W pracy przedstawiono początki i zakres działalności geologów inżynierskich oraz ich kompetencje w okresie 1880-2007. W historii światowej geologii inżynierskiej wyróżniono dwa zasadnicze okresy: pierwszy do roku 1964, czyli do powstania IAEG (Międzynarodowej Asocjacji Geologii Inżynierskiej i Środowiska), i drugi po roku 1964. IAEG koordynuje współpracę i działalność, natomiast jej statut określa zakres i kompetencje geologów inżynierskich. Przedstawiono początki i rozwój polskiej geologii inżynierskiej na tle światowej geologii inżynierskiej. W końcowej części pracy przeanalizowano raport wspólnej europejskiej roboczej komisji (JEWG) określający pozycję geologii inżynierskiej wśród innych dyscyplin geoinżynierskich i międzynarodowych asocjacji ISSMGE i ISRM. Geologia inżynierska stała się samodzielną naukową dyscypliną o takim samym poziomie hierarchicznym jak mechanika gruntów i mechanika skał.127 years have elapsed in 2007 since the publication of the first manual of engineering geology marking the historical commencements of this discipline. The beginnings, scope, competences and activities of engineering geologists over the years 1880-2007 are discussed. Two basic periods can be distinguished in the history of engineering geology: the first - till 1964 that is till the foundation of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG) and the second one after 1964. The role of IAEG is coordinating and initiating engineering geological activities and its statutes define the scope of competences of engineering geologists. The beginnings and development of Polish engineering geology are discussed against the international engineering geological background. The report of the Joint European Working Group (JEWG) reviewed in the final part of the present paper defines the position of engineering geology among other geoengineering disciplines and such international bodies as ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) and ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics). Over the years engineering geology has become an independent discipline in scientific hierarchy equal to soil and rock mechanics

    Academic engineering geology in Poland

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    Akademicka geologia inżynierska w Polsce została przedstawiona na tle rozwoju 130-letniej historii światowej geologii inżynierskiej. W powojennej Polsce geologia inżynierska została utworzona w latach pięćdziesiątych na Politechnice Gdańskiej, Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej i Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Obecnie dyplom z geologii inżynierskiej można uzyskać tylko na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, natomiast z hydrogeologii i geologii inżynierskiej na AGH i Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Geolodzy z dyplomem magistra geologii inżynierskiej lub magistra (inżyniera) hydrogeologii i geologii inżynierskiej w stosunku do całej grupy zawodowej geologów nie przekraczają 10%. Zakres działalności akademickiej geologii inżynierskiej w Polsce przedstawiono przede wszystkim na przykładzie Zakładu Geologii Inżynierskiej Wydziału Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.This paper is a revision of academic engineering geology in Poland presented against the background of the 130 year worldwide history of this discipline. In post-war Poland the engineering geology has been first taught in the fifties of the twentieth century at Technical University in Gdańsk, Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Cracow and at Warsaw University. Nowadays, a degree in engineering geology can only be obtained exclusively at Warsaw University, whereas graduates from Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow and from University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań specialize in both: engineering geology and hydrogeology. The number of geologists (M.Sc. and Eng.) specializing in engineering geology and both engineering geology and hydrogeology does not exceed 10% of the professional geologists group. The scope of the activity of academic engineering geology in Poland has been described mainly with reference to the accomplishments of the Department of Engineering Geology, Warsaw University