7,340 research outputs found

    H-alpha observations of the gamma-ray-emitting Be/X-ray binary LSI+61303: orbital modulation, disk truncation, and long-term variability

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    We report 138 spectral observations of the H-alpha emission line of the radio- and gamma-ray-emitting Be/X-ray binary LSI+61303 obtained during the period of September 1998 -- January 2013. From measuring various H-alpha parameters, we found that the orbital modulation of the H-alpha is best visible in the equivalent width ratio EW(B)/EW(R), the equivalent width of the blue hump, and in the radial velocity of the central dip. The periodogram analysis confirmed that the H-alpha emission is modulated with the orbital and superorbital periods. For the past 20 years the radius of the circumstellar disk is similar to the Roche lobe size at the periastron. It is probably truncated by a 6:1 resonance. The orbital maximum of the equivalent width of H-alpha emission peaks after the periastron and coincides on average with the X-ray and gamma-ray maxima. All the spectra are available upon request from the authors and through the CDS.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    15 years of VLBI observations of two compact radio sources in Messier 82

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    We present the results of a second epoch of 18cm global Very Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations, taken on 23 February 2001, of the central kiloparsec of the nearby starburst galaxy Messier 82. These observations further investigate the structural and flux evolution of the most compact radio sources in the central region of M82. The two most compact radio objects in M82 have been investigated (41.95+575 and 43.31+592). Using this recent epoch of data in comparison with our previous global VLBI observations and two earlier epochs of European VLBI Network observations we measure expansion velocities in the range of 1500-2000km/s for 41.95+575, and 9000-11000km/s for 43.31+592 using various independent methods. In each case the measured remnant expansion velocities are significantly larger than the canonical expansion velocity (500km/s) of supernova remnants within M82 predicted from theoretical models. In this paper we discuss the implications of these measured expansion velocities with respect to the high density environment that the SNR are expected to reside in within the centre of the M82 starburst.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 9 pages, 8 figure

    Sex-partitioning of the <i>Plasmodium falciparum</i> stage V gametocyte proteome provides insight into <i>falciparum</i>-specific cell biology

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    One of the critical gaps in malaria transmission biology and surveillance is our lack of knowledge about Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte biology, especially sexual dimorphic development and how sex ratios that may influence transmission from the human to the mosquito. Dissecting this process has been hampered by the lack of sex-specific protein markers for the circulating, mature stage V gametocytes. The current evidence suggests a high degree of conservation in gametocyte gene complement across Plasmodium, and therefore presumably for sex-specific genes as well. To better our understanding of gametocyte development and subsequent infectiousness to mosquitoes, we undertook a Systematic Subtractive Bioinformatic analysis (filtering) approach to identify sex-specific P. falciparum NF54 protein markers based on a comparison with the Dd2 strain, which is defective in producing males, and with syntenic male and female proteins from the reanalyzed and updated P. berghei (related rodent malaria parasite) gametocyte proteomes. This produced a short list of 174 male- and 258 female-enriched P. falciparum stage V proteins, some of which appear to be under strong diversifying selection, suggesting ongoing adaptation to mosquito vector species. We generated antibodies against three putative female-specific gametocyte stage V proteins in P. falciparum and confirmed either conserved sex-specificity or the lack of cross-species sex-partitioning. Finally, our study provides not only an additional resource for mass spectrometry-derived evidence for gametocyte proteins but also lays down the foundation for rational screening and development of novel sex-partitioned protein biomarkers and transmission-blocking vaccine candidates

    Pre-outburst signal in the light curves of the recurrent novae RS Oph and T CrB

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    Pre-outburst signal (a decrease of the optical brightness) just before the outburst is clearly detected in the observations of the T CrB obtained before and during the 1946 outburst. A similar decrease is also visible in the light curve of RS Oph during the 2021 outburst. We suppose that this is due to formation of a thick, dense envelope around the white dwarf, and we estimate its size (1000 - 2000 km), mass (5.108^{-8} - 6.107^{-7} M_\odot) and average density (5 - 16 g cm3^{-3}).Comment: preliminary versio

    Hysteresis of spectral evolution in the soft state of black-hole binary LMC X-3

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    We report the discovery of hysteresis between the x-ray spectrum and luminosity of black-hole binary LMC X-3. Our observations, with the Proportional Counter Array on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, took place entirely within the soft spectral state, dominated by a spectral component that was fitted well with a multicolor disk blackbody. A power-law component was seen only during times when the luminosity of the disk blackbody was declining. The x-ray luminosity at these times was comparable to that seen in transient systems (x-ray novae) when they return to the hard state at the end of an outburst. Our observations may represent partial transitions to the hard state; complete transitions have been seen in this system by Wilms et al. (2001). If they are related to the soft-to-hard transition in transients, then they demonstrate that hysteresis effects can appear without a full state transition. We discuss these observations in the context of earlier observations of hysteresis within the hard state of binaries 1E 1740.7-2942 and GRS 1758-258 and in relation to published explanations of hysteresis in transients.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiments: an example of successful ecological research collaboration

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    Collaboration is an essential skill for modern ecologists because it brings together diverse expertise, viewpoints, and study systems. The Lotic Intersite Nitrogen eXperiments (LINX I and II), a 17-y research endeavor involving scores of early- to late-career stream ecologists, is an example of the benefits, challenges, and approaches of successful collaborative research in ecology. The scientific success of LINX reflected tangible attributes including clear scientific goals (hypothesis-driven research), coordinated research methods, a team of cooperative scientists, excellent leadership, extensive communication, and a philosophy of respect for input from all collaborators. Intangible aspects of the collaboration included camaraderie and strong team chemistry. LINX further benefited from being part of a discipline in which collaboration is a tradition, clear data-sharing and authorship guidelines, an approach that melded field experiments and modeling, and a shared collaborative goal in the form of a universal commitment to see the project and resulting data products through to completion

    Supernova Hosts for Gamma-Ray Burst Jets: Dynamical Constraints

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    I constrain a possible supernova origin for gamma-ray bursts by modeling the dynamical interaction between a relativistic jet and a stellar envelope surrounding it. The delay in observer's time introduced by the jet traversing the envelope should not be long compared to the duration of gamma-ray emission; also, the jet should not be swallowed by a spherical explosion it powers. The only stellar progenitors that comfortably satisfy these constraints, if one assumes that jets move ballistically within their host stars, are compact carbon-oxygen or helium post-Wolf-Rayet stars (type Ic or Ib supernovae); type II supernovae are ruled out. Notably, very massive stars do not appear capable of producing the observed bursts at any redshift unless the stellar envelope is stripped prior to collapse. The presence of a dense stellar wind places an upper limit on the Lorentz factor of the jet in the internal shock model; however, this constraint may be evaded if the wind is swept forward by a photon precursor. Shock breakout and cocoon blowout are considered individually; neither presents a likely source of precursors for cosmological GRBs. These envelope constraints could conceivably be circumvented if jets are laterally pressure-confined while traversing the outer stellar envelope. If so, jets responsible for observed GRBs must either have been launched from a region several hundred kilometers wide, or have mixed with envelope material as they travel. A phase of pressure confinement and mixing would imprint correlations among jets that may explain observed GRB variability-luminosity and lag-luminosity correlations.Comment: 17 pages, MNRAS, accepted. Contains new analysis of pressure-confined jets, of jets that experience oblique shocks or mix with their cocoons, and of cocoons after breakou

    Very High Mach Number Electrostatic Shocks in Collisionless Plasmas

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    The kinetic theory of collisionless electrostatic shocks resulting from the collision of plasma slabs with different temperatures and densities is presented. The theoretical results are confirmed by self-consistent particle-in-cell simulations, revealing the formation and stable propagation of electrostatic shocks with very high Mach numbers (M10M \gg 10), well above the predictions of the classical theories for electrostatic shocks.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let