2,573 research outputs found

    Observation of particle hole asymmetry and phonon excitations in non-Fermi liquid systems: A high-resolution photoemission study of ruthenates

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    We investigate the temperature evolution of the electronic states in the vicinity of the Fermi level of a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) system, CaRuO3 using ultra high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy; isostructural SrRuO3 exhibiting Fermi liquid behavior despite similar electron interaction parameters as that of CaRuO3, is used as a reference. High-energy resolution in this study helps to reveal particle-hole asymmetry in the excitation spectra of CaRuO3 in contrast to that in SrRuO3. In addition, we observe signature of phonon excitations in the photoemission spectra of CaRuO3 at finite temperatures while these are weak in SrRuO3.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure

    Band Structure of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    The eigenstates of interacting electrons in the fractional quantum Hall phase typically form fairly well defined bands in the energy space. We show that the composite fermion theory gives insight into the origin of these bands and provides an accurate and complete microscopic description of the strongly correlated many-body states in the low-energy bands. Thus, somewhat like in Landau's fermi liquid theory, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the low energy Hilbert space of strongly interacting electrons in the fractinal quantum Hall regime and that of weakly interacting electrons in the integer quantum Hall regime.Comment: 10 page

    Incompressible paired Hall state, stripe order and the composite fermion liquid phase in half-filled Landau levels

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    We consider the two lowest Landau levels at half filling. In the higher Landau level (nu =5/2), we find a first order phase transition separating a compressible striped phase from a paired quantum Hall state, which is identified as the Moore-Read state. The critical point is very near the Coulomb potential and the transition can be driven by increasing the width of the electron layer. We find a much weaker transition (either second order or a crossover) from pairing to the composite fermion Fermi liquid behavior. A very similar picture is obtained for the lowest Landau level but the transition point is not near the Coulomb potential.Comment: Replaced with the published version which has a new title and some other chage

    Frustrated antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains for spin length S > 1

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    We investigate frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg quantum spin chains at T=0 for S=3/2 and S=2 using the DMRG method. We localize disorder and Lifshitz points, confirming that quantum disorder points can be seen as quantum remnants of classical phase transitions. Both in the S=3/2 and the S=2 chain, we observe the disappearance of effectively free S=1/2 and S=1 end spins respectively. The frustrated spin chain is therefore a suitable system for clearly showing the existence of free end spins S'=[S/2] also in half-integer antiferromagnetic spin chains with S>1/2. We suggest that the first order transition found for S=1 in our previous work is present in all frustrated spin chains with S>1/2, characterized by the disappearance of effectively free end spins with S'=[S/2].Comment: 6 pages, 8 ps figures, uses RevTeX, submitted to PR

    Wigner Crystallization of a two dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field: single electrons versus electron pairs at the lattice sites

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    The ground state energy and the lowest excitations of a two dimensional Wigner crystal in a perpendicular magnetic field with one and two electrons per cell is investigated. In case of two electrons per lattice site, the interaction of the electrons {\em within} each cell is taken into account exactly (including exchange and correlation effects), and the interaction {\em between} the cells is in second order (dipole) van der Waals approximation. No further approximations are made, in particular Landau level mixing and {\em in}complete spin polarization are accounted for. Therefore, our calculation comprises a, roughly speaking, complementary description of the bubble phase (in the special case of one and two electrons per bubble), which was proposed by Koulakov, Fogler and Shklovskii on the basis of a Hartree Fock calculation. The phase diagram shows that in GaAs the paired phase is energetically more favorable than the single electron phase for, roughly speaking, filling factor ff larger than 0.3 and density parameter rsr_s smaller than 19 effective Bohr radii (for a more precise statement see Fig.s 4 and 5). If we start within the paired phase and increase magnetic field or decrease density, the pairs first undergo some singlet- triplet transitions before they break.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Exact Dynamical Correlation Functions of Calogero-Sutherland Model and One-Dimensional Fractional Statistics

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    One-dimensional model of non-relativistic particles with inverse-square interaction potential known as Calogero-Sutherland Model (CSM) is shown to possess fractional statistics. Using the theory of Jack symmetric polynomial the exact dynamical density-density correlation function and the one-particle Green's function (hole propagator) at any rational interaction coupling constant λ=p/q\lambda = p/q are obtained and used to show clear evidences of the fractional statistics. Motifs representing the eigenstates of the model are also constructed and used to reveal the fractional {\it exclusion} statistics (in the sense of Haldane's ``Generalized Pauli Exclusion Principle''). This model is also endowed with a natural {\it exchange } statistics (1D analog of 2D braiding statistics) compatible with the {\it exclusion} statistics. (Submitted to PRL on April 18, 1994)Comment: Revtex 11 pages, IASSNS-HEP-94/27 (April 18, 1994

    Quantum numbers for relative ground states of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    We suggest a general rule for the shift quantum numbers k of the relative ground states of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings. This rule generalizes well-known results of Marshall, Peierls, Lieb, Schultz, and Mattis for even rings. Our rule is confirmed by numerical investigations and rigorous proofs for special cases, including systems with a Haldane gap. Implications for the total spin quantum number S of relative ground states are discussed as well as generalizations to the XXZ model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. More information at http://www.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/makrosysteme

    Band mass anisotropy and the intrinsic metric of fractional quantum Hall systems

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    It was recently pointed out that topological liquid phases arising in the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) are not required to be rotationally invariant, as most variational wavefunctions proposed to date have been. Instead, they possess a geometric degree of freedom corresponding to a shear deformation that acts like an intrinsic metric. We apply this idea to a system with an anisotropic band mass, as is intrinsically the case in many-valley semiconductors such as AlAs and Si, or in isotropic systems like GaAs in the presence of a tilted magnetic field, which breaks the rotational invariance. We perform exact diagonalization calculations with periodic boundary conditions (torus geometry) for various filling fractions in the lowest, first and second Landau levels. In the lowest Landau level, we demonstrate that FQHE states generally survive the breakdown of rotational invariance by moderate values of the band mass anisotropy. At 1/3 filling, we generate a variational family of Laughlin wavefunctions parametrized by the metric degree of freedom. We show that the intrinsic metric of the Laughlin state adjusts as the band mass anisotropy or the dielectric tensor are varied, while the phase remains robust. In the n=1 Landau level, mass anisotropy drives transitions between incompressible liquids and compressible states with charge density wave ordering. In n>=2 Landau levels, mass anisotropy selects and enhances stripe ordering with compatible wave vectors at partial 1/3 and 1/2 fillings.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Ladder with Antiferromagnetic Legs and Ferromagnetic Rungs

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    The ground state and low lying excitation of the spin 1/2 Heisenberg ladder with antiferromagnetic leg (JJ) and ferromagnetic rung (λJ,λ>0-\lambda J, \lambda >0) interaction is studied by means of the density matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the state remains in the Haldane phase even for small λ0.02\lambda \sim 0.02 suggesting the continuous transition to the gapless phase at λ=0\lambda = 0. The critical behavior for small λ\lambda is studied by the finite size scaling analysis. The result is consistent with the recent field theoretical prediction.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, figures upon reques

    Stability and effective masses of composite-fermions in the first and second Landau Level

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    We propose a measure of the stability of composite fermions (CF's) at even-denominator Landau-level filling fractions. Assuming Landau-level mixing effects are not strong, we show that the CF liquid at ν=2+1/2\nu=2+1/2 in the n=1n=1 Landau level cannot exist and relate this to the absence of a hierarchy of incompressible states for filling fractions 2+1/3<ν<2+2/32+1/3 < \nu < 2+2/3. We find that a polarized CF liquid should exist at ν=2+1/4\nu=2+1/4. We also show that, for CF states, the variation with system size of the ground state energy of interacting electrons follows that for non-interacting particles in zero magnetic field. We use this to estimate the CF effective masses.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, PSIZ-TP-940