6,327 research outputs found

    Constraints on DD Dimensional Warped Spaces

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    In order to investigate the phenomenological implications of allowing gauge fields to propagate in warped spaces of more than five dimensions, we consider a toy model of a space warped by the presence of a anisotropic bulk cosmological constant. After solving the Einstein equation, three classes of solutions are found, those in which the additional (D>5D>5) dimensions are growing, shrinking or remaining constant. It is found that gauge fields propagating in these spaces have a significantly different Kaluza Klein (KK) mass spectrum and couplings from that of the Randall and Sundrum model. This leads to a greatly reduced lower bound on the KK scale, arising from electroweak constraints, for spaces growing towards the IR brane.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures PASCOS2010 International Symposium proceedin

    Dynamical density functional theory for dense atomic liquids

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    Starting from Newton's equations of motion, we derive a dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) applicable to atomic liquids. The theory has the feature that it requires as input the Helmholtz free energy functional from equilibrium density functional theory. This means that, given a reliable equilibrium free energy functional, the correct equilibrium fluid density profile is guaranteed. We show that when the isothermal compressibility is small, the DDFT generates the correct value for the speed of sound in a dense liquid. We also interpret the theory as a dynamical equation for a coarse grained fluid density and show that the theory can be used (making further approximations) to derive the standard mode coupling theory that is used to describe the glass transition. The present theory should provide a useful starting point for describing the dynamics of inhomogeneous atomic fluids.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Mean-field dynamical density functional theory

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    We examine the out-of-equilibrium dynamical evolution of density profiles of ultrasoft particles under time-varying external confining potentials in three spatial dimensions. The theoretical formalism employed is the dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) of Marini Bettolo Marconi and Tarazona [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 110}, 8032 (1999)], supplied by an equilibrium excess free energy functional that is essentially exact. We complement our theoretical analysis by carrying out extensive Brownian Dynamics simulations. We find excellent agreement between theory and simulations for the whole time evolution of density profiles, demonstrating thereby the validity of the DDFT when an accurate equilibrium free energy functional is employed.Comment: 8 pagers, 4 figure

    Intrinsic point defects and volume swelling in ZrSiO4 under irradiation

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    The effects of high concentration of point defects in crystalline ZrSiO4 as originated by exposure to radiation, have been simulated using first principles density functional calculations. Structural relaxation and vibrational studies were performed for a catalogue of intrinsic point defects, with different charge states and concentrations. The experimental evidence of a large anisotropic volume swelling in natural and artificially irradiated samples is used to select the subset of defects that give similar lattice swelling for the concentrations studied, namely interstitials of O and Si, and the anti-site Zr(Si), Calculated vibrational spectra for the interstitials show additional evidence for the presence of high concentrations of some of these defects in irradiated zircon.Comment: 9 pages, 7 (color) figure

    Screening for hydroxynitrile lyase activity in non-commercialised plants

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    AbstractHydroxynitrile lyases are used for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure cyanohydrins which are of great importance in the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries. In this study, the hydroxynitrile lyase activity of 100 plants from 40 families was investigated, first by screening for cyanogenic activity, followed by a hydroxynitrile lyase activity assay. Of the 100 plants, four were found to be cyanogenic and exhibited specific hydroxynitrile lyase activity: Adenia sp. (0.44U/mg), Adenia firingalavensis (2.88U/mg), Adenia fruticosa (1.99U/mg) and, Adenia pechuelii (2.35U/mg), all from the family Passifloraceae. This is the first report of hydroxynitrile lyase activity in these plants

    Phase separation in fluids exposed to spatially periodic external fields

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    We consider the liquid-vapor type phase transition for fluids confined within spatially periodic external fields. For a fluid in d=3 dimensions, the periodic field induces an additional phase, characterized by large density modulations along the field direction. At the triple point, all three phases (modulated, vapor, and liquid) coexist. At temperatures slightly above the triple point and for low (high) values of the chemical potential, two-phase coexistence between the modulated phase and the vapor (liquid) is observed. We study this phenomenon using computer simulations and mean-field theory for the Ising model. The theory shows that, in order for the modulated phase to arise, the field wavelength must exceed a threshold value. We also find an extremely low tension of the interface between the modulated phase and the vapor/liquid phases. The tension is of the order 10^{-4} kB T per squared lattice spacing, where kB is the Boltzmann constant, and T the temperature. In order to detect such low tensions, a new simulation method is proposed. We also consider the case of d=2 dimensions. The modulated phase then does not survive, leading to a radically different phase diagram.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Provision of ecosystem services by human-made structures in a highly impacted estuary

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    Water filtration is one of the most important ecosystem services provided by sessile organisms in coastal ecosystems. As a consequence of increased coastal development, human-made shoreline structures (e.g., docks and bulkheads) are now common, providing extensive surface area for colonization by filter feeders. We estimate that in a highly urbanized sub-tropical estuary, water filtration capacity supported by filter feeding assemblages on dock pilings accounts for 11.7 million liters of water h−1, or ~30% of the filtration provided by all natural oyster reef throughout the estuary. Assemblage composition, and thus filtration capacity, varied as a function of piling type, suggesting that the choice of building material has critical implications for ecosystem function. A more thorough depiction of the function of coastal ecosystems necessitates quantification of the extensive ecosystem services associated with human-made structures

    The oldest fossil record of bandicoots (Marsupialia; Peramelemorphia) from the late Oligocene of Australia

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    Two new late Oligocene representatives of the marsupial order Peramelemorphia (bandicoots and bilbies) from the Etadunna Formation of South Australia are described here. Bulungu muirheadae sp. nov., from Zone B (Ditjimanka Local Fauna [LF]), is represented by several dentaries and isolated upper and lower molars. Bulungu campbelli sp. nov., from Zone C (Ngapakaldi LF), is represented by a single dentary and maxilla. Together, they represent the oldest fossil bandicoots described to date. Both are small (estimated body mass o

    Dynamical density functional theory for interacting Brownian particles: stochastic or deterministic?

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    We aim to clarify confusions in the literature as to whether or not dynamical density functional theories for the one-body density of a classical Brownian fluid should contain a stochastic noise term. We point out that a stochastic as well as a deterministic equation of motion for the density distribution can be justified, depending on how the fluid one-body density is defined -- i.e. whether it is an ensemble averaged density distribution or a spatially and/or temporally coarse grained density distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, to be submitted to Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Examining the effectiveness of technology use in classrooms: A tertiary meta-analysis

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    Identifying effective literacy instruction programs has been a focal point for governments, educators and parents over the last few decades (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2004, 2006; Council of Ontario Directors of Education, 2011). Given the increasing use of computer technologies in the classroom and in the home, a variety of information communication technology (ICT) interventions for learning have been introduced. Meta-analyses comparing the impact of these programs on learning, however, have yielded inconsistent findings (Andrews, Freeman, Hou, McGuinn, Robinson, & Zhu, 2007; Slavin, Cheung, Groff, & Lake, 2008; Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung, & Davis, 2009; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003). The present tertiary meta-analytic review re-assesses outcomes presented in three previous meta-analyses. Four moderator variables assessed the impact of the systematic review from which they were retrieved, training and support, implementation fidelity and who delivered the intervention (teacher versus researcher). Significant results were found when training and support was entered as a moderator variable with the small overall effectiveness of the ICTs (ES = 0.18), similar to those found in previous research, increasing significantly (ES = 0.57). These findings indicate the importance of including implementation factors such as training and support, when considering the relative effectiveness of ICT interventions