1,462,822 research outputs found

    On localization properties of Fourier transforms of hyperfunctions

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    In [Adv. Math. 196 (2005) 310-345] the author introduced a new generalized function space U(Rk)\mathcal U(R^k) which can be naturally interpreted as the Fourier transform of the space of Sato's hyperfunctions on RkR^k. It was shown that all Gelfand--Shilov spaces Sα′0(Rk)S^{\prime 0}_\alpha(R^k) (α>1\alpha>1) of analytic functionals are canonically embedded in U(Rk)\mathcal U(R^k). While the usual definition of support of a generalized function is inapplicable to elements of Sα′0(Rk)S^{\prime 0}_\alpha(R^k) and U(Rk)\mathcal U(R^k), their localization properties can be consistently described using the concept of {\it carrier cone} introduced by Soloviev [Lett. Math. Phys. 33 (1995) 49-59; Comm. Math. Phys. 184 (1997) 579-596]. In this paper, the relation between carrier cones of elements of Sα′0(Rk)S^{\prime 0}_\alpha(R^k) and U(Rk)\mathcal U(R^k) is studied. It is proved that an analytic functional u∈Sα′0(Rk)u\in S^{\prime 0}_\alpha(R^k) is carried by a cone K⊂RkK\subset R^k if and only if its canonical image in U(Rk)\mathcal U(R^k) is carried by KK.Comment: 21 pages, final version, accepted for publication in J. Math. Anal. App

    R(K(∗))R({K^{(*)}}) from dark matter exchange

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    Hints of lepton flavor violation have been observed by LHCb in the rate of the decay B→Kμ+μ−B\to K\mu^+\mu^- relative to that of B→Ke+e−B\to K e^+e^-. This can be explained by new scalars and fermions which couple to standard model particles and contribute to these processes at loop level. We explore a simple model of this kind, in which one of the new fermions is a dark matter candidate, while the other is a heavy vector-like quark and the scalar is an inert Higgs doublet. We explore the constraints on this model from flavor observables, dark matter direct detection, and LHC run II searches, and find that, while currently viable, this scenario will be directly tested by future results from all three probes.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures; v2: added references, changed to Majorana dark matter, direct detection constraints weakened; v3: added references, lepton flavor constraints weakened by including crossed box diagrams in fig. 1; published versio

    CSD: Discriminance with Conic Section for Improving Reverse k Nearest Neighbors Queries

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    The reverse kk nearest neighbor (RkkNN) query finds all points that have the query point as one of their kk nearest neighbors (kkNN), where the kkNN query finds the kk closest points to its query point. Based on the characteristics of conic section, we propose a discriminance, named CSD (Conic Section Discriminance), to determine points whether belong to the RkkNN set without issuing any queries with non-constant computational complexity. By using CSD, we also implement an efficient RkkNN algorithm CSD-RkkNN with a computational complexity at O(k1.5⋅log k)O(k^{1.5}\cdot log\,k). The comparative experiments are conducted between CSD-RkkNN and other two state-of-the-art RkNN algorithms, SLICE and VR-RkkNN. The experimental results indicate that the efficiency of CSD-RkkNN is significantly higher than its competitors

    Some aspects of (r,k)-parking functions

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    An \emph{(r,k)(r,k)-parking function} of length nn may be defined as a sequence (a1,…,an)(a_1,\dots,a_n) of positive integers whose increasing rearrangement b1≤⋯≤bnb_1\leq\cdots\leq b_n satisfies bi≤k+(i−1)rb_i\leq k+(i-1)r. The case r=k=1r=k=1 corresponds to ordinary parking functions. We develop numerous properties of (r,k)(r,k)-parking functions. In particular, if Fn(r,k)F_n^{(r,k)} denotes the Frobenius characteristic of the action of the symmetric group Sn\mathfrak{S}_n on the set of all (r,k)(r,k)-parking functions of length nn, then we find a combinatorial interpretation of the coefficients of the power series (∑n≥0Fn(r,1)tn)k\left( \sum_{n\geq 0}F_n^{(r,1)}t^n\right)^k for any k∈Zk\in \mathbb{Z}. When k>0k>0, this power series is just ∑n≥0Fn(r,k)tn\sum_{n\geq 0} F_n^{(r,k)} t^n; when k<0k<0, we obtain a dual to (r,k)(r,k)-parking functions. We also give a qq-analogue of this result. For fixed rr, we can use the symmetric functions Fn(r,1)F_n^{(r,1)} to define a multiplicative basis for the ring Λ\Lambda of symmetric functions. We investigate some of the properties of this basis

    Krivine schemes are optimal

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    It is shown that for every k∈Nk\in \N there exists a Borel probability measure μ\mu on {−1,1}Rk×{−1,1}Rk\{-1,1\}^{\R^{k}}\times \{-1,1\}^{\R^{k}} such that for every m,n∈Nm,n\in \N and x1,...,xm,y1,...,yn∈Sm+n−1x_1,..., x_m,y_1,...,y_n\in S^{m+n-1} there exist x1′,...,xm′,y1′,...,yn′∈Sm+n−1x_1',...,x_m',y_1',...,y_n'\in S^{m+n-1} such that if G:Rm+n→RkG:\R^{m+n}\to \R^k is a random k×(m+n)k\times (m+n) matrix whose entries are i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variables then for all (i,j)∈1,...,m×1,...,n(i,j)\in {1,...,m}\times {1,...,n} we have \E_G[\int_{{-1,1}^{\R^{k}}\times {-1,1}^{\R^{k}}}f(Gx_i')g(Gy_j')d\mu(f,g)]=\frac{}{(1+C/k)K_G}, where KGK_G is the real Grothendieck constant and C∈(0,∞)C\in (0,\infty) is a universal constant. This establishes that Krivine's rounding method yields an arbitrarily good approximation of KGK_G

    Efficient Simulation for Branching Linear Recursions

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    We consider a linear recursion of the form R(k+1)=D∑i=1NCiRi(k)+Q,R^{(k+1)}\stackrel{\mathcal D}{=}\sum_{i=1}^{N}C_iR^{(k)}_i+Q, where (Q,N,C1,C2,… )(Q,N,C_1,C_2,\dots) is a real-valued random vector with N∈N={0,1,2,… }N\in\mathbb{N}=\{0, 1, 2, \dots\}, {Ri(k)}i∈N\{R^{(k)}_i\}_{i\in\mathbb{N}} is a sequence of i.i.d. copies of R(k)R^{(k)}, independent of (Q,N,C1,C2,… )(Q,N,C_1,C_2,\dots), and =D\stackrel{\mathcal{D}}{=} denotes equality in distribution. For suitable vectors (Q,N,C1,C2,… )(Q,N,C_1,C_2,\dots) and provided the initial distribution of R(0)R^{(0)} is well-behaved, the process R(k)R^{(k)} is known to converge to the endogenous solution of the corresponding stochastic fixed-point equation, which appears in the analysis of information ranking algorithms, e.g., PageRank, and in the complexity analysis of divide and conquer algorithms, e.g. Quicksort. Naive Monte Carlo simulation of R(k)R^{(k)} based on the branching recursion has exponential complexity in kk, and therefore the need for efficient methods. We propose in this paper an iterative bootstrap algorithm that has linear complexity and can be used to approximately sample R(k)R^{(k)}. We show the consistency of estimators based on our proposed algorithm.Comment: submitted to WSC 201

    Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for hyperbolic systems and kinetic equations in the diffusion limit

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    We consider Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta (R-K) schemes for hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation in the so-called diffusion limit. In such regime the system relaxes towards a convection-diffusion equation. The first objective of the paper is to show that traditional partitioned IMEX R-K schemes will relax to an explicit scheme for the limit equation with no need of modification of the original system. Of course the explicit scheme obtained in the limit suffers from the classical parabolic stability restriction on the time step. The main goal of the paper is to present an approach, based on IMEX R-K schemes, that in the diffusion limit relaxes to an IMEX R-K scheme for the convection-diffusion equation, in which the diffusion is treated implicitly. This is achieved by an original reformulation of the problem, and subsequent application of IMEX R-K schemes to it. An analysis on such schemes to the reformulated problem shows that the schemes reduce to IMEX R-K schemes for the limit equation, under the same conditions derived for hyperbolic relaxation. Several numerical examples including neutron transport equations confirm the theoretical analysis
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