840 research outputs found

    Buffering negative news: Individual-level effects of company visibility, tone, and pre-existing attitudes on corporate reputation

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    Building on the agenda-setting theory, this study investigates the effect of corporations’ visibility and tone in news coverage on reputation. More specifically, we examine the buffering role that prior reputation may have for the potential damaging impact of news coverage. Providing a stringent test of causality, data from an automated content analysis of Dutch online and print newspaper coverage (N = 5,235 articles) were linked to individual responses from a three-wave panel survey (N = 3,270 respondents) with repeated measurements of corporate reputation (12 organizations). The analyses show that mere exposure to corporations negatively affects reputation, whereas tone has a positive effect on reputation. It is furthermore shown that the effect of negative news is three times larger than the effect of positive news. Finally, in accordance with research on buffering effects of corporate reputation, we demonstrate that negative news is less influential for people holding more positive existing reputational attitudes

    Numerical Stability and Accuracy of Temporally Coupled Multi-Physics Modules in Wind Turbine CAE Tools

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    In this paper we examine the stability and accuracy of numerical algorithms for coupling time-dependent multi-physics modules relevant to computer-aided engineering (CAE) of wind turbines. This work is motivated by an in-progress major revision of FAST, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) premier aero-elastic CAE simulation tool. We employ two simple examples as test systems, while algorithm descriptions are kept general. Coupled-system governing equations are framed in monolithic and partitioned representations as differential-algebraic equations. Explicit and implicit loose partition coupling is examined. In explicit coupling, partitions are advanced in time from known information. In implicit coupling, there is dependence on other-partition data at the next time step; coupling is accomplished through a predictor-corrector (PC) approach. Numerical time integration of coupled ordinary-differential equations (ODEs) is accomplished with one of three, fourth-order fixed-time-increment methods: Runge-Kutta (RK), Adams-Bashforth (AB), and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton (ABM). Through numerical experiments it is shown that explicit coupling can be dramatically less stable and less accurate than simulations performed with the monolithic system. However, PC implicit coupling restored stability and fourth-order accuracy for ABM; only second-order accuracy was achieved with RK integration. For systems without constraints, explicit time integration with AB and explicit loose coupling exhibited desired accuracy and stability

    Density-functional study of the evolution of the electronic structure of oligomers of thiophene:Towards a model Hamiltonian

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    We present density-functional and time-dependent density-functional studies of the ground, ionic, and excited states of a series of oligomers of thiophene. We show that, for the physical properties, the most relevant highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals develop gradually from monomer molecular orbitals into occupied and unoccupied broad bands in the large length limit. We show that band gap and ionization potentials decrease with size, as found experimentally and from empirical calculations. This gives credence to a simple tight-binding model Hamiltonian approach to these systems. We demonstrate that the length dependence of the experimental excitation spectra for both singlet and triplet excitations can be very well explained with an extended Hubbard-like Hamiltonian, with a monomer on-site Coulomb and exchange interaction and a nearest-neighbor Coulomb interaction. We also study the ground and excited-state electronic structures as functions of the torsion angle between the units in a dimer, and find almost equal stabilities for the transoid and cisoid isomers, with a transition energy barrier for isomerization of only 4.3 kcal/mol. Fluctuations in the torsion angle turn out to be very low in energy, and therefore of great importance in describing even the room-temperature properties. At a torsion angle of 90° the hopping integral is switched off for the highest occupied molecular orbital levels because of symmetry, allowing a first-principles estimate of the on-site interaction minus the next-neighbor Coulomb interaction as it enters in a Hubbard-like model Hamiltonian

    Improved filtering methods to suppress cardiovascular contamination in electrical impedance tomography recordings

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    Objective. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) produces clinical useful visualization of the distribution of ventilation inside the lungs. The accuracy of EIT-derived parameters can be compromised by the cardiovascular signal. Removal of these artefacts is challenging due to spectral overlapping of the ventilatory and cardiovascular signal components and their time-varying frequencies. We designed and evaluated advanced filtering techniques and hypothesized that these would outperform traditional low-pass filters. Approach. Three filter techniques were developed and compared against traditional low-pass filtering: multiple digital notch filtering (MDN), empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT). The performance of the filtering techniques was evaluated (1) in the time domain (2) in the frequency domain (3) by visual inspection. We evaluated the performance using simulated contaminated EIT data and data from 15 adult and neonatal intensive care unit patients. Main result. Each filter technique exhibited varying degrees of effectiveness and limitations. Quality measures in the time domain showed the best performance for MDN filtering. The signal to noise ratio was best for DLP, but at the cost of a high relative and removal error. MDN outbalanced the performance resulting in a good SNR with a low relative and removal error. MDN, EMD and MODWT performed similar in the frequency domain and were successful in removing the high frequency components of the data. Significance. Advanced filtering techniques have benefits compared to traditional filters but are not always better. MDN filtering outperformed EMD and MODWT regarding quality measures in the time domain. This study emphasizes the need for careful consideration when choosing a filtering approach, depending on the dataset and the clinical/research question.</p

    Rapid spatio-temporal flood modelling via hydraulics-based graph neural networks

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    Numerical modelling is a reliable tool for flood simulations, but accurate solutions are computationally expensive. In recent years, researchers have explored data-driven methodologies based on neural networks to overcome this limitation. However, most models are only used for a specific case study and disregard the dynamic evolution of the flood wave. This limits their generalizability to topographies that the model was not trained on and in time-dependent applications. In this paper, we introduce shallow water equation–graph neural network (SWE–GNN), a hydraulics-inspired surrogate model based on GNNs that can be used for rapid spatio-temporal flood modelling. The model exploits the analogy between finite-volume methods used to solve SWEs and GNNs. For a computational mesh, we create a graph by considering finite-volume cells as nodes and adjacent cells as being connected by edges. The inputs are determined by the topographical properties of the domain and the initial hydraulic conditions. The GNN then determines how fluxes are exchanged between cells via a learned local function. We overcome the time-step constraints by stacking multiple GNN layers, which expand the considered space instead of increasing the time resolution. We also propose a multi-step-ahead loss function along with a curriculum learning strategy to improve the stability and performance. We validate this approach using a dataset of two-dimensional dike breach flood simulations in randomly generated digital elevation models generated with a high-fidelity numerical solver. The SWE–GNN model predicts the spatio-temporal evolution of the flood for unseen topographies with mean average errors in time of 0.04 m for water depths and 0.004 m2 s−1 for unit discharges. Moreover, it generalizes well to unseen breach locations, bigger domains, and longer periods of time compared to those of the training set, outperforming other deep-learning models. On top of this, SWE–GNN has a computational speed-up of up to 2 orders of magnitude faster than the numerical solver. Our framework opens the doors to a new approach to replace numerical solvers in time-sensitive applications with spatially dependent uncertainties.</p
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