97,122 research outputs found

    Further Series Studies of the Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet at T=0: Magnon Dispersion and Structure Factors

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    We have extended our previous series studies of quantum antiferromagnets at zero temperature by computing the one-magnon dispersion curves and various structure factors for the linear chain, square and simple cubic lattices. Many of these results are new; others are a substantial extension of previous work. These results are directly comparable with neutron scattering experiments and we make such comparisons where possible.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, revised versio

    Phase Diagram of the J1, J2, J3 Heisenberg Models on the Honeycomb Lattice: A Series Expansion Study

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    We study magnetically ordered phases and their phase boundaries in the J1−J2−J3J_1-J_2-J_3 Heisenberg models on the honeycomb lattice using series expansions around N\'eel and different colinear and non-colinear magnetic states. An Ising anisotropy (λ=J⊥/Jz≠1\lambda=J_{\perp}/J_z\ne 1) is introduced and ground state energy and magnetization order parameter are calculated as a power seies expansion in λ\lambda. Series extrapolation methods are used to study properties for the Heisenberg model (λ=1\lambda=1). We find that at large J3J_3 (>0.6>0.6) there is a first order transition between N\'eel and columnar states, in agreement with the classical answer. For J3=0J_3=0, we find that the N\'eel phase extends beyond the region of classical stability. We also find that spiral phases are stabilized over large parameter regions, although their spiral angles can be substantially renormalized with respect to the classical values. Our study also shows a magnetically disordered region at intermedaite J2/J1J_2/J_1 and J3/J1J_3/J_1 values.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Ground state properties, excitation spectra and phase transitions in the S=1/2S=1/2 and S=3/2S=3/2 bilayer Heisenberg models on the honeycomb Lattice

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    Motivated by the observation of a disordered spin ground state in the S=3/2S=3/2 material Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}NO3_3, we study the ground state properties and excitation spectra of the S=3/2S=3/2 (and for comparison S=1/2S=1/2) bilayer Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice, with and without frustrating further neighbor interactions. We use series expansions around the N\'eel state to calculate properties of the magnetically ordered phase. Furthermore, series expansions in 1/λ=J1/J⊥1/\lambda=J_1/J_{\perp}, where J1J_1 is an in-plane exchange constant and J⊥J_\perp is the exchange constant between the layers are used to study properties of the spin singlet phase. For the unfrustrated case, our results for the phase transitions are in very good agreement with recent Quantum Monte Carlo studies. We also obtain the excitation spectra in the disordered phase and study the change in the critical λ\lambda when frustrating exchange interactions are added to the S=3/2S=3/2 system and find a rapid suppression of the ordered phase with frustration. Implications for the material Bi3_3Mn4_4O12_{12}NO3_3 are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    A computer program for analyzing unresolved Mossbauer hyperfine spectra

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    The program for analyzing unresolved Mossbauer hyperfine spectra was written in FORTRAN 4 language for the Control Data CYBER 170 series digital computer system with network operating system 1.1. With the present dimensions, the program requires approximately 36,000 octal locations of core storage. A typical case involving two innermost coordination shells in which the amplitudes and the peak positions of all three components were estimated in 25 iterations requires 30 seconds on CYBER 173. The program was applied to determine the effects of various near neighbor impurity shells on hyperfine fields in dilute FeAl alloys

    Spin-wave excitation spectra and spectral weights in square lattice antiferromagnets

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    Using a recently developed method for calculating series expansions of the excitation spectra of quantum lattice models, we obtain the spin-wave spectra for square lattice, S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg-Ising antiferromagnets. The calculated spin-wave spectrum for the Heisenberg model is close to but noticeably different from a uniformly renormalized classical (large-SS) spectrum with the renormalization for the spin-wave velocity of approximately 1.181.18. The relative weights of the single-magnon and multi-magnon contributions to neutron scattering spectra are obtained for wavevectors throughout the Brillouin zone.Comment: Two postscript figures, 4 two-column page

    Low-lying dipole strengths for probable pp-wave one-neutron halos in the medium mass region

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    The one-neutron halos lying in the island of inversion around N=20N=20 has provided the podium, to study the variation of total low-lying dipole strength with the neutron separation energy. We study three probable p-wave one-neutron halo candidates 31Ne and 34Na and 37Mg lying in the island of inversion. A simple analytic model has been used for the calculation of the total low-lying dipole strength for the medium mass p-wave one-neutron halos. A correction factor to this analytical model has been estimated with a realistic Woods-Saxon potential. A comparison of these analytic calculations has been made with the those performed by a finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation theory of the Coulomb dissociation. We also make an estimate of the one-neutron separation energies of 31Ne, 34Na and 37Mg.Comment: 7 pages latex, 4 figures, to appear in EPJ

    New technique for calibrating hydrocarbon gas flowmeters

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    A technique for measuring calibration correction factors for hydrocarbon mass flowmeters is described. It is based on the Nernst theorem for matching the partial pressure of oxygen in the combustion products of the test hydrocarbon, burned in oxygen-enriched air, with that in normal air. It is applied to a widely used type of commercial thermal mass flowmeter for a number of hydrocarbons. The calibration correction factors measured using this technique are in good agreement with the values obtained by other independent procedures. The technique is successfully applied to the measurement of differences as low as one percent of the effective hydrocarbon content of the natural gas test samples

    A new technique for measuring gas conversion factors for hydrocarbon mass flowmeters

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    A technique for measuring calibration conversion factors for hydrocarbon mass flowmeters was developed. It was applied to a widely used type of commercial thermal mass flowmeter for hydrocarbon gases. The values of conversion factors for two common hydrocarbons measured using this technique are in good agreement with the empirical values cited by the manufacturer. Similar agreements can be expected for all other hydrocarbons. The technique is based on Nernst theorem for matching the partial pressure of oxygen in the combustion product gases with that in normal air. It is simple, quick and relatively safe--particularly for toxic/poisonous hydrocarbons

    Aircraft cockpit vision: Math model

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    A mathematical model was developed to describe the field of vision of a pilot seated in an aircraft. Given the position and orientation of the aircraft, along with the geometrical configuration of its windows, and the location of an object, the model determines whether the object would be within the pilot's external vision envelope provided by the aircraft's windows. The computer program using this model was implemented and is described

    Use of low energy hydrogen ion implants in high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells

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    This program is a study of the use of low energy hydrogen ion implantation for high efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells. The first quarterly report focuses on two tasks of this program: (1) an examination of the effects of low energy hydrogen implants on surface recombination speed; and (2) an examination of the effects of hydrogen on silicon regrowth and diffusion in silicon. The first part of the project focussed on the measurement of surface properties of hydrogen implanted silicon. Low energy hydrogen ions when bombarded on the silicon surface will create structural damage at the surface, deactivate dopants and introduce recombination centers. At the same time the electrically active centers such as dangling bonds will be passivated by these hydrogen ions. Thus hydrogen is expected to alter properties such as the surface recombination velocity, dopant profiles on the emitter, etc. In this report the surface recombination velocity of a hydrogen emplanted emitter was measured
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