947 research outputs found

    Solid state studies in ceramic alloys Quarterly progress report, 1 Jun. - 31 Aug. 1969

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    Solid state characteristics of ceramic alloy

    Bonding, structure and mechanical behavior of vanadium carbide single crystals

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    Bonding, structure, and mechanical behavior of vanadium carbide single crystal

    Minimally-destructive detection of magnetically-trapped atoms using frequency-synthesised light

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    We present a technique for atomic density measurements by the off-resonant phase-shift induced on a two-frequency, coherently-synthesised light beam. We have used this scheme to measure the column density of a magnetically trapped atom cloud and to monitor oscillations of the cloud in real time by making over a hundred non-destructive local density measurments. For measurements using pulses of 10,000-100,000 photons lasting ~10 microsecond, the precision is limited by statistics of the photons and the photodiode avalanche. We explore the relationship between measurement precision and the unwanted loss of atoms from the trap and introduce a figure of merit that characterises it. This method can be used to probe the density of a BEC with minimal disturbance of its phase.Comment: Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Unstable regimes for a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice

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    We report on the experimental characterization of energetic and dynamical instability, two mechanisms responsible for the breakdown of Bloch waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with a 1D optical lattice. A clear separation of these two regimes is obtained performing measurements at different temperatures of the atomic sample. The timescales of the two processes have been determined by measuring the losses induced in the condensate. A simple phenomenological model is introduced for energetic instability while a full comparison is made between the experiment and the 3D Gross-Pitaevskii theory that accounts for dynamical instability

    High-speed Civil Transport Aircraft Emissions

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    Estimates are given for the emissions from a proposed high speed civil transport (HSCT). This advanced technology supersonic aircraft would fly in the lower stratosphere at a speed of roughly Mach 1.6 to 3.2 (470 to 950 m/sec or 920 to 1850 knots). Because it would fly in the stratosphere at an altitude in the range of 15 to 23 km commensurate with its design speed, its exhaust effluents could perturb the chemical balance in the upper atmosphere. The first step in determining the nature and magnitude of any chemical changes in the atmosphere resulting from these proposed aircraft is to identify and quantify the chemically important species they emit. Relevant earlier work is summarized, dating back to the Climatic Impact Assessment Program of the early 1970s and current propulsion research efforts. Estimates are provided of the chemical composition of an HSCT's exhaust, and these emission indices are presented. Other aircraft emissions that are not due to combustion processes are also summarized; these emissions are found to be much smaller than the exhaust emissions. Future advances in propulsion technology, in experimental measurement techniques, and in understanding upper atmospheric chemistry may affect these estimates of the amounts of trace exhaust species or their relative importance

    Test of the quantumness of atom-atom correlations in a bosonic gas

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    It is shown how the quantumness of atom-atom correlations in a trapped bosonic gas can be made observable. Application of continuous feedback control of the center of mass of the atomic cloud is shown to generate oscillations of the spatial extension of the cloud, whose amplitude can be directly used as a characterization of atom-atom correlations. Feedback parameters can be chosen such that the violation of a Schwarz inequality for atom-atom correlations can be tested at noise levels much higher than the standard quantum limit

    Observation of dynamical instability for a Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving 1D optical lattice

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    We have experimentally studied the unstable dynamics of a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate loaded into a 1D moving optical lattice. The lifetime of the condensate in such a potential exhibits a dramatic dependence on the quasimomentum state. This is unambiguously attributed to the onset of dynamical instability, after a comparison with the predictions of the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. Deeply in the unstable region we observe the rapid appearance of complex structures in the atomic density profile, as a consequence of the condensate phase uniformity breakdown

    The Atmospheric Effects of Stratospheric Aircraft: a First Program Report

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    Studies have indicated that, with sufficient technology development, high speed civil transport aircraft could be economically competitive with long haul subsonic aircraft. However, uncertainty about atmospheric pollution, along with community noise and sonic boom, continues to be a major concern; and this is addressed in the planned 6 yr HSRP begun in 1990. Building on NASA's research in atmospheric science and emissions reduction, the AESA studies particularly emphasizing stratospheric ozone effects. Because it will not be possible to directly measure the impact of an HSCT aircraft fleet on the atmosphere, the only means of assessment will be prediction. The process of establishing credibility for the predicted effects will likely be complex and involve continued model development and testing against climatological patterns. Lab simulation of heterogeneous chemistry and other effects will continue to be used to improve the current models

    Disorder-enhanced phase coherence in trapped bosons on optical lattices

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    The consequences of disorder on interacting bosons trapped in optical lattices are investigated by quantum Monte Carlo simulations. At small to moderate strengths of potential disorder a unique effect is observed: if there is a Mott plateau at the center of the trap in the clean limit, phase coherence {\it increases} as a result of disorder. The localization effects due to correlation and disorder compete against each other, resulting in a partial delocalization of the particles in the Mott region, which in turn leads to increased phase coherence. In the absence of a Mott plateau, this effect is absent. A detailed analysis of the uniform system without a trap shows that the disordered states participate in a Bose glass phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stratospheric aircraft exhaust plume and wake chemistry studies

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    This report documents progress to date in an ongoing study to analyze and model emissions leaving a proposed High Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) from when the exhaust gases leave the engine until they are deposited at atmospheric scales in the stratosphere. Estimates are given for the emissions, summarizing relevant earlier work (CIAP) and reviewing current propulsion research efforts. The chemical evolution and the mixing and vortical motion of the exhaust are analyzed to track the exhaust and its speciation as the emissions are mixed to atmospheric scales. The species tracked include those that could be heterogeneously reactive on the surfaces of the condensed solid water (ice) particles and on exhaust soot particle surfaces. Dispersion and reaction of chemical constituents in the far wake are studied with a Lagrangian air parcel model, in conjunction with a radiation code to calculate the net heating/cooling. Laboratory measurements of heterogeneous chemistry of aqueous sulfuric acid and nitric acid hydrates are also described. Results include the solubility of HCl in sulfuric acid which is a key parameter for modeling stratospheric processing. We also report initial results for condensation of nitric acid trihydrate from gas phase H2O and HNO3