3,904 research outputs found

    Information System Design for Purchase of Goods in PT. Multi Garment Tama

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    This scholarly writing explain about the design of information systems for dataprocessing in the process of buying goods at PT. Multi Garment Tama will be createdwith computer.In terms of data processing in the process of purchasing goods at PT. Multi GarmentTamamasih done manually. To the authors tried to modify and make an applicationprogramming for PT. Garment Multi Tama Tama.Where this information system design will be a problem in this scientific writing.Study Here the author will try and change this problem in the following manner:1. Analyzing maslaah of data processing is still done manually at the PT. MultiGarment Tama.2. Designing an application programming about the process of buying goods forPT. Tama in a computerized multi Garment desired.3. Making an application for subdivision simplification of work on the purchaseat. Multi Garment Tama and to reduce errors that occur, than if donemanually.Purchasing information system design begins with field research and ends withscientific writing, design of desired system will be created using DFD, ContextDiagram, Diagram Zero, ERD, Normalization, and also use programming languagesFoxPro

    Perancangan Model Pengembangan Informasi dan Komunikasi Man Power Planning terhadap Kebutuhan Pendidik Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) di DIY Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (Ti) dan Google Maps Satelit

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    Merubah pradigma pendidikan menengah dengan perimbangan penyelenggaraan pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) 70 % dan pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) 30 %, salah satu konsekwensinya adalah manajemen tenaga pendidik khususnya guru yang terencana dengan baik. Kunci utama berkembangnya pendidikan Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan (SMK) adalah, terpenuhinya rasio tenaga pendidik khususnya guru dengan siswa. Hal ini merupakan persyaratan bagi penyelengaraan pendidikan kejuruan. Ujung tombak dari suatu perencanaan apapun, harus dimulai dengan Data Base yang akurat dan kualifikasinya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan Proses saling memberikan data dan komunikasi secara on- line antara Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan ( Research and Development ), Data penelitian berupa penelusuran tentang, jumlah tenaga pendidik SMK se DIY, profil tenaga pendidik (guru) SMK Se DIY, jumlah tenaga pendidik mata pelajaran yang ada di SMK se DIY, jumlah tenaga pendidik yang berhalangan tetap, peta sekolah digital google maps berbasis satelit . Luaran penelitian adalah, rancangan perangkat lunak untuk model perencanaan tenaga pendidik khususnya guru SMK se DIY yang dibutuhkan untuk prediksi kebutuhan guru 5 (lima) tahun mendatang. Data tentang tenaga pendidik (guru) SMK dan peta digital berbasis google maps satelite tersebut dikemas dalam format yang dapat diup-load/ ditayangkan dalam portal web-site yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh SMK se DI

    Application of Consolidated Results of the Value of Learning Vocational School Yapensa Usingmicrosoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    In the data processing of student teachers' field of study requires a relatively long time to produce a report on the value of learning. The process of data entry in the percentage of value that must be right for each assessment component must also be approached through a precise calculation, for it required an application that helps in mengoleh and check the results report the value of learning so that each student can learn achievement. Therefore, application programs are used

    DESENTRALISASI dalam PENGELOLAAN AIR IRIGASI TERSIER (suatu Studi dengan Kerangka Konsep Desentralisasi Teritorial dan Fungsional di Kabupaten dan Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah, di Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali, dan di Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia)

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    This research compared tertiary irrigation management in the Municipality and Regency of Tegal, the Regency of Jembrana, and the Regency of Hulu Langat Selangor Malaysia. Malaysia has been developing water board at National and State Level. Although the two countries differed in governmental arrangements, the locus used in this research experienced the same level of governments. Verstehen has been as a general framework of this research approach. Qualitative and descriptive were the method of this research. Data are gathered using eclectic-triangulation methods and analyzed with multilevel tools. This research concluded that the tertiary irrigation in those three locus in Indonesia were not established based on functional decentralization, eventhough it has potential to do so. It is different from Malaysia which is fully centralized through deconcentration. Only the teritorial decentralization is the basic of tertiary irrigation management in Indonesia. Functional decentralization is not being practiced in tertiary irrigation management both in Indonesia and Malaysia. Empirically, Government should improve the performance of irrigation organization at the grassroot level in order to increase the whole agricultural performance which creating special local regime in the irrigation management. Furthermore, amandment to the constitution of 18th article should induce the concept of functional decentralization that was practiced in Indonesian local government system in 1920
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