110 research outputs found

    The Character Adaptation of Masked Puppet Figures in Ruwatan Ritual

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    One myth that is believed by people living in Duwet village is distress that threatens human beings from when they are born till the day they die. As one way to overcome the distress, people, especially those who are living in Duwet village, hold ritual called as tolak bala. One step in the ritual is self-cleaning oneself from distress or sukerta. In addition to the ritual is a masked puppet as a means of the ritual execution. Thus, this study aims at finding out the functions of the Ruwatan masked puppet. Functional-structural perspective was adopted in the study by implementing observation, interview, and documentation study techniques. Results show that masked puppet has a special function which is to serve as a means of Ruwatan that is specifically to obtain society participation in order to give spiritual support to the process of ritual as a whole tolak bala or distress expulsion process

    Fungsi Dan Proses Pembuatan Topeng Di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

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    Mask of Malang is a type of Javanese masks which develop in Malang, East Java. From the face form, the masks portray the figures from Panji tales. The main function of the masks is as a property in Mask Puppet art performance. This research is a study of functions, both in terms of material USAbility and mask making techniques. The problems discussed in this study are, (1) what the mask of Malang's function is, (2) how the mask making technique and process are. Research informants are craftsmen. Data collection methods are by observation and interviews. Analysis methods are by symbolic interpretation. The results of this study are description of mask puppet as an equipment to cover the dancer's face, as a camouflage in order to communicate spiritually with ancestors' spirits to ask for blessing of prosperity. The mask making techniques and processes are using carving technique by pangot knives. The making process consist of four steps: mbakali, wiwit, maraeni, and maesi. The three steps of this process are related to paddy cultivation process

    Urban Sprawl Effects on Settlement Areas in Urban Fringe of Jakarta Metropolitan Area

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    The growth of Jakarta Metropolitan Area, physically marked by rapid growth in urban fringe area, which is forming a settlement areas where its growth tend to be widespread and dispersed randomly as well getting out of control (urban sprawl phenomenon). Urban fringe area is a transitional zone which in the urban pressures process that resulted in the degradation of environmental and institutional fragmentation so  it's growth process lead to unsustainability. The aims of this study were to identify of urban sprawl effect by  analizing  growth of settlement areas and analizing sustainability status of settlement areas also determining the obstacle element  of institutional fragmentation in urban fringe settlement management. Analysis were done by using GIS technique, Multi Dimentional Scalling (MDS) and Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM). The result showed that the growth trends increasing every year with an acceleration of 2.35 and a sprawl index of 7,21. The sustainability status of settlement area were less sustainable with an sustainability index of 41,46. The main obstacle element were weak coordination among institutions  involved in the management to address the rapid growth in settlement areas and absence of zoning regulations as instruments for controlling the growth of the settlement area. Keywords: Jakarta Metropolitan Area, settlement areas, urban fringe, urban spraw

    Dampak Media Sosial dalam Cyber Bullying

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    The purpose of this research is to review two journals about social media effect for cyberbullying. First Journal is written by Eddie Fisher with the title From Cyber Bullying to Cyber Coping: The Misuse of Mobile Technology and Social Media and Their Effects on People\u27s Lives and the second journal is written by ReginaldH. Gonzales with the title Social Media as a Channel and its Implications on Cyber Bullying. First Journal focus on condition and cyber bullying state by interview respondents in law terms. Second journal focus on handling cyber bullying case at social media. Social medial cause few cases of cyberbullying increasing because of its characteristic that possible to spread information easily and fast. Socialization proper use of social media needs to be done to improve public awareness about the dangers of misuse of social media

    Edukasi Tentang Pengenalan Tanda Gejala, Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kanker Kulit Sebagai Dampak Paparan Sinar Matahari dan Penggunaan Kosmetik Berbahan Kimia Berbahaya di Poli Kulit Rumah Sakit Akademik Universitas Mataram

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    Skin cancer is characterized by uncontrolled growth of skin cells, which can damage the surrounding tissue and can spread to other parts of the body. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the main cause of skin cancer. UV rays can damage the DNA that makes up genes. Chemicals, sunlight together with viruses are also other causative factors from outside the body. Health workers play an important role in providing education related to the health of the people of West Nusa Tenggara. Lack of public knowledge about the main causes of skin cancer, signs and symptoms, and how to prevent it, is the responsibility of health workers, to reduce the mortality rate caused by malignancy. The approach steps taken in this program are counseling or providing education to visitors to the skin and genital polyclinic at the Mataram University Hospital. Community service was carried out in the hall of UNRAM Hospital and Dermatology and Venereology Clinic of UNRAM Hospital by distributing flyers and also providing education through counseling about the importance of Skin Care. There were 12 participants and 13 patients visiting the skin and sex polyclinic at UNRAM Hospital. Before being given education, participants were asked to fill out a knowledge questionnaire about Ca Skin. Of the questionnaires given 22 people have less knowledge about the risk factors for skin cancer, signs and symptoms of skin cancer and what to do when it occurs. 3 other people know the risk factors for skin cavities and their signs and symptoms