634 research outputs found

    Conceptual Frameworks for Multimodal Social Signal Processing

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    This special issue is about a research area which is developing rapidly. Pentland gave it a name which has become widely used, ‘Social Signal Processing’ (SSP for short), and his phrase provides the title of a European project, SSPnet, which has a brief to consolidate the area. The challenge that Pentland highlighted was understanding the nonlinguistic signals that serve as the basis for “subconscious discussions between humans about relationships, resources, risks, and rewards”. He identified it as an area where computational research had made interesting progress, and could usefully make more

    The contribution of the immune system to parturition

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    The immune system plays a central role before and during parturition, including the main physiological processes of parturition: uterine contractions and cervical ripening. The immune system comprises white blood cells and their secretions. Polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages invade the cervical tissue and release compounds, such as oxygen radicals and enzymes, which break down the cervical matrix to allow softening and dilatation. During this inflammatory process, white blood cells undergo chemotaxis, adherence to endothelial cells, diapedesis, migration and activation. Factors that regulate white blood cell invasion and secretion include cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor and interleukins. Glucocorticoids, sex hormones and prostaglandins, affect cytokine synthesis. They also modulate the target cells, resulting in altered responses to cytokines. On the other hand, the immune system has profound effects on the hormonal system and prostaglandin synthesis. In animals, nitric oxide has marked effects on uterine quiescence during gestation. At the same time, it plays an important role in regulating the vascular tone of uterine arteries and has anti-adhesive effects on leukocytes. Cytokines are found in amniotic fluid, and in maternal and foetal serum at term and preterm. Several intrauterine cells have been shown to produce these cytoldnes. Since neither white blood cells, cytokines nor nitric oxide seem to be the ultimate intermediate for human parturition, the immune system is an additional but obligatory and underestimated component in the physiology of delivery. Scientists, obstetricians and anaesthesiologists must thus be aware of these processes

    Automated and unobtrusive measurement of physical activity in an interactive playground

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    © 2019 Promoting physical activity is one of the main goals of interactive playgrounds. To validate whether this goal is met, we need to measure the amount of physical player activity. Traditional methods of measuring activity, such as observations or annotations of game sessions, require time and personnel. Others, such as heart rate monitors and accelerometers, need to be worn by the player. In this paper, we investigate whether physical activity can be measured unobtrusively by tracking players using depth cameras and applying computer vision algorithms. In a user study with 32 players, we measure the players’ speed while playing a game of tag, and demonstrate that our measures correlate well with exertion measured using heart rate sensors. This makes the method an attractive alternative to either manual coding or the use of worn devices. We also compare our approach to other exertion measurement methods. Finally, we demonstrate and discuss its potential for automated, unobtrusive measurements and real-time game adaptation

    Small-world hypergraphs on a bond-disordered Bethe lattice

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    We study the thermodynamic properties of spin systems with bond-disorder on small-world hypergraphs, obtained by superimposing a one-dimensional Ising chain onto a random Bethe graph with p-spin interactions. Using transfer-matrix techniques, we derive fixed-point equations describing the relevant order parameters and the free energy, both in the replica symmetric and one step replica symmetry breaking approximation. We determine the static and dynamic ferromagnetic transition and the spinglass transition within replica symmetry for all temperatures, and demonstrate corrections to these results when one step replica symmetry breaking is taken into account. The results obtained are in agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Virtual Meeting Rooms: From Observation to Simulation

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    Virtual meeting rooms are used for simulation of real meeting behavior and can show how people behave, how they gesture, move their heads, bodies, their gaze behavior during conversations. They are used for visualising models of meeting behavior, and they can be used for the evaluation of these models. They are also used to show the effects of controlling certain parameters on the behavior and in experiments to see what the effect is on communication when various channels of information - speech, gaze, gesture, posture - are switched off or manipulated in other ways. The paper presents the various stages in the development of a virtual meeting room as well and illustrates its uses by presenting some results of experiments to see whether human judges can induce conversational roles in a virtual meeting situation when they only see the head movements of participants in the meeting

    Thermodynamics of spin systems on small-world hypergraphs

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    We study the thermodynamic properties of spin systems on small-world hypergraphs, obtained by superimposing sparse Poisson random graphs with p-spin interactions onto a one-dimensional Ising chain with nearest-neighbor interactions. We use replica-symmetric transfer-matrix techniques to derive a set of fixed-point equations describing the relevant order parameters and free energy, and solve them employing population dynamics. In the special case where the number of connections per site is of the order of the system size we are able to solve the model analytically. In the more general case where the number of connections is finite we determine the static and dynamic ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transitions using population dynamics. The results are tested against Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; Added 2 figures. Extended result

    Virtual Meeting Rooms: From Observation to Simulation

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    Much working time is spent in meetings and, as a consequence, meetings have become the subject of multidisciplinary research. Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMRs) are 3D virtual replicas of meeting rooms, where various modalities such as speech, gaze, distance, gestures and facial expressions can be controlled. This allows VMRs to be used to improve remote meeting participation, to visualize multimedia data and as an instrument for research into social interaction in meetings. This paper describes how these three uses can be realized in a VMR. We describe the process from observation through annotation to simulation and a model that describes the relations between the annotated features of verbal and non-verbal conversational behavior.\ud As an example of social perception research in the VMR, we describe an experiment to assess human observers’ accuracy for head orientation
