4,984 research outputs found

    Regular maps of high density

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    A regular map is a surface together with an embedded graph, having properties similar to those of the surface and graph of a platonic solid. We analyze regular maps with reflection symmetry and a graph of density strictly exceeding 1/2, and we conclude that all regular maps of this type belong to a family of maps naturally defined on the Fermat curves x^n+y^n+z^n=0, excepting the one corresponding to the tetrahedron.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Disruption of the developmental programme of Trypanosoma brucei by genetic ablation of TbZFP1, a differentiation-enriched CCCH protein

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    The regulation of differentiation is particularly important in microbial eukaryotes that inhabit multiple environments. The parasite Trypanosoma brucei is an extreme example of this, requiring exquisite gene regulation during transmission from mammals to the tsetse fly vector. Unusually, trypanosomes rely almost exclusively on post-transcriptional mechanisms for regulated gene expression. Hence, RNA binding proteins are potentially of great significance in controlling stage-regulated processes. We have previously identified TbZFP1 as a trypanosome molecule transiently enriched during differentiation to tsetse midgut procyclic forms. This small protein (101 amino acids) contains the unusual CCCH zinc finger, an RNA binding motif. Here, we show that genetic ablation of TbZFP1 compromises repositioning of the mitochondrial genome, a specific event in the strictly regulated differentiation programme. Despite this, other events that occur both before and after this remain intact. Significantly, this phenotype correlates with the TbZFP1 expression profile during differentiation. This is the first genetic disruption of a developmental regulator in T. brucei. It demonstrates that programmed events in parasite development can be uncoupled at the molecular level. It also further supports the importance of CCCH proteins in key aspects of trypanosome cell function

    SSHCure: a flow-based SSH intrusion detection system

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    SSH attacks are a main area of concern for network managers, due to the danger associated with a successful compromise. Detecting these attacks, and possibly compromised victims, is therefore a crucial activity. Most existing network intrusion detection systems designed for this purpose rely on the inspection of individual packets and, hence, do not scale to today's high-speed networks. To overcome this issue, this paper proposes SSHCure, a flow-based intrusion detection system for SSH attacks. It employs an efficient algorithm for the real-time detection of ongoing attacks and allows identification of compromised attack targets. A prototype implementation of the algorithm, including a graphical user interface, is implemented as a plugin for the popular NfSen monitoring tool. Finally, the detection performance of the system is validated with empirical traffic data

    When images work faster than words: The integration of content-based image retrieval with the Northumbria Watermark Archive

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    Information on the manufacture, history, provenance, identification, care and conservation of paper-based artwork/objects is disparate and not always readily available. The Northumbria Watermark Archive will incorporate such material into a database, which will be made freely available on the Internet providing an invaluable resource for conservation, research and education. The efficiency of a database is highly dependant on its search mechanism. Text based mechanisms are frequently ineffective when a range of descriptive terminologies might be used i.e. when describing images or translating from foreign languages. In such cases a Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system can be more effective. Watermarks provide paper with unique visual identification characteristics and have been used to provide a point of entry to the archive that is more efficient and effective than a text based search mechanism. The research carried out has the potential to be applied to any numerically large collection of images with distinctive features of colour, shape or texture i.e. coins, architectural features, picture frame profiles, hallmarks, Japanese artists stamps etc. Although the establishment of an electronic archive incorporating a CBIR system can undoubtedly improve access to large collections of images and related data, the development is rarely trouble free. This paper discusses some of the issues that must be considered i.e. collaboration between disciplines; project management; copying and digitising objects; content based image retrieval; the Northumbria Watermark Archive; the use of standardised terminology within a database as well as copyright issues

    Molecular phylogeny of brachiopods and phoronids based on nuclear-encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences

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    Brachiopod and phoronid phylogeny is inferred from SSU rDNA sequences of 28 articulate and nine inarticulate brachiopods, three phoronids, two ectoprocts and various outgroups, using gene trees reconstructed by weighted parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood methods. Of these sequences, 33 from brachiopods, two from phoronids and one each from an ectoproct and a priapulan are newly determined. The brachiopod sequences belong to 31 different genera and thus survey about 10% of extant genus-level diversity. Sequences determined in different laboratories and those from closely related taxa agree well, but evidence is presented suggesting that one published phoronid sequence (GenBank accession UO12648) is a brachiopod-phoronid chimaera, and this sequence is excluded from the analyses. The chiton, Acanthopleura, is identified as the phenetically proximal outgroup; other selected outgroups were chosen to allow comparison with recent, non-molecular analyses of brachiopod phylogeny. The different outgroups and methods of phylogenetic reconstruction lead to similar results, with differences mainly in the resolution of weakly supported ancient and recent nodes, including the divergence of inarticulate brachiopod sub-phyla, the position of the rhynchonellids in relation to long- and short-looped articulate brachiopod clades and the relationships of some articulate brachiopod genera and species. Attention is drawn to the problem presented by nodes that are strongly supported by non-molecular evidence but receive only low bootstrap resampling support. Overall, the gene trees agree with morphology-based brachiopod taxonomy, but novel relationships are tentatively suggested for thecideidine and megathyrid brachiopods. Articulate brachiopods are found to be monophyletic in all reconstructions, but monophyly of inarticulate brachiopods and the possible inclusion of phoronids in the inarticulate brachiopod clade are less strongly established. Phoronids are clearly excluded from a sister-group relationship with articulate brachiopods, this proposed relationship being due to the rejected, chimaeric sequence (GenBank UO12648). Lineage relative rate tests show no heterogeneity of evolutionary rate among articulate brachiopod sequences, but indicate that inarticulate brachiopod plus phoronid sequences evolve somewhat more slowly. Both brachiopods and phoronids evolve slowly by comparison with other invertebrates. A number of palaeontologically dated times of earliest appearance are used to make upper and lower estimates of the global rate of brachiopod SSU rDNA evolution, and these estimates are used to infer the likely divergence times of other nodes in the gene tree. There is reasonable agreement between most inferred molecular and palaeontological ages. The estimated rates of SSU rDNA sequence evolution suggest that the last common ancestor of brachiopods, chitons and other protostome invertebrates (Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa) lived deep in Precambrian time. Results of this first DNA-based, taxonomically representative analysis of brachiopod phylogeny are in broad agreement with current morphology-based classification and systematics and are largely consistent with the hypothesis that brachiopod shell ontogeny and morphology are a good guide to phylogeny

    Cellijnen en Salmonella

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    In human gastrointestinal disease caused by Salmonella, transepithelial migration of neutrophils follows the attachment of bacteria to epithelial tissue. This migration of neutrophils is stimulated by the release of chemokines, including interleukin-8 (Il -8), from the epithelial cells. We have developed an in vitro model system (human epithelial monolayers, among which Caco-2 cells grown on microtiter multiwell plates) for studying host-pathogen interactions. After infection with different pathogens we measured Il-8 production during time. Results showed that Il-8 release was time related and varied with the pathogen. Salmonella enteritidis (Se) did induce the highest response. Subsequently, three doses of this Se strain were used and the Il-8 response was measured at different time points. Caco-2 cells remained intact over a period of 24h, the production of Il-8 increased in time and was found to be Se dose-dependent. Other tested epithelial monolayers, such as HT29 colon cancer cells, gave similar results.Infectie met Salmonella kan gepaard gaan met de invasie van darmepitheelcellen. De aan de invasie voorafgaande aanhechting leidt reeds tot de transmigratie van witte bloedcellen (neutrofielen) vanuit de bloedbaan naar het epitheelweefsel. De migratie wordt gestimuleerd door de productie van chemokines, waaronder interleukine-8 (Il-8) door epitheelcellen. Wij hebben een in vitro model systeem ontwikkeld (humaan epitheelweefsel gekweekt in microtiterplaten) waarin gastheer - pathogeen interacties kunnen worden bestudeerd. Epitheelcellen zijn gedurende een uur blootgesteld aan verschillende pathogene micro-organismen, waarna de Il-8 response is gemeten. Als controle zijn meegenomen een Escherichia coli stam zonder LPS en een probiotische Lactobacillus. De resultaten laten zien dat de IL-8 productie per pathogeen varieert, waarbij Salmonella enteritidis de hoogste respons geeft. In vervolgexperimenten zijn drie concentraties S. enteritidis gebruikt, waarna de respons gedurende 24 uur is gemeten. De gebruikte cellijn bleek na 24 uur nog intact, de Il-8 productie correleerde met de doses, en nam toe in de tijd. Hieruit kan geconcludeerd worden dat het door ons ontwikkelde model gebruikt kan worden voor het bestuderen van factoren die van invloed zijn op dosis-respons relaties. De respons betreft dan prikkeling van het immuunsysteem ten gevolge van adhesie en invasie van darmepitheelcellen door salmonellae. Tenslotte wordt een benaderingwijze voorgesteld om resultaten van in vitro dosis-respons experimenten te vertalen naar de mens