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    Hamstring sindrom miÅ”ića stražnje kože natkoljenice obično nastaje u trkača na kratke staze, skakača u vis i rvača. Od SO vojnika Hrvatske vojske koji su liječeni u Poliklinici za reumatske bolesti, fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije u Zagrebu koji su imali simptomatologiju bolova u kralježnici, odabrali smo lO vojnika s simptomima različitim od klasične lumbois hijalgije, uzrokovane neobičnim uzrocima. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi točnu dijagnozu u slučajevima netipične lumbois hijalgije. Metode rada su bile: detaljna anarnne1.a ozljede tj. simptomi, funkcionalni testovi za lumbosakralnu kralježnicu i kinezioloÅ”ki testovi 1.a sindrome prenaprezanja. Anamnestič ki su podaci pokazali siijedeće: 6 od lO vojnika su ozlijeđeni na bojiÅ”tu (dvojica prilikom preskakanja rovova a četvorica prilikom iskakanja iz vojnog transportera) a 4 su se ozljedila prilikom terenske obuke Qedan prilikom skakanja u vis, dvojica prilikom skoka u dalj, a jedan prilikom trčanja). Na početku liječenja oba Wellov i Wallaeov test bili su pozitivni u lO bolesnika, a "test otirača" je bio pozitivan u 8 bolesnika. Na kraju liječenja u 80% slučajeva testovi su bili negativni a u 20% djelomično pozitivni. Zaključujemo da u slučajevima atipične lurnhoishijalgije uzrokovane ozljedama pozornost se valja obratiti na druge entitete kao Å”to je hamstring sindrom. Navedenu dijagnozu potvrdili smo uporabom odmdenih kinezioloÅ”kih testova, vježbama istezanja kao i testovima jačanja hamstring miÅ”ića .The llamstings Syndrome (a syndrome of overstanding the muscles on the back side of the thigh) usually appears in sprinters, high jumpers and hurdlers. Out of fifty Croatian soldiers, treated in the Polyclinic Institution for l{heumalic Diseases, Physical Medicine ami Rehabilitation in Zagreb who showed the sympornatology of the spi ne pain syndrome, we selected ten soldiers who showed syrnpt.oms diffe rent from classic lurnboishialgia caused by extraordinary exertion. Our objective was lo set the exact diagnosis in cases of atypicallumboishialgia. The methods were: a detailed anam11esis of the injury i.e. the symptoms, functional tests of the lumbosacral spi ne and kinesiologicaltests for the overstraining syndrome. The anamnestic examination showed the following facts: six out of ten soldiers were i nj ured on the baulefied (two while leaping over trenches and fo ur while jumping out of a military transporter), and four were i nj ured on the driling-grounds one of them was inj ured while high-j umping, two while long jumping, and one while running. At the beginning of the treatment, both the Well test and the Wallace test were positive in ten subjects, and the "doormat test" was positive in eight subjects. Upon the end of the treatment in 80 o/o of the cases tests were negative, and in 20% only partially positive. We can conclude that in cases of aty pical lumboishialgia caused by injuries we should pay attention to the other entities as well, such as the l lamstrings Syndrome. The above diagnosis was confinned by the use of <:ertain kinesiological tests, stretehing exercises as well as the exercises for s trengthening the hamstrings muscles


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    Hamstring sindrom miÅ”ića stražnje kože natkoljenice obično nastaje u trkača na kratke staze, skakača u vis i rvača. Od SO vojnika Hrvatske vojske koji su liječeni u Poliklinici za reumatske bolesti, fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije u Zagrebu koji su imali simptomatologiju bolova u kralježnici, odabrali smo lO vojnika s simptomima različitim od klasične lumbois hijalgije, uzrokovane neobičnim uzrocima. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi točnu dijagnozu u slučajevima netipične lumbois hijalgije. Metode rada su bile: detaljna anarnne1.a ozljede tj. simptomi, funkcionalni testovi za lumbosakralnu kralježnicu i kinezioloÅ”ki testovi 1.a sindrome prenaprezanja. Anamnestič ki su podaci pokazali siijedeće: 6 od lO vojnika su ozlijeđeni na bojiÅ”tu (dvojica prilikom preskakanja rovova a četvorica prilikom iskakanja iz vojnog transportera) a 4 su se ozljedila prilikom terenske obuke Qedan prilikom skakanja u vis, dvojica prilikom skoka u dalj, a jedan prilikom trčanja). Na početku liječenja oba Wellov i Wallaeov test bili su pozitivni u lO bolesnika, a "test otirača" je bio pozitivan u 8 bolesnika. Na kraju liječenja u 80% slučajeva testovi su bili negativni a u 20% djelomično pozitivni. Zaključujemo da u slučajevima atipične lurnhoishijalgije uzrokovane ozljedama pozornost se valja obratiti na druge entitete kao Å”to je hamstring sindrom. Navedenu dijagnozu potvrdili smo uporabom odmdenih kinezioloÅ”kih testova, vježbama istezanja kao i testovima jačanja hamstring miÅ”ića .The llamstings Syndrome (a syndrome of overstanding the muscles on the back side of the thigh) usually appears in sprinters, high jumpers and hurdlers. Out of fifty Croatian soldiers, treated in the Polyclinic Institution for l{heumalic Diseases, Physical Medicine ami Rehabilitation in Zagreb who showed the sympornatology of the spi ne pain syndrome, we selected ten soldiers who showed syrnpt.oms diffe rent from classic lurnboishialgia caused by extraordinary exertion. Our objective was lo set the exact diagnosis in cases of atypicallumboishialgia. The methods were: a detailed anam11esis of the injury i.e. the symptoms, functional tests of the lumbosacral spi ne and kinesiologicaltests for the overstraining syndrome. The anamnestic examination showed the following facts: six out of ten soldiers were i nj ured on the baulefied (two while leaping over trenches and fo ur while jumping out of a military transporter), and four were i nj ured on the driling-grounds one of them was inj ured while high-j umping, two while long jumping, and one while running. At the beginning of the treatment, both the Well test and the Wallace test were positive in ten subjects, and the "doormat test" was positive in eight subjects. Upon the end of the treatment in 80 o/o of the cases tests were negative, and in 20% only partially positive. We can conclude that in cases of aty pical lumboishialgia caused by injuries we should pay attention to the other entities as well, such as the l lamstrings Syndrome. The above diagnosis was confinned by the use of <:ertain kinesiological tests, stretehing exercises as well as the exercises for s trengthening the hamstrings muscles