9,525 research outputs found


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    Nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain allows rate constant determinations of fast electronic energy and phase relaxations together with characterization of the type of line broadening. Application of this method to the B850 component of the isolated B800–850antenna ofRhodobacter sphaeroides at room temperature shows that B850 is inhomogeneously broadened, with homogeneous widths between 30 and 200 cm−1, depending on the spectral position of the subforms. The corresponding phase relaxation times are clearly in the subpicosecond range. There is also indication of an up-to-now unspecified1–5 ps energy relaxation channel per subunit

    Giant Spin Seebeck Effect through an Interface Organic Semiconductor

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    Interfacing an organic semiconductor C60 with a non-magnetic metallic thin film (Cu or Pt) has created a novel heterostructure that is ferromagnetic at ambient temperature, while its interface with a magnetic metal (Fe or Co) can tune the anisotropic magnetic surface property of the material. Here, we demonstrate that sandwiching C60 in between a magnetic insulator (Y3Fe5O12: YIG) and a non-magnetic, strong spin-orbit metal (Pt) promotes highly efficient spin current transport via the thermally driven spin Seebeck effect (SSE). Experiments and first principles calculations consistently show that the presence of C60 reduces significantly the conductivity mismatch between YIG and Pt and the surface perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of YIG, giving rise to enhanced spin mixing conductance across YIG/C60/Pt interfaces. As a result, a 600% increase in the SSE voltage (VLSSE) has been realized in YIG/C60/Pt relative to YIG/Pt. Temperature-dependent SSE voltage measurements on YIG/C60/Pt with varying C60 layer thicknesses also show an exponential increase in VLSSE at low temperatures below 200 K, resembling the temperature evolution of spin diffusion length of C60. Our study emphasizes the important roles of the magnetic anisotropy and the spin diffusion length of the intermediate layer in the SSE in YIG/C60/Pt structures, providing a new pathway for developing novel spin-caloric materials

    Hybrid expansions for local structural relaxations

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    A model is constructed in which pair potentials are combined with the cluster expansion method in order to better describe the energetics of structurally relaxed substitutional alloys. The effect of structural relaxations away from the ideal crystal positions, and the effect of ordering is described by interatomic-distance dependent pair potentials, while more subtle configurational aspects associated with correlations of three- and more sites are described purely within the cluster expansion formalism. Implementation of such a hybrid expansion in the context of the cluster variation method or Monte Carlo method gives improved ability to model phase stability in alloys from first-principles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    A Note on Charge Quantization Through Anomaly Cancellation

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    In a minimal extension of the Standard Model, in which new neutral fermions have been introduced, we show that the requirement of vanishing anomalies fixes the hypercharges of all fermions uniquely. This naturally leads to electric charge quantization in this minimal scenario which has features similar to the Standard Model: invariance under the gauge group SU(2)L⊗U(1)YSU(2)_L\otimes U(1)_Y, conservation of the total lepton number and masslessness for the ordinary neutrinos. Such minimal models might arise as low-energy realizations of some heterotic superstring models or SO(10)SO(10) grand unified theories.Comment: 14p., TeX, (final version

    Fluctuation of the Top Location and Avalanches in the Formation Process of a Sandpile

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    We investigate the formation processes of a sandpile using numerical simulation. We find a new relation between the fluctuation of the motion of the top and the surface state of a sandpile. The top moves frequently as particles are fed one by one every time interval T. The time series of the top location has the power spectrum which obeys a power law, S(f)~f^{\alpha}, and its exponent \alpha depends on T and the system size w. The surface state is characterized by two time scales; the lifetime of an avalanche, T_{a}, and the time required to cause an avalanche, T_{s}. The surface state is fluid-like when T_{a}~T_{s}, and it is solid-like when T_{a}<<T_{s}. Our numerical results show that \alpha is a function of T_{s}/T_{a}.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    A general equilibrium analysis on the impacts of regional and sectoral emission allowance allocation at carbon trading market

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    It is critical to adapt to climate change and reduce the overall carbon emissions. China announced its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) at the Paris climate conference in 2015. The carbon cap-and trade scheme, which plays a key role in carbon emissions abatement, is an effective policy for China to achieve its NDC. This study focuses on the allocation of regional and sectoral initial carbon emission allowances in Shanghai. An impact evaluation on the macro-economy, carbon trading markets and participating sectors for the year 2030 was conducted by applying a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that the carbon cap-and-trade scheme would cause a 3.4% GDP loss and an 8.9% welfare loss in 2030. The carbon price would be 161.2 USD/t and 147.2 USD/t under the two representative scenarios. The allocation of initial allowances would have a significant impact on both carbon market scale and sectoral trading behaviors. The power generation sector and the petrol oil sector would undertake the greatest output loss, while the metal smelting sector would become the main seller. Furthermore, the initial allowances allocation under a certain abatement target would hardly affect sectoral production but remarkably affect trade behaviors at the carbon trading markets
