4,195 research outputs found

    Optical Communication Noise Rejection Using Correlated Photons

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    This paper describes a completely new way to perform noise rejection using a two-photon sensitive detector and taking advantage of the properties of correlated photons to improve an optical communications link in the presence of uncorrelated noise. In particular, a detailed analysis is made of the case where a classical link would be saturated by an intense background, such as when a satellite is in front of the sun,and identifies a regime where the quantum correlating system has superior performance.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    The creation of large photon-number path entanglement conditioned on photodetection

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    Large photon-number path entanglement is an important resource for enhanced precision measurements and quantum imaging. We present a general constructive protocol to create any large photon number path-entangled state based on the conditional detection of single photons. The influence of imperfect detectors is considered and an asymptotic scaling law is derived.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Vortex Phase Qubit: Generating Arbitrary, Counter-Rotating, Coherent Superpositions in Bose-Einstein Condensates via Optical Angular Momentum Beams

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    We propose a scheme for generation of arbitrary coherent superposition of vortex states in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) using the orbital angular momentum (OAM) states of light. We devise a scheme to generate coherent superpositions of two counter-rotating OAM states of light using known experimental techniques. We show that a specially designed Raman scheme allows transfer of the optical vortex superposition state onto an initially non-rotating BEC. This creates an arbitrary and coherent superposition of a vortex and anti-vortex pair in the BEC. The ideas presented here could be extended to generate entangled vortex states, design memories for the OAM states of light, and perform other quantum information tasks. Applications to inertial sensing are also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revtex4, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Simulations of atomic trajectories near a dielectric surface

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    We present a semiclassical model of an atom moving in the evanescent field of a microtoroidal resonator. Atoms falling through whispering-gallery modes can achieve strong, coherent coupling with the cavity at distances of approximately 100 nanometers from the surface; in this regime, surface-induced Casmir-Polder level shifts become significant for atomic motion and detection. Atomic transit events detected in recent experiments are analyzed with our simulation, which is extended to consider atom trapping in the evanescent field of a microtoroid.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Local and Global Distinguishability in Quantum Interferometry

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    A statistical distinguishability based on relative entropy characterises the fitness of quantum states for phase estimation. This criterion is employed in the context of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and used to interpolate between two regimes, of local and global phase distinguishability. The scaling of distinguishability in these regimes with photon number is explored for various quantum states. It emerges that local distinguishability is dependent on a discrepancy between quantum and classical rotational energy. Our analysis demonstrates that the Heisenberg limit is the true upper limit for local phase sensitivity. Only the `NOON' states share this bound, but other states exhibit a better trade-off when comparing local and global phase regimes.Comment: 4 pages, in submission, minor revision

    Optical interface created by laser-cooled atoms trapped in the evanescent field surrounding an optical nanofiber

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    Trapping and optically interfacing laser-cooled neutral atoms is an essential requirement for their use in advanced quantum technologies. Here we simultaneously realize both of these tasks with cesium atoms interacting with a multi-color evanescent field surrounding an optical nanofiber. The atoms are localized in a one-dimensional optical lattice about 200 nm above the nanofiber surface and can be efficiently interrogated with a resonant light field sent through the nanofiber. Our technique opens the route towards the direct integration of laser-cooled atomic ensembles within fiber networks, an important prerequisite for large scale quantum communication schemes. Moreover, it is ideally suited to the realization of hybrid quantum systems that combine atoms with, e.g., solid state quantum devices

    Quantum Clock Synchronization Based on Shared Prior Entanglement

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    We demonstrate that two spatially separated parties (Alice and Bob) can utilize shared prior quantum entanglement, and classical communications, to establish a synchronized pair of atomic clocks. In contrast to classical synchronization schemes, the accuracy of our protocol is independent of Alice or Bob's knowledge of their relative locations or of the properties of the intervening medium.Comment: 4 page
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