2 research outputs found

    Stability of rubella virus after long-term persistence in human cell line

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    Primary infection of HEp-2 cells with rubella virus resulted in non-cytophatic longterm persistent infection. During four years of persistence the virus was produced in sufficient quantities (up to 6 logs PFU/ml) and did not differ from the parental variant in its pathogenicity for BHK-21 or RK-13 cells, or hemagglutinating activity, but formed smaller plaques. Persistent virus preserved the original antigenicity as judged from reciprocal hemagglutination-inhibition or plaque reduction-neutralization tests with polyclonal antisera. Both original and persistent rubella viruses were thermoresistant (T 56° C) and sligthly temperature-sensitive. Clonal analysis revealed presence of ts-mutants among both original and persistent virus clones with different degrees of plating efficiency at 40°/34° C. RNA fingerprinting showed only minor changes in persistent rubella virus