2,914 research outputs found

    Who Cares about Axiomatization? Representation, Invariance, and Formal Ontologies

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    The philosophy of science of Patrick Suppes is centered on two important notions that are part of the title of his recent book (Suppes 2002): Representation and Invariance. Representation is important because when we embrace a theory we implicitly choose a way to represent the phenomenon we are studying. Invariance is important because, since invariants are the only things that are constant in a theory, in a way they give the “objective” meaning of that theory. Every scientific theory gives a representation of a class of structures and studies the invariant properties holding in that class of structures. In Suppes’ view, the best way to define this class of structures is via axiomatization. This is because a class of structures is given by a definition, and this same definition establishes which are the properties that a single structure must possess in order to belong to the class. These properties correspond to the axioms of a logical theory. In Suppes’ view, the best way to characterize a scientific structure is by giving a representation theorem for its models and singling out the invariants in the structure. Thus, we can say that the philosophy of science of Patrick Suppes consists in the application of the axiomatic method to scientific disciplines. What I want to argue in this paper is that this application of the axiomatic method is also at the basis of a new approach that is being increasingly applied to the study of computer science and information systems, namely the approach of formal ontologies. The main task of an ontology is that of making explicit the conceptual structure underlying a certain domain. By “making explicit the conceptual structure” we mean singling out the most basic entities populating the domain and writing axioms expressing the main properties of these primitives and the relations holding among them. So, in both cases, the axiomatization is the main tool used to characterize the object of inquiry, being this object scientific theories (in Suppes’ approach), or information systems (for formal ontologies). In the following section I will present the view of Patrick Suppes on the philosophy of science and the axiomatic method, in section 3 I will survey the theoretical issues underlying the work that is being done in formal ontologies and in section 4 I will draw a comparison of these two approaches and explore similarities and differences between them

    Interacting epidemics and coinfection on contact networks

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    The spread of certain diseases can be promoted, in some cases substantially, by prior infection with another disease. One example is that of HIV, whose immunosuppressant effects significantly increase the chances of infection with other pathogens. Such coinfection processes, when combined with nontrivial structure in the contact networks over which diseases spread, can lead to complex patterns of epidemiological behavior. Here we consider a mathematical model of two diseases spreading through a single population, where infection with one disease is dependent on prior infection with the other. We solve exactly for the sizes of the outbreaks of both diseases in the limit of large population size, along with the complete phase diagram of the system. Among other things, we use our model to demonstrate how diseases can be controlled not only by reducing the rate of their spread, but also by reducing the spread of other infections upon which they depend.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    High-mass star formation in southern disk galaxies

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    As part of a major study of the physical processes of star formation and the evolution of galactic discs, the detailed distribution of high-mass star formation within southern late-type spirals and Magellanic-type galaxies is being measured by means of narrow-band imaging in Ha and the continuum, spectroscopic studies of prominent HII regions identified in the Ha images, and by radio mapping in neutral hydrogen and the continuum. The radio mapping will be undertaken with the Southern Hemisphere's first large, multi-frequency synthesis array, the Australia Telescope. Some optical imaging and spectroscopic data has already been acquired; the optical data and some preliminary results are described

    Superconducting Superstructure for the TESLA Collider

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    We discuss the new layout of a cavity chain (superstructure) allowing, we hope, significant cost reduction of the RF system of both linacs of the TESLA linear collider. The proposed scheme increases the fill factor and thus makes an effective gradient of an accelerator higher. We present mainly computations we have performed up to now and which encouraged us to order the copper model of the scheme, still keeping in mind that experiments with a beam will be necessary to prove if the proposed solution can be used for the acceleration.Comment: 11 page

    The effects of tidally induced disc structure on white dwarf accretion in intermediate polars

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    We investigate the effects of tidally induced asymmetric disc structure on accretion onto the white dwarf in intermediate polars. Using numerical simulation, we show that it is possible for tidally induced spiral waves to propagate sufficiently far into the disc of an intermediate polar that accretion onto the central white dwarf could be modulated as a result. We suggest that accretion from the resulting asymmetric inner disc may contribute to the observed X-ray and optical periodicities in the light curves of these systems. In contrast to the stream-fed accretion model for these periodicities, the tidal picture predicts that modulation can exist even for systems with weaker magnetic fields where the magnetospheric radius is smaller than the radius of periastron of the mass transfer stream. We also predict that additional periodic components should exist in the emission from low mass ratio intermediate polars displaying superhumps.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    WD1953-011 - a magnetic white dwarf with peculiar field structure

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    We present H-alpha spectra of the magnetic white dwarf star WD1953-011 which confirm the presence of the broad Zeeman components corresponding to a field strength of about 500kG found by Maxted & Marsh (1999). We also find that the line profile is variable over a timescale of a day or less. The core of the H-alpha line also shows a narrow Zeeman triplet corresponding to a field strength of of about 100kG which appears to be almost constant in shape. These observations suggest that the magnetic field on WD1953-011 has a complex structure and that the star has a rotational period of hours or days which causes the observed variability of the spectra. We argue that neither an offset dipole model nor a double-dipole model are sufficient to explain our observations. Instead, we propose a two component model consisting of a high field region of magnetic field strength of about 500kG covering about 10% of the surface area of the star superimposed on an underlying dipolar field of mean field strength of about 70kG. Radial velocity measurements of the narrow Zeeman triplet show that the radial velocity is constant to within a few km/s so this star is unlikely to be a close binary.Comment: Accpeted for publication in MNRAS. 4 pages, 2 figure

    Polars Changing State: Multiwavelength Long Term Photometry and Spectroscopy of QS Tel, V834 Cen, and BL Hyi

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    Long term optical and near-infrared photometric and blue spectroscopic observations were obtained for QS Tel, V834 Cen, and BL Hyi. The optical light curves of all three polars displayed large magnitude changes during our observations. These same high/low state transitions were also apparent in near-infrared JHK photometry, though with decreased amplitude. The color of the polar with respect to its state was examined and found not to be a good indicator of the instantaneous state. During low to high state transitions, a nearly constant magnitude difference was observed in all three polars. This Δ\Deltam value was found to be consistent with the level expected to occur if accretion onto the white dwarf reached the Eddington luminosity during the high state. The high state Balmer decrement was measured for each star and used to estimate that the temperature of the emission line forming region was ~12,000K with NH_H near 12.8 dex. No relationship between the Balmer emission line strength and the white dwarf magnetic field strength was seen, in contrast to a good correlation between these two parameters observed for UV emission lines.Comment: 9 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in PAS

    Statistical properties of stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equations from linear models

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    A new approach to the old-standing problem of the anomaly of the scaling exponents of nonlinear models of turbulence has been proposed and tested through numerical simulations. This is achieved by constructing, for any given nonlinear model, a linear model of passive advection of an auxiliary field whose anomalous scaling exponents are the same as the scaling exponents of the nonlinear problem. In this paper, we investigate this conjecture for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations driven by an additive noise. In order to check this conjecture, we analyze the coupled system Navier-Stokes/linear advection system in the unknowns (u,w)(u,w). We introduce a parameter λ\lambda which gives a system (uλ,wλ)(u^\lambda,w^\lambda); this system is studied for any λ\lambda proving its well posedness and the uniqueness of its invariant measure μλ\mu^\lambda. The key point is that for any λ≠0\lambda \neq 0 the fields uλu^\lambda and wλw^\lambda have the same scaling exponents, by assuming universality of the scaling exponents to the force. In order to prove the same for the original fields uu and ww, we investigate the limit as λ→0\lambda \to 0, proving that μλ\mu^\lambda weakly converges to μ0\mu^0, where μ0\mu^0 is the only invariant measure for the joint system for (u,w)(u,w) when λ=0\lambda=0.Comment: 23 pages; improved versio
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