17,201 research outputs found

    Der Gang des Menschen

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    Die nachfolgenden Anseinandersetzungen über den Gang des Menschen enthalten im wesentlichen eine kritische Darstellung der von W. Braune und O. Fischer gemeinsam begonnenen und von Fischer fortgesetzten Untersuchungen über den Gang des Menschen. ..

    Case Mix, Costs, and Outcomes: Differences Between Faculty and Community Services in a University Hospital

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    In order to gain insight into the possible consequences of prospective payment for university hospitals, we studied 2,025 admissions to the faculty and community services of a university hospital, measuring differences in case mix, costs, and outcomes. The faculty service case mix was disproportionately weighted toward the more costly diagnoses, but even after adjustment for diagnosis-related groups (DRGs), costs were 11 percent higher on the faculty service. The differential was proportionately greater for diagnostic costs than for routine or treatment costs, and the differential was particularly large (70 percent) for patients with a predicted probability of death (DTHRISK) of .25 or greater.The in-hospital mortality rate was appreciably lower on the faculty service after adjustment for case mix and patient characteristics. The mortality differential between the two services was particularly large for patients in the high death risk category. Comparison of a matched sample of 51 pairs of admissions from the high death risk category confirmed the above results with respect to costs and in-hospital mortality, but follow-up revealed that the mortality rates were equal for the two services at nine months after discharge.

    Flow curves of colloidal dispersions close to the glass transition: Asymptotic scaling laws in a schematic model of mode coupling theory

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    The flow curves, viz. the curves of stationary stress under steady shearing, are obtained close to the glass transition in dense colloidal dispersions using asymptotic expansions in a schematic model of mode coupling theory. The shear thinning of the viscosity in fluid states and the yielding of glassy states is discussed. At the transition between fluid and shear-molten glass, simple and generalized Herschel-Bulkley laws are derived with power law exponents that can be computed for different particle interactions from the equilibrium structure factor.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, Eur. Phys. J. E (submitted

    Radioluminescence des milieux organiques III. Étude expérimentale des solutions aromatiques liquides

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    L'étude du déclin de la scintillation émise par des solutions aromatiques liquides irradiées par un rayonnement β a permis de montrer que la composante différée est due à une interaction entre deux états triplets du soluté excités par capture de l'énergie du solvant. La constante de Stern-Volmer de la réaction de transfert de l'énergie des états triplets du solvant au soluté (α-NPO) a été estimée à 350 M -1 pour les solutions de benzène et de toluène. La durée de vie de l'état triplet le plus bas du solvant est inférieure à une vingtaine de ns. Par ailleurs, on a évalué à environ 40 Å le rayon des zones cylindriques de forte densité d'activation dans lesquelles a lieu la réaction d'annihilation bimoléculaire des états triplets

    Complex joint probabilities as expressions of determinism in quantum mechanics

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    The density operator of a quantum state can be represented as a complex joint probability of any two observables whose eigenstates have non-zero mutual overlap. Transformations to a new basis set are then expressed in terms of complex conditional probabilities that describe the fundamental relation between precise statements about the three different observables. Since such transformations merely change the representation of the quantum state, these conditional probabilities provide a state-independent definition of the deterministic relation between the outcomes of different quantum measurements. In this paper, it is shown how classical reality emerges as an approximation to the fundamental laws of quantum determinism expressed by complex conditional probabilities. The quantum mechanical origin of phase spaces and trajectories is identified and implications for the interpretation of quantum measurements are considered. It is argued that the transformation laws of quantum determinism provide a fundamental description of the measurement dependence of empirical reality.Comment: 12 pages, including 1 figure, updated introduction includes references to the historical background of complex joint probabilities and to related work by Lars M. Johanse

    Scalar and vector decomposition of the nucleon self-energy in the relativistic Brueckner approach

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    We investigate the momentum dependence of the nucleon self-energy in nuclear matter. We apply the relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and adopt the Bonn A potential. A strong momentum dependence of the scalar and vector self-energy components can be observed when a commonly used pseudo-vector choice for the covariant representation of the T-matrix is applied. This momentum dependence is dominated by the pion exchange. We discuss the problems of this choice and its relations to on-shell ambiguities of the T-matrix representation. Starting from a complete pseudo-vector representation of the T-matrix, which reproduces correctly the pseudo-vector pion-exchange contributions at the Hartree-Fock level, we observe a much weaker momentum dependence of the self-energy. This fixes the range of the inherent uncertainty in the determination of the scalar and vector self-energy components. Comparing to other work, we find that extracting the self-energy components by a fit to the single particle potential leads to even more ambiguous results.Comment: 35 pages RevTex, 7 PS figures, replaced by a revised and extended versio

    Collective modes of doped graphene and a standard 2DEG in a strong magnetic field: linear magneto-plasmons versus magneto-excitons

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    A doped graphene layer in the integer quantum Hall regime reveals a highly unusual particle-hole excitation spectrum, which is calculated from the dynamical polarizability in the random phase approximation. We find that the elementary neutral excitations in graphene in a magnetic field are unlike those of a standard two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG): in addition to the upper-hybrid mode, the particle-hole spectrum is reorganized in linear magneto-plasmons that disperse roughly parallel to ω=vFq\omega=v_F q, instead of the usual horizontal (almost dispersionless) magneto-excitons. These modes could be detected in an inelastic light scattering experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.