344 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Dirac Neutrino Scenario: Cosmic Neutrinos at Neutrino Telescopes

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    Within the "pseudo-Dirac" scenario for massive neutrinos the existence of sterile neutrinos which are almost degenerate in mass with the active ones is hypothesized. The presence of these sterile neutrinos can affect the flavor composition of cosmic neutrinos arriving at Earth after traveling large distances from astrophysical objects. We examine the prospects of neutrino telescopes such as IceCube to probe the very tiny mass squared differences 10^(-12) eV^2<\Delta m^2<10^(-19) eV^2, by analyzing the ratio of μ\mu-track events to shower-like events. Considering various sources of uncertainties which enter this analysis, we examine the capability of neutrino telescopes to verify the validity of the pseudo-Dirac neutrino scenario and especially to discriminate it from the conventional scenario with no sterile neutrino. We also discuss the robustness of our results with respect to the uncertainties in the initial flavor ratio of neutrinos at the source.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    The impact of illicit drug use on Spontaneous Hepatitis C Clearance: Experience from a large cohort population study

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    Background and Aims: Acute hepatitis C infection usually ends in chronic infection, while in a minority of patients it is spontaneously cleared. The current population-based study is performed on a large cohort in Golestan province of Iran to examine the demographic correlates of Spontaneous Hepatitis C Clearance. Methods: Serum samples used in this study had been stored in biorepository of Golestan Cohort Study. These samples were evaluated for anti hepatitis C Virus by third generation Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Subjects who tested positive were then invited and tested by Recombinant Immunoblot Assay (RIBA) and Ribonucleic Acid Polymerase Chain Reaction test (PCR). If tested positive for RIBA, subjects were recalled and the two tests were re-done after 6 months. Those subjects who again tested positive for RIBA but negative for PCR were marked as cases of spontaneous clearance. Results: 49,338 serum samples were evaluated. The prevalence of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (CHCV) infection based on PCR results was 0.31. Among those who had acquired hepatitis C, the rate of SC was 38. In multivariate analysis, illicit drug use both Injecting Use (OR = 3.271, 95 CI: 1.784-6.000, p-value<0.001) and Non-Injecting Use (OR = 1.901, 95 CI: 1.068-3.386, p-value = 0.029) were significant correlates of CHCV infection versus SC. Conclusions: Illicit drug use whether intravenous or non-intravenous is the only significant correlate of CHCV, for which several underlying mechanisms can be postulated including repeated contacts with hepatitis C antigen. © 2011 Poustchi et al

    Acute LC50 and bioconcentration of mercury chloride in Rutilus frisii kutum

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    To determine the acute toxicity and bioaccumulation of mercuric chloride in Rutilus fidisii kutum, specimens of the fish were exposed to various concentrations of the chemical in water. We carried out ten treatments with three replicates and one control for each of the chemicals using the static 0.E.C.D. method in 55 liter tanks each containing 14 fingerlings. During the experiments, the average pH was recorded as 7.8, total hardness was measured to be 255 mel, average water temperature was 27±1 degrees centigrade and dissolved oxygen was 7.2 mg/l. Mean LC50 values of Hgcli for juvenile R. fish kutum with mean weight 1± 0.2 grams were 0.102 and 0.086 mg HO at 24h and 96h, respectively. The bioaccumulation values during 24h in muscle tissue, kidney and gill were 1.55, 16.1 and 22.7 mg He respectively. The values during 96h exposure were 2.8, 16.8 and 26.65 mg He in tissue, kidney and gill respectively. The bioconcentration values for muscle tissue, kidney and gill during the first 24h were 14.75, 153.39 and 216.11 after 96h were 33.8, 198.1 and 313.5 times that of the environment. These results show the bioaccumulation to be the highest in gill followed by kidney and muscle tissue. The study suggested direct relationship between mercury concentration in and its bioaccumulation in the fish organs tissue

    Behavioral feasibility of the clinical nursing information system

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    Background: Analysis of humanitarian issues affecting the implementation time of information systems to increase the acceptance of these systems is essential. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the behavioral feasibility of the clinical nursing information system. Methods: An applied cross-sectional study was conducted with 348 nurses in 2015. Data were collected by face to face interviews and a questionnaire containing 33 questions, which were rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Face and content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed, and its reliability was estimated 0.90 through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using chi-square tests and t-test. Results: An average score of behavioral feasibility was 67.44. The rate of supply provided for implementing the clinical nursing information system was 55.2, which was in a semi-favorable level. The necessity of system deployment in the clinical nursing sector had the highest frequency (88.2) and interference of redesigning structures with the current work had the lowest frequency (43.6). Conclusion: The possibility of implementation of the clinical nursing information system in a behavioral dimension is at a semi-favorable level. To increase the acceptance of the system, presenting a new system as a positive change and further training of the nurses is recommended. © 2019 Jeddi et al

    The relationship between body image and marital adjustment in infertile women

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    Introduction: Body image is one of the most important issues in women's mental health and due to its relationship with physical, cognitive and emotional aspects of women’s life; it can predict their healthy or unhealthy behaviors. According to some research reports, women’s negative or positive body image can affect their marital relationships. Considering the impact of infertility on both body image and marital adjustment and the lack of evidence regarding the relationship of these two variables in infertility, this study aimed to investigate the relationship of body image with marital adjustment in infertile women in 2010 in Mashhad. Methods: This correlational study was carried out on 130 infertile women referred to Montaserie Infertility Research Center in Mashhad who were selected through convenient sampling. Research tools were consisted of valid and reliable demographic questionnaire including personal and infertility-related information, modified Younesi Body Image Questionnaire and Spanier marital adjustment scale (DAS) which were completed by subjects. Data analysis was carried out by SPSS software (version 15/5) using t-tests, one way ANOVA, and Spearman and Pearson correlation test. Results: 93/1% of women reported positive body image and 76/9% had high marital adjustment. There was a direct correlation between the overall score of body image with marital adjustment (P<0/001). There was also a direct correlation between the scores of body image subscales including body in loneliness (P= 0/001), real body (P=0/014), public image of body (P=0/016), spouse image of body (P<0/001) and spouse family image of body (P<0/001) with marital adjustment. However, this relationship was not observed between the subscale of ideal body and marital adjustment. Conclusion: The presence of a direct correlation between body image and marital adjustment could guide developing educational or counseling programs particularly for infertile women who suffer from marital disputes. Keywords: Body image, Marital adjustment, Infertilit
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