3,824 research outputs found

    Extremal Black Holes in Supergravity and the Bekenstein-Hawking Entropy

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    We review some results on the connection among supergravity central charges, BPS states and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In particular, N=2 supergravity in four dimensions is studied in detail. For higher N supergravities we just give an account of the general theory specializing the discussion to the N=8 case when one half of supersymmetry is preserved. We stress the fact that for extremal supergravity black holes the entropy formula is topological, that is the entropy turns out to be a moduli independent quantity and can be written in terms of invariants of the duality group of the supergravity theory.Comment: LaTeX, 65 pages. Contribution to the journal ``Entropy'', ISSN 1099-430

    Dyonic Masses from Conformal Field Strengths in D even Dimensions

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    We show that D/2--form gauge fields in D even dimensions can get a mass with both electric and magnetic contributions when coupled to conformal field--strengths whose gauge potentials is are \frac {D-2}{2}- forms. Denoting by e^I_\L and m^{I\L} the electric and magnetic couplings, gauge invariance requires: e^I_\L m^{J\L}\mp e^J_\L m^{I\L}=0, where I,\L= 1... m denote the species of gauge potentials of degree D/2 and gauge fields of degree D/2-1, respectively. The minus and plus signs refer to the two different cases D=4n and D=4n+2 respectively and the given constraints are respectively {\rm {Sp}}(2m) and {\rm {O}}(m,m) invariant. For the simplest examples, (I,\L=1 for D=4n and I,\L=1,2 for D=4n+2) both the e,m quantum numbers contribute to the mass \m=\sqrt {e^2 +m^2} . This phenomenon generalizes to DD even dimensions the coupling of massive antisymmetric tensors which appear in D=4 supergravity Lagrangians which derive from flux compactifications in higher dimensions. For D=4 we give the supersymmetric generalization of such couplings using N=1 superspace.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX source, typos corrected. Version to appear on Phys.Lett.

    String Quantum Symmetries From Picard-Fuchs Equations And Their Monodromy

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    Local and global properties of the moduli space of Calabi--Yau type compactifications determine the low energy parameters of the string effective action. We show that the moduli space geometry is entirely encoded in the Picard--Fuchs equations for the periods of the Calabi--Yau H(3)H^{(3)}--cohomology.Comment: 33 pages, plain TeX, CERN-TH.6777/93,POLFIS-TH.24/9

    On Fermion Masses, Gradient Flows and Potential in Supersymmetric Theories

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    In any low energy effective supergravity theory general formulae exist which allow one to discuss fermion masses, the scalar potential and breaking of symmetries in a model independent set up. A particular role in this discussion is played by Killing vectors and Killing prepotentials. We outline these relations in general and specify then in the context of N=1 and N=2 supergravities in four dimensions. Useful relations of gauged quaternionic geometry underlying hypermultiplets dynamics are discussed.Comment: Further typos corrected and in particular the missing gravitino mass term in the N=2 Lagrangian has been adde

    Supergravities in diverse dimensions and their central extension

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    In this lecture moduli dependent charges for p-extended objects are analyzed for generic N-extended supergravities in dimensions 4 \leq D <10. Differential relations and sum rules among the charges are derived.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX; Talk given at the WorkShop on Gauge Theories, Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity, London, 5-10 July 199

    More on the Hidden Symmetries of 11D Supergravity

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    In this paper we clarify the relations occurring among the osp(1|32) algebra, the M-algebra and the hidden superalgebra underlying the Free Differential Algebra of D=11 supergravity (to which we will refer as DF-algebra) that was introduced in the literature by D'Auria and Fr\'e in 1981 and is actually a (Lorentz valued) central extension of the M-algebra including a nilpotent spinor generator, Q'. We focus in particular on the 4-form cohomology in 11D superspace of the supergravity theory, strictly related to the presence in the theory of a 3-form A(3)A^{(3)}. Once formulated in terms of its hidden superalgebra of 1-forms, we find that A(3)A^{(3)} can be decomposed into the sum of two parts having different group-theoretical meaning: One of them allows to reproduce the FDA of the 11D Supergravity due to non-trivial contributions to the 4-form cohomology in superspace, while the second one does not contribute to the 4-form cohomology, being a closed 3-form in the vacuum, defining however a one parameter family of trilinear forms invariant under a symmetry algebra related to osp(1|32) by redefining the spin connection and adding a new Maurer-Cartan equation. We further discuss about the crucial role played by the 1-form spinor η\eta (dual to the nilpotent generator Q') for the 4-form cohomology of the eleven dimensional theory on superspace.Comment: Title and abstract changed to better represent the content, some points clarified, mainly in Section 2 and in the concluding section, references added. Version accepted for publication on Physics Letters

    Five-Brane Effective Field Theory on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We consider the compactification of the dual form of N=1N=1 D=10D=10 supergravity on a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. An N=1N=1 off-shell supergravity effective Lagrangian in four dimensions can be constructed in a dual version of the gravitational sector (new-minimal supergravity form). Superspace duality has a simple interpretation in terms of Poincar\'{e} duality of two-form cohomology. The resulting 4D4D Lagrangian may describe the low-energy point-field limit of a five-brane theory, dual to string theory, provided Calabi-Yau spaces are consistent vacua of such dual theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, CERN-Th.6914/93 POLFIS-TH.04/93 UCLA/93/TEP/1

    Orientifolds, Brane Coordinates and Special Geometry

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    We report on the gauged supergravity analysis of Type IIB vacua on K3x T2/Z2 orientifold in the presence of D3-D7-branes and fluxes. We discuss supersymmetric critical points correspond to Minkowski vacua and the related fixing of moduli, finding agreement with previous analysis. An important role is played by the choice of the symplectic holomorphic sections of special geometry which enter the computation of the scalar potential. The related period matrix N is explicitly given. The relation between the special geometry and the Born--Infeld action for the brane moduli is elucidated.Comment: 24 pages, contribution to the proceedings of "DeserFest", Ann Arbor, Michigan, 3-6 April 200

    U-Duality and Central Charges in Various Dimensions Revisited

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    A geometric formulation which describes extended supergravities in any dimension in presence of electric and magnetic sources is presented. In this framework the underlying duality symmetries of the theories are manifest. Particular emphasis is given to the construction of central and matter charges and to the symplectic structure of all D=4, N-extended theories. The latter may be traced back to the existence, for N>2, of a flat symplectic bundle which is the N>2 generalization of N=2 Special Geometry.Comment: Misprints corrected and some relations added in six dimensional non-chiral theorie

    Curvatures and potential of M-theory in D=4 with fluxes and twist

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    We give the curvatures of the free differential algebra (FDA) of M--theory compactified to D=4 on a twisted seven--torus with the 4--form flux switched on. Two formulations are given, depending on whether the 1--form field strengths of the scalar fields (originating from the 3--form gauge field A^(3)\hat{A}^{(3)}) are included or not in the FDA. We also give the bosonic equations of motion and discuss at length the scalar potential which emerges in this type of compactifications. For flat groups we show the equivalence of this potential with a dual formulation of the theory which has the full \rE_{7(7)} symmetry.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX source, typos correcte
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