710 research outputs found

    Pseudo Goldstones at Future Colliders from the Extended Bess Model

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    We consider the production of the lightest pseudo-Goldstone bosons at future colliders through the vector resonances predicted by the extended BESS model, which consists of an effective lagrangian parametrization with dynamical symmetry breaking, describing scalar, vector and axial-vector bound states in a rather general framework. We find that the detection of pseudo-Goldstone pairs at LHC requires a careful evaluation of backgrounds. For e+e- collisions in the TeV range the backgrounds can be easily reduced and the detection of pseudo-Goldstone pairs is generally easier.Comment: 17 pages and 12 figures (included as a uuencoded tar file), LaTeX (style article), UGVA-DPT 1994/03-84

    Meson current in the CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. We show that an instability appears in the vicinity of the point ÎŒs=Δ\mu_s=\Delta which marks the appearance of gapless fermion modes in the CFL phase. Here, ÎŒs=ms2/(2ÎŒ)\mu_s=m_s^2/(2\mu) is the shift in chemical potential due to the strange quark mass and Δ\Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. We show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. In this work we do not take into account homogeneous kaon condensation. We study the effects of an instanton induced interaction of the magnitude required to suppress kaon condensation.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, v2: minor improvements, results unchange

    Characterizing the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel phase induced by the chromomagnetic instability

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    We discuss possible destinations from the chromomagnetic instability in color superconductors with Fermi surface mismatch ÎŽÎŒ\delta\mu. In the two-flavor superconducting (2SC) phase we calculate the effective potential for color vector potentials AαA_\alpha which are interpreted as the net momenta qq of pairing in the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel (LOFF) phase. When 1/2<ÎŽÎŒ/Δ<11/\sqrt{2}<\delta\mu/\Delta<1 where Δ\Delta is the gap energy, the effective potential suggests that the instability leads to a LOFF-like state which is characterized by color-rotated phase oscillations with small qq. In the vicinity of ÎŽÎŒ/Δ=1/2\delta\mu/\Delta=1/\sqrt{2} the magnitude of qq continuously increases from zero as the effective potential has negative larger curvature at vanishing AαA_\alpha that is the Meissner mass squared. In the gapless 2SC (g2SC) phase, in contrast, the effective potential has a minimum at gAα∌ΎΌ∌ΔgA_\alpha\sim\delta\mu\sim\Delta even when the negative Meissner mass squared is infinitesimally small. Our results imply that the chromomagnetic instability found in the gapless phase drives the system toward the LOFF state with q∌ΎΌq\sim\delta\mu.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; fatal typo about the conclusion corrected; reference adde

    Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell state in two-color quark matter

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    We explore the phase structure of two-color and two-flavor QCD in the space of the quark chemical potential \mu_q and the isospin chemical potential \mu_I. Using a mean-field model we calculate the chiral and diquark condensates, \sigma and \Delta, self-consistently. In weak coupling and in the chiral limit, we confirm the interval of the isospin chemical potential, 0.71\Delta_0<\mu_I<0.75\Delta_0, in which a single plane-wave Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) phase is favored over isotropic superfluidity and normal quark matter. The LOFF window becomes slightly wider at high density. For stronger coupling with nonzero quark mass, which is relevant to currently available numerical simulations in lattice two-color QCD, the single plane-wave LOFF phase appears only at sufficiently high density. The prediction obtained for the LOFF region could be tested with lattice since we can prove that the present system is free from the fermion sign problem. We draw the energy landscape on which local minima corresponding to the isotropic superfluid phase and the LOFF phase and a local maximum corresponding to the gapless phase are manifest. Our results clearly illustrate the path from the the unstable gapless phase down to the LOFF phase.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Chiral Models in Noncommutative N=1/2 Four Dimensional Superspace

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    We derive the component Lagrangian for a generic N=1/2 supersymmetric chiral model with an arbitrary number of fields in four space-time dimensions. We then investigate a toy model in which the deformation parameter modifies the undeformed potential near the origin of the field space in a way which suggests possible physical applications.Comment: Final version to appear in Physical Review D. We have added a new section in which we show that our component action can be resummed. The final answer takes a simple compact form. We also show how differences emerge for the modified Kaehler structure with respect to the ones found in the literature. We have also added two reference

    Algebras, Derivations and Integrals

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    In the context of the integration over algebras introduced in a previous paper, we obtain several results for a particular class of associative algebras with identity. The algebras of this class are called self-conjugated, and they include, for instance, the paragrassmann algebras of order pp, the quaternionic algebra and the toroidal algebras. We study the relation between derivations and integration, proving a generalization of the standard result for the Riemann integral about the translational invariance of the measure and the vanishing of the integral of a total derivative (for convenient boundary conditions). We consider also the possibility, given the integration over an algebra, to define from it the integral over a subalgebra, in a way similar to the usual integration over manifolds. That is projecting out the submanifold in the integration measure. We prove that this is possible for paragrassmann algebras of order pp, once we consider them as subalgebras of the algebra of the (p+1)×(p+1)(p+1)\times(p+1) matrices. We find also that the integration over the subalgebra coincides with the integral defined in the direct way. As a by-product we can define the integration over a one-dimensional Grassmann algebra as a trace over 2×22\times 2 matrices.Comment: 23 pages, few typos corrected. Final version to be published in International Journal of Modern Physic

    An alternative model for the electroweak symmetry breaking sector and its signature in future e-gamma colliders

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    We perform a preliminary study of the deviations from the Standard Model prediction for the cross section for the process eÎłâ†’ÎœeWÎłe \gamma \rightarrow \nu_e W \gamma. We work in the context of a higgsless chiral lagrangian model that includes an extra vector resonance VV and an anomalous ÎłWV\gamma W V coupling. We find that this cross section can provide interesting constraints on the free parameters of the model once it is measured in future eÎłe \gamma colliders.Comment: LaTex , 14 pages, 5 figures not included but available as postscript files upon request, NUB-3086/94-T

    Pion and kaon condensation in a 3-flavor NJL model

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    We analyze the phase diagram of a three-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature TT and chemical potentials ÎŒu,ÎŒd,ÎŒs\mu_u, \mu_d, \mu_s. We study the competition of pion and kaon condensation and we propose a physical situation in which kaon condensation could be led only by light quark finite densities.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures include

    Thermodynamics of the Massive Gross-Neveu Model

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    We study the thermodynamics of massive Gross-Neveu models with explicitly broken discrete or continuous chiral symmetries for finite temperature and fermion densities. The large NN limit is discussed bearing attention to the no-go theorems for symmetry breaking in two dimensions which apply to the massless cases. The main purpose of the study is to serve as analytical orientation for the more complex problem of chiral transition in 4−4-dimensional QCD with quarks. For any non-vanishing fermion mass we find, at finite densities, lines of first order phase transitions. For small mass values traces of would-be second order transitions and a tricritical point are recognizable. We study the thermodynamics of these models, and in the model with broken continuous chiral symmetry we examine the properties of the pion like state.Comment: 34 pages (+18 figures, available upon request to [email protected]), LATEX file, uses art12a.sty, macro included, UGVA-DPT 1994/06-85

    Goldstone boson currents in a kaon condensed CFL phase

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    We study the stability of the kaon condensed color-flavor locked (CFL) phase of dense quark matter with regard to the formation of a non-zero Goldstone boson current. In the kaon condensed phase there is an electrically charged fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(1) \simeq 1.35\Delta and a neutral fermion which becomes gapless near \mu_s^(2)\simeq 1.61\Delta. Here, \mu_s=m_s^2/(2p_F) is the shift in the Fermi energy due to the strange quark mass m_s and \Delta is the gap in the chiral limit. The transition to the gapless phase is continuous at \mu_s^(1) and first order at \mu_s^(2). We find that the magnetic screening masses are real in the regime \mu_s< \mu_s^(2), but some screening masses are imaginary for \mu_s> \mu_s^(2). We show that there is a very weak current instability for \mu_s>\mu_s^(1) and a more robust instability in a small window near \mu_s^(2). We also show that in the Goldstone boson current phase all components of the magnetic screening mass are real. There is a range of values of \mu_s below 2\Delta in which the magnetic gluon screening masses are imaginary but the phase is stable with respect to electrically neutral fluctuations of the gauge field.Comment: 16 page
