7 research outputs found

    Numerical self-consistent distribution function of flattened ring models

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    We provide numerical, self-consistent distribution functions for several flat ring models by simultaneously solving the Fokker-Planck equation and the Poisson equation. In particular, we calculated the distribution function of flat ring systems formed by superposing Kuzmin-Toomre disc solutions and an analytic homogeneous ring solution in terms of complete elliptic integrals. We used these geometrical disc solutions, together with physical parameters, to model more realistic physical systems. Moreover, we defined a cutoff radius to handle the infinite Kuzmin-Toomre disc families numerically. The Fokker-Planck equation is solved by a direct numerical method using the finite difference method, the left conjugate direction algorithm, and a simple boundary condition that allows us to find good results for a large set of physical parameters and for values of the collision term of the same order of magnitude (or larger) when compared with the other terms in the Fokker-Planck equation. The collision term of the Fokker-Planck equation is explicitly calculated by applying the known Rosenbluth potentials for gravitational encounters. Limitations of the method are also discussed

    Empleo de explosivos en el alivio de tensiones residuales de la zona de influencia térmica de uniones soldadas Use of explosives in the reduction of residual stresses in the heated zone of welded unions

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    En el trabajo es estudiado el efecto del tratamiento con explosivos sobre las tensiones residuales de uniones soldadas de aceros al carbono. Se analizan dos modos de disposición de la carga explosiva (disposición lineal y disposición sinusoidal). Como resultado se obtiene que el tratamiento con explosivo por cualquiera de los dos métodos de colocación de carga ofrece un alivio de tensiones en el entorno de 50 - 60 %, demostrándose así la viabilidad del método para aumentar la fiabilidad de las uniones soldadas. Se concluye también que la disposición sinusoidal resulta más ventajosa al requerir de menor cantidad de carga explosiva.<br>In this paper, the effect of explosive charges as a method to reduce the residual stresses in the heated zone of welded unions was studied. A comparative analysis of two geometries of the explosive charge applied on welded unions was made: linear and sinusoidal. The comparative results obtained before and after the explosive treatment demonstrate its effectiveness by the reduction of the residual stresses. Residual stress reduction ranged in the order of 50 and 60%, confirming that explosive treatment offers a viable solution to extend the life of the welded unions

    Abstracts of Tanzania Health Summit 2020

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers/posters presented at the Tanzania Health Summit 2020 (THS-2020) Organized by the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender, and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); &amp; Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS) held on 25–26 November 2020. The Tanzania Health Summit is the annual largest healthcare platform in Tanzania that attracts more than 1000 participants, national and international experts, from policymakers, health researchers, public health professionals, health insurers, medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, private health investors, supply chain experts, and the civil society. During the three-day summit, stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in healthcare work together to find solutions to the country’s and regional health challenges and set the agenda for a healthier future. Summit Title: Tanzania Health SummitSummit Acronym: THS-2020Summit Date: 25–26 November 2020Summit Location: St. Gasper Hotel and Conference Centre in Dodoma, TanzaniaSummit Organizers: Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); &amp; Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS)