1,405 research outputs found

    Civil society and financial markets : what is not happening and why

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    Why have commercial financial flows – as a major force in contemporary society with a number of significant problematic consequences – attracted relatively little effective public-interest response from civil society? Change-oriented NGOs, labour unions, faith-based organisations and other social movements have mostly remained in the shadows vis-à-vis private financial markets. Impacts from these citizen associations have not gone beyond promoting modest rises in public awareness, certain limited policy shifts, and minor institutional reforms of a few public governance agencies. The reasons for these scant achievements are partly related to capacities and practices in civil society groups, relevant governance agencies, and financial firms. Also important in constraining civil society impacts to reform and transform contemporary financial markets are deeper structural circumstances such as embedded social hierarchies (among countries, classes, etc.), the pivotal role of finance capital in accumulation processes today, and the entrenchment of prevailing neoliberal policy discourses

    The Potential Added Value of Novel Hearing Therapeutics: An Early Health Economic Model for Hearing Loss

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    OBJECTIVE: To construct an early health economic model to assess the potential added value of novel hearing therapeutics, compared with the current standard of care. We use idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) as a case example, because it is a lead indication for several emerging hearing therapeutics. METHODS: A decision analytic model was developed to assess the costs and effects of using novel hearing therapeutics for patients with ISSNHL. This was compared to the current standard of care. Input data were derived from literature searches and expert opinion. The study adopted a healthcare perspective of the UK National Health Service. Four analyses were conducted: 1) headroom, 2) scenario, 3) threshold, 4) sensitivity. RESULTS: The decision analytic model showed that novel therapeutics for ISSNHL have potential value both in terms of improved patient outcomes, as well as incremental net monetary benefit (iNMB). The base case analysis revealed an iNMB of ÂŁ39,032 for novel therapeutics compared with the current standard of care. Results of the threshold and scenario analysis revealed that age of treatment and severity of ISSNHL are major determinants of iNMB for novel therapeutics. CONCLUSION: This article describes the first health economic model for novel therapeutics for hearing loss; and shows that novel hearing therapeutics can be cost-effective under NICE's cost-effectiveness threshold, with considerable room for improvement in the current standard of care. Our model can be used to inform the development of cost-effective hearing therapeutics; and help decision makers decide which therapeutics represent value for money

    Rethinking globalised resistance : feminist activism and critical theorising in international relations

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    This article argues that a feminist approach to the 'politics of resistance' offers a number of important empirical insights which, in turn, open up lines of theoretical inquiry which critical theorists in IR would do well to explore. Concretely, we draw on our ongoing research into feminist 'anti-globalisation' activism to rethink the nature of the subject of the politics of resistance, the conditions under which resistance emerges and how resistance is enacted and expressed. We begin by discussing the relationship of feminism to critical IR theory as a way of situating and explaining the focus and approach of our research project. We then summarise our key empirical arguments regarding the emergence, structure, beliefs, identities and practices of feminist 'anti-globalisation' activism before exploring the implications of these for a renewed critical theoretical agenda in IR

    Validity of the Empatica E4 wristband to measure heart rate variability (HRV) parameters:A comparison to electrocardiography (ECG)

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    Wearable monitoring devices are an innovative way to measure heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV), however, there is still debate about the validity of these wearables. This study aimed to validate the accuracy and predictive value of the Empatica E4 wristband against the VU University Ambulatory Monitoring System (VU-AMS) in a clinical population of traumatized adolescents in residential care. A sample of 345 recordings of both the Empatica E4 wristband and the VU-AMS was derived from a feasibility study that included fifteen participants. They wore both devices during two experimental testing and twelve intervention sessions. We used correlations, cross-correlations, Mann-Whitney tests, difference factors, Bland-Altman plots, and Limits of Agreement to evaluate differences in outcomes between devices. Significant correlations were found between Empatica E4 and VU-AMS recordings for HR, SDNN, RMSSD, and HF recordings. There was a significant difference between the devices for all parameters but HR, although effect sizes were small for SDNN, LF, and HF. For all parameters but RMSSD, testing outcomes of the two devices led to the same conclusions regarding significance. The Empatica E4 wristband provides a new opportunity to measure HRV in an unobtrusive way. Results of this study indicate the potential of the Empatica E4 as a practical and valid tool for research on HR and HRV under non-movement conditions. While more research needs to be conducted, this study could be considered as a first step to support the use of HRV recordings provided by wearables

    Brief report:Follow-up outcomes of multisystemic therapy for adolescents with an intellectual disability and the relation with parental intellectual disability

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    Research on follow‐up outcomes of systemic interventions for family members with an intellectual disability is scarce. In this study, short‐term and long‐term follow‐up outcomes of multisystemic therapy for adolescents with antisocial or delinquent behaviour and an intellectual disability (MST‐ID) are reported. In addition, the role of parental intellectual disability was examined. Outcomes of 55 families who had received MST‐ID were assessed at the end of treatment and at 6‐month, 12‐month and 18‐month follow‐up. Parental intellectual disability was used as a predictor of treatment outcomes. Missing data were handled using multiple imputation. Rule‐breaking behaviour of adolescents declined during treatment and stabilized until 18 months post‐treatment. The presence or absence of parental intellectual disability did not predict treatment outcomes. This study was the first to report long‐term outcomes of MST‐ID. The intervention achieved similar results in families with and without parents with an intellectual disability
