295 research outputs found

    Exotic Differential Operators on Complex Minimal Nilpotent Orbits

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    Let O be the minimal nilpotent adjoint orbit in a classical complex semisimple Lie algebra g. O is a smooth quasi-affine variety stable under the Euler dilation action C∗C^* on g. The algebra of differential operators on O is D(O)=D(Cl(O)) where the closure Cl(O) is a singular cone in g. See \cite{jos} and \cite{bkHam} for some results on the geometry and quantization of O. We construct an explicit subspace A−1⊂D(O)A_{-1}\subset D(O) of commuting differential operators which are Euler homogeneous of degree -1. The space A−1A_{-1} is finite-dimensional, g-stable and carries the adjoint representation. A−1A_{-1} consists of (for g≠sp(2n,C)g \neq sp(2n,C)) non-obvious order 4 differential operators obtained by quantizing symbols we obtained previously. These operators are "exotic" in that there is (apparently) no geometric or algebraic theory which explains them. The algebra generated by A−1A_{-1} is a maximal commutative subalgebra A of D(X). We find a G-equivariant algebra isomorphism R(O) to A, f↦Dff\mapsto D_f, such that the formula (f∣g)=(constanttermofDgˉf)(f|g)=({constant term of}D_{\bar{g}} f) defines a positive-definite Hermitian inner product on R(O). We will use these operators DfD_f to quantize O in a subsequent paper.Comment: 34 pages, corrected some typos, changed conten

    Minimal Unitary Realizations of Exceptional U-duality Groups and Their Subgroups as Quasiconformal Groups

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    We study the minimal unitary representations of noncompact exceptional groups that arise as U-duality groups in extended supergravity theories. First we give the unitary realizations of the exceptional group E_{8(-24)} in SU*(8) as well as SU(6,2) covariant bases. E_{8(-24)} has E_7 X SU(2) as its maximal compact subgroup and is the U-duality group of the exceptional supergravity theory in d=3. For the corresponding U-duality group E_{8(8)} of the maximal supergravity theory the minimal realization was given in hep-th/0109005. The minimal unitary realizations of all the lower rank noncompact exceptional groups can be obtained by truncation of those of E_{8(-24)} and E_{8(8)}. By further truncation one can obtain the minimal unitary realizations of all the groups of the "Magic Triangle". We give explicitly the minimal unitary realizations of the exceptional subgroups of E_{8(-24)} as well as other physically interesting subgroups. These minimal unitary realizations correspond, in general, to the quantization of their geometric actions as quasi-conformal groups as defined in hep-th/0008063.Comment: 28 pages. Latex commands removed from the abstract for the arXiv. No changes in the manuscrip

    Globally controlled universal quantum computation with arbitrary subsystem dimension

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    We introduce a scheme to perform universal quantum computation in quantum cellular automata (QCA) fashion in arbitrary subsystem dimension (not necessarily finite). The scheme is developed over a one spatial dimension NN-element array, requiring only mirror symmetric logical encoding and global pulses. A mechanism using ancillary degrees of freedom for subsystem specific measurement is also presented.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Minimum orbit dimension for local unitary action on n-qubit pure states

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    The group of local unitary transformations partitions the space of n-qubit quantum states into orbits, each of which is a differentiable manifold of some dimension. We prove that all orbits of the n-qubit quantum state space have dimension greater than or equal to 3n/2 for n even and greater than or equal to (3n + 1)/2 for n odd. This lower bound on orbit dimension is sharp, since n-qubit states composed of products of singlets achieve these lowest orbit dimensions.Comment: 19 page

    Muon capture on light nuclei

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    This work investigates the muon capture reactions 2H(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)nn and 3He(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)3H and the contribution to their total capture rates arising from the axial two-body currents obtained imposing the partially-conserved-axial-current (PCAC) hypothesis. The initial and final A=2 and 3 nuclear wave functions are obtained from the Argonne v_{18} two-nucleon potential, in combination with the Urbana IX three-nucleon potential in the case of A=3. The weak current consists of vector and axial components derived in chiral effective field theory. The low-energy constant entering the vector (axial) component is determined by reproducting the isovector combination of the trinucleon magnetic moment (Gamow-Teller matrix element of tritium beta-decay). The total capture rates are 393.1(8) s^{-1} for A=2 and 1488(9) s^{-1} for A=3, where the uncertainties arise from the adopted fitting procedure.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Few-Body Sys

    Non-Abelian Tensor Multiplet Equations from Twistor Space

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    We establish a Penrose-Ward transform yielding a bijection between holomorphic principal 2-bundles over a twistor space and non-Abelian self-dual tensor fields on six-dimensional flat space-time. Extending the twistor space to supertwistor space, we derive sets of manifestly N=(1,0) and N=(2,0) supersymmetric non-Abelian constraint equations containing the tensor multiplet. We also demonstrate how this construction leads to constraint equations for non-Abelian supersymmetric self-dual strings.Comment: v3: 23 pages, revised version published in Commun. Math. Phy

    Yang-Mills theory for bundle gerbes

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    Given a bundle gerbe with connection on an oriented Riemannian manifold of dimension at least equal to 3, we formulate and study the associated Yang-Mills equations. When the Riemannian manifold is compact and oriented, we prove the existence of instanton solutions to the equations and also determine the moduli space of instantons, thus giving a complete analysis in this case. We also discuss duality in this context.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages, some typos corrected, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Valence bond solid formalism for d-level one-way quantum computation

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    The d-level or qudit one-way quantum computer (d1WQC) is described using the valence bond solid formalism and the generalised Pauli group. This formalism provides a transparent means of deriving measurement patterns for the implementation of quantum gates in the computational model. We introduce a new universal set of qudit gates and use it to give a constructive proof of the universality of d1WQC. We characterise the set of gates that can be performed in one parallel time step in this model.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    A Coboundary Morphism For The Grothendieck Spectral Sequence

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    Given an abelian category A\mathcal{A} with enough injectives we show that a short exact sequence of chain complexes of objects in A\mathcal{A} gives rise to a short exact sequence of Cartan-Eilenberg resolutions. Using this we construct coboundary morphisms between Grothendieck spectral sequences associated to objects in a short exact sequence. We show that the coboundary preserves the filtrations associated with the spectral sequences and give an application of these result to filtrations in sheaf cohomology.Comment: 18 page

    Quantum circuits with uniformly controlled one-qubit gates

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    Uniformly controlled one-qubit gates are quantum gates which can be represented as direct sums of two-dimensional unitary operators acting on a single qubit. We present a quantum gate array which implements any n-qubit gate of this type using at most 2^{n-1} - 1 controlled-NOT gates, 2^{n-1} one-qubit gates and a single diagonal n-qubit gate. The circuit is based on the so-called quantum multiplexor, for which we provide a modified construction. We illustrate the versatility of these gates by applying them to the decomposition of a general n-qubit gate and a local state preparation procedure. Moreover, we study their implementation using only nearest-neighbor gates. We give upper bounds for the one-qubit and controlled-NOT gate counts for all the aforementioned applications. In all four cases, the proposed circuit topologies either improve on or achieve the previously reported upper bounds for the gate counts. Thus, they provide the most efficient method for general gate decompositions currently known.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. v2 has simpler notation and sharpens some result
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