795 research outputs found

    Alternative Linear Chiral Models for Nuclear Matter

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    The equation of state of a family of alternative linear chiral models in the mean field approximation is discussed. We investigate the analogy between some of these models with current models in the literature, and we show that it is possible to reproduce very well the saturation properties of nuclear matter.Comment: 11 pages in Latex, 4 ps figures include

    Design of a SiPM-based cluster for the Large Size Telescope camera of CTA

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    A Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM)-based photodetector is being built to demonstrate its feasibility for an alternative silicon-based camera design for the Large Size Telescope (LST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. It has been designed to match the size of the standard Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) cluster unit and to be compatible with mechanics, electronics and focal plane optics of the first LST camera. Here, we describe the overall SiPM cluster design along with the main differences with respect to the currently used PMT cluster unit. The fast electronics of the SiPM pixel and its layout are also presented. In order to derive the best working condition for the final unit, we measured the SiPM performances in terms of gain, photo-detection efficiency and cross-talk. One pixel, a unit of 14 SiPMs, has been built. We will discuss also some preliminary results regarding this device and we will highlight the future steps of this project.Comment: submitted to NIM

    DigiCam - Fully Digital Compact Read-out and Trigger Electronics for the SST-1M Telescope proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The SST-1M is one of three prototype small-sized telescope designs proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array, and is built by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions. The SST-1M will operate with DigiCam - an innovative, compact camera with fully digital read-out and trigger electronics. A high level of integration will be achieved by massively deploying state-of-the-art multi-gigabit transmission channels, beginning from the ADC flash converters, through the internal data and trigger signals transmission over backplanes and cables, to the camera's server link. Such an approach makes it possible to design the camera to fit the size and weight requirements of the SST-1M exactly, and provide low power consumption, high reliability and long lifetime. The structure of the digital electronics will be presented, along with main physical building blocks and the internal architecture of FPGA functional subsystems.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Using muon rings for the optical throughput calibration of the SST-1M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) are ground-based instruments devoted to the study of very high energy gamma-rays coming from space. The detection technique consists of observing images created by the Cherenkov light emitted when gamma rays, or more generally cosmic rays, propagate through the atmosphere. While in the case of protons or gamma-rays the images present a filled and more or less elongated shape, energetic muons penetrating the atmosphere are visualised as characteristic circular rings or arcs. A relatively simple analysis of the ring images allows the reconstruction of all the relevant parameters of the detected muons, such as the energy, the impact parameter, and the incoming direction, with the final aim to use them to calibrate the total optical throughput of the given IACT telescope. We present the results of preliminary studies on the use of images created by muons as optical throughput calibrators of the single mirror small size telescope prototype SST-1M proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Software design for the control system for Small-Size Telescopes with single-mirror of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Small-Size Telescope with single-mirror (SST-1M) is a 4 m Davies-Cotton telescope and is among the proposed telescope designs for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). It is conceived to provide the high-energy (>> few TeV) coverage. The SST-1M contains proven technology for the telescope structure and innovative electronics and photosensors for the camera. Its design is meant to be simple, low-budget and easy-to-build industrially. Each device subsystem of an SST-1M telescope is made visible to CTA through a dedicated industrial standard server. The software is being developed in collaboration with the CTA Medium-Size Telescopes to ensure compatibility and uniformity of the array control. Early operations of the SST-1M prototype will be performed with a subset of the CTA central array control system based on the Alma Common Software (ACS). The triggered event data are time stamped, formatted and finally transmitted to the CTA data acquisition. The software system developed to control the devices of an SST-1M telescope is described, as well as the interface between the telescope abstraction to the CTA central control and the data acquisition system.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    Prototype of the SST-1M Telescope Structure for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    A single-mirror small-size (SST-1M) Davies-Cotton telescope with a dish diameter of 4 m has been built by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions as a prototype for one of the proposed small-size telescopes for the southern observatory of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The design represents a very simple, reliable, and cheap solution. The mechanical structure prototype with its drive system is now being tested at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS in Krakow. Here we present the design of the prototype and results of the performance tests of the structure and the drive and control system.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589

    The SST-1M camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The prototype camera of the single-mirror Small Size Telescopes (SST-1M) proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project has been designed to be very compact and to deliver high performance over thirty years of operation. The camera is composed of an hexagonal photo-detection plane made of custom designed large area hexagonal silicon photomultipliers and a high throughput, highly configurable, fully digital readout and trigger system (DigiCam). The camera will be installed on the telescope structure at the H. Niewodnicza{\'n}ski institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow in fall 2015. In this contribution, we review the steps that led to the development of the innovative photo-detection plane and readout electronics, and we describe the test and calibration strategy adopted.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.05894; Full consortium author list at http://cta-observatory.or

    MAGIC upper limits on the very high energy emission from GRBs

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    The fast repositioning system of the MAGIC Telescope has allowed during its first data cycle, between 2005 and the beginning of year 2006, observing nine different GRBs as possible sources of very high energy gammas. These observations were triggered by alerts from Swift, HETE-II, and Integral; they started as fast as possible after the alerts and lasted for several minutes, with an energy threshold varying between 80 and 200 GeV, depending upon the zenith angle of the burst. No evidence for gamma signals was found, and upper limits for the flux were derived for all events, using the standard analysis chain of MAGIC. For the bursts with measured redshift, the upper limits are compatible with a power law extrapolation, when the intrinsic fluxes are evaluated taking into account the attenuation due to the scattering in the Metagalactic Radiation Field (MRF).Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, final version accepted by ApJ. Changet title to "MAGIC upped limits on the VERY high energy emission from GRBs", re-organized chapter with description of observation, removed non necessaries figures, added plot of effective area depending on zenith angle, added an appendix explaining the upper limit calculation, added some reference

    Systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emission from X-ray bright high-frequency BL Lac objects

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    All but three (M87, BL Lac and 3C 279) extragalactic sources detected so far at very high energy (VHE) gamma-rays belong to the class of high-frequency peaked BL Lac (HBL) objects. This suggested to us a systematic scan of candidate sources with the MAGIC telescope, based on the compilation of X-ray blazars by Donato et al. (2001). The observations took place from December 2004 to March 2006 and cover sources on the northern sky visible under small zenith distances zd < 30 degrees at culmination. The sensitivity of the search was planned for detecting X-ray bright F(1 keV) > 2 uJy) sources emitting at least the same energy flux at 200 GeV as at 1 keV. In order to avoid strong gamma-ray attenuation close to the energy threshold, the redshift of the sources was constrained to values z<0.3. Of the fourteen sources observed, 1ES 1218+304 and 1ES 2344+514 have been detected in addition to the known bright TeV blazars Mrk 421 and Mrk 501. A marginal excess of 3.5 sigma from the position of 1ES 1011+496 was observed and has been confirmed as a source of VHE gamma-rays by a second MAGIC observation triggered by a high optical state (Albert et al. 2007). For the remaining sources, we present here the 99% confidence level upper limits on the integral flux above ~200 GeV. We characterize the sample of HBLs (including all HBLs detected at VHE so far) by looking for correlations between their multi-frequency spectral indices determined from simultaneous optical, archival X-ray, and radio luminosities, finding that the VHE emitting HBLs do not seem to constitute a unique subclass. The absorption corrected gamma-ray luminosities at 200 GeV of the HBLs are generally not higher than their X-ray luminosities at 1 keV.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, submitted to ApJ (revised version

    MAGIC observations of very high energy gamma-rays from HESS J1813-178

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    Recently, the HESS collaboration has reported the detection of gamma-ray emission above a few hundred GeV from eight new sources located close to the Galactic Plane. The source HESS J1813-178 has sparked particular interest, as subsequent radio observations imply an association with SNR G12.82-0.02. Triggered by the detection in VHE gamma-rays, a positionally coincident source has also been found in INTEGRAL and ASCA data. In this Letter we present MAGIC observations of HESS J1813-178, resulting in the detection of a differential gamma-ray flux consistent with a hard-slope power law, described as dN/(dA dt dE) = (3.3+/-0.5)*10^{-12} (E/TeV)^{-2.1+/-0.2} cm^(-2)s^(-1)TeV^(-1). We briefly discuss the observational technique used, the procedure implemented for the data analysis, and put this detection in the perspective of multifrequency observations.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter
