13,346 research outputs found

    Noise induced rupture process: Phase boundary and scaling of waiting time distribution

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    A bundle of fibers has been considered here as a model for composite materials, where breaking of the fibers occur due to a combined influence of applied load (stress) and external noise. Through numerical simulation and a mean-field calculation we show that there exists a robust phase boundary between continuous (no waiting time) and intermittent fracturing regimes. In the intermittent regime, throughout the entire rupture process avalanches of different sizes are produced and there is a waiting time between two consecutive avalanches. The statistics of waiting times follows a Gamma distribution and the avalanche distribution shows power law scaling, similar to what have been observed in case of earthquake events and bursts in fracture experiments. We propose a prediction scheme that can tell when the system is expected to reach the continuous fracturing point from the intermittent phase.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Infrared spectroscopy of diatomic molecules - a fractional calculus approach

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    The eigenvalue spectrum of the fractional quantum harmonic oscillator is calculated numerically solving the fractional Schr\"odinger equation based on the Riemann and Caputo definition of a fractional derivative. The fractional approach allows a smooth transition between vibrational and rotational type spectra, which is shown to be an appropriate tool to analyze IR spectra of diatomic molecules.Comment: revised + extended version, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Scaling Laws of Stress and Strain in Brittle Fracture

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    A numerical realization of an elastic beam lattice is used to obtain scaling exponents relevant to the extent of damage within the controlled, catastrophic and total regimes of mode-I brittle fracture. The relative fraction of damage at the onset of catastrophic rupture approaches a fixed value in the continuum limit. This enables disorder in a real material to be quantified through its relationship with random samples generated on the computer.Comment: 4 pages and 6 figure

    A Comparison of Methods of Estimating the Attenuation of Earthquake Strong Ground Motion

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    Strong ground-motion attenuation relations take on a variety of forms, depending upon the parameters used to express the relations and upon the geographic area for which the equations are developed. In general the strong ground-motion parameters, namely acceleration, velocity, displacement and response spectra ordinates, are taken to be proportional to the distance from the earthquake source to the site, to the magnitude or some measure of the strength of the earthquake source, and to loss factors resulting from transmission of energy through the inelastic earth. In certain areas of the world, where strong-motion data are abundant, empirical relations can be developed to express these relations. In other areas of the world, where strong-motion data are few or are entirely lacking, more attention must be given to theoretical considerations. In this paper we give case histories of two such types of regions, namely western North America with an abundance of data and eastern North America with a paucity of data

    Test of the isotropy of the speed of light using a continuously rotating optical resonator

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    We report on a test of Lorentz invariance performed by comparing the resonance frequencies of one stationary optical resonator and one continuously rotating on a precision air bearing turntable. Special attention is paid to the control of rotation induced systematic effects. Within the photon sector of the Standard Model Extension, we obtain improved limits on combinations of 8 parameters at a level of a few parts in 101610^{-16}. For the previously least well known parameter we find κ~eZZ=(1.9±5.2)×1015\tilde \kappa_{e-}^{ZZ} =(-1.9 \pm 5.2)\times 10^{-15}. Within the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl test theory, our measurement restricts the isotropy violation parameter βδ12\beta -\delta -\frac 12 to (2.1±1.9)×1010(-2.1\pm 1.9)\times 10^{-10}, corresponding to an eightfold improvement with respect to previous non-rotating measurements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Aeolian transport layer

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    We investigate the airborne transport of particles on a granular surface by the saltation mechanism through numerical simulation of particle motion coupled with turbulent flow. We determine the saturated flux qsq_{s} and show that its behavior is consistent with a classical empirical relation obtained from wind tunnel measurements. Our results also allow to propose a new relation valid for small fluxes, namely, qs=a(uut)αq_{s}=a(u_{*}-u_{t})^{\alpha}, where uu_{*} and utu_{t} are the shear and threshold velocities of the wind, respectively, and the scaling exponent is α2\alpha \approx 2. We obtain an expression for the velocity profile of the wind distorted by the particle motion and present a dynamical scaling relation. We also find a novel expression for the dependence of the height of the saltation layer as function of the wind velocity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity of Swiss Red Clover Landraces

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    Mattenklee landraces are persistent and locally adapted Swiss red clover populations. About 100 populations are preserved and may represent a significant yet poorly characterised genetic resource for temperate regions. Genetic characterisation is important in order to improve cultivars, manage genetic resources and to maintain or restore biodiversity. The objectives of this study were to analyse genetic diversity, investigate potential ancestry and to elucidate the congruence of phenotypic and genetic structure of Mattenklee landraces

    Characteristics of high frequency ground motions in the Maule region (Chile), obtained from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 earthquake

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    The Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake occurred off the coast of central Chile on 2010 February 27, and was followed by thousands of aftershocks. In this study, we modeled 172 aftershocks recorded by more than 100 temporary broadband stations deployed between March 2010 and January 2011. Each of these earthquakes is characterized by a well-determined hypocentral location and well-constrained focal mechanism and moment magnitudes in the range M 3.7 to 6.2. Most of these earthquakes are characterized by shallow, eastward-dipping, thrust-type focal mechanisms consistent with faulting at or near the plate interface, where the Nazca plate is subducting beneath the South America plate at approximately 74 mm/yr. This study provides a unique opportunity to quantify high-frequency earthquake ground motion in a subduction zone due to the quality and quantity of observations in the frequency and distance range of 0.2-30 Hz and 40-500 km, respectively. The analysis was done using a two-step modeling procedure. A regression is performed to characterize source duration and excitation, source-receiver distance dependence, and station site effects. A point source forward model is then constructed in terms of geometrical spreading, duration, site effects and source scaling to match the regression results. This procedure provides the necessary point source parameters for stochastic finite-fault modeling of peak ground motions for future earthquakes in this subduction zone

    A regional ground motion excitation/attenuation model for the San Francisco region

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    By using small-to-moderate-sized earthquakes located within ~200 km of San Francisco, we characterize the scaling of the ground motions for frequencies ranging between 0.25 and 20 Hz, obtaining results for geometric spreading, Q(f), and site parameters using the methods of Mayeda et al. (2005) and Malagnini et al. (2004). The results of the analysis show that, throughout the Bay Area, the average regional attenuation of the ground motion can be modeled with a bilinear geometric spreading function with a 30 km crossover distance, coupled to an anelastic function exp(-pi*f*r/V*Q(f)) , where: Q(f)=180f^0.42. A body-wave geometric spreading, g(r)= r^-1.0, is used at short hypocentral distances (r < 30 km), whereas g(r)= r^-0.6 fits the attenuation of the spectral amplitudes at hypocentral distances beyond the crossover. The frequency-dependent site effects at 12 of the Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN) stations were evaluated in an absolute sense using coda-derived source spectra. Our results show: i) the absolute site response for frequencies ranging between 0.3 Hz and 2.0 Hz correlate with independent estimates of the local magnitude residuals (dML) for each of the stations; ii) moment-magnitudes (MW) derived from our path and site-corrected spectra are in excellent agreement with those independently derived using full-waveform modeling as well as coda-derived source spectra; iii) we use our weak-motion-based relationships to predict motions region wide for the Loma Prieta earthquake, well above the maximum magnitude spanned by our data set, on a completely different set of stations. Results compare well with measurements taken at specific NEHRP site classes; iv) an empirical, magnitude-dependent scaling was necessary for the Brune stress parameter in order to match the large magnitude spectral accelerations and peak ground velocities with our weak-motion-based model