717 research outputs found

    Critical rainfall thresholds for triggering shallow landslides in the Serchio River Valley (Tuscany, Italy)

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    Abstract. The Serchio River Valley, in north-western Tuscany, is a well-known tourism area between the Apuan Alps and the Apennines. This area is frequently hit by heavy rainfall, which often triggers shallow landslides, debris flows and debris torrents, sometimes causing damage and death. The assessment of the rainfall thresholds for the initiation of shallow landslides is very important in order to improve forecasting and to arrange efficient alarm systems. With the aim of defining the critical rainfall thresholds for the Middle Serchio River Valley, a detailed analysis of the main rainstorm events was carried out. The hourly rainfall recorded by three rain gauges in the 1935–2010 interval was analysed and compared with the occurrence of shallow landslides. The rainfall thresholds were defined in terms of mean intensity I, rainfall duration D, and normalized using the mean annual precipitation. Some attempts were also carried out to analyze the role of rainfall prior to the damaging events. Finally, the rainfall threshold curves obtained for the study area were compared with the local, regional and global curves proposed by various authors. The results of this analysis suggest that in the study area landslide activity initiation requires a higher amount of rainfall and greater intensity than elsewhere

    Genus one curves defined by separated variable polynomials and a polynomial Pell equation

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    Distinct Contributions of Median Raphe Nucleus to Contextual Fear Conditioning and Fear-Potentiated Startle

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    Ascending 5-HT projections from the median raphe nucleus (MRN), probably to the hippocampus, are implicated in the acquisition of contextual fear (background stimuli), as assessed by freezing behavior. Foreground cues like light, used as a conditioned stimulus (CS) in classical fear conditioning, also cause freezing through thalamic transmission to the amygdala. As the MRN projects to the hippocampus and amygdala, the role of this raphe nucleus in fear conditioning to explicit cues remains to be explained. Here we analyzed the behavior of rats with MRN electrolytic lesions in a contextual conditioning situation and in a fear-potentiated startle procedure. The animals received MRN electrolytic lesions either before or on the day after two consecutive training sessions in which they were submitted to 10 conditioning trials, each in an experimental chamber (same context) where they. received foot-shocks (0.6 mA, 1 sec) paired to a 4-sec light CS. Seven to ten days later, the animals were submitted to testing sessions for assessing conditioned fear when they were placed for five shocks, and the duration of contextual freezing was recorded. The animals were then submitted to a fear-potentiated startle in response to a 4-sec light-CS, followed by white noise (100 dB, 50 ms). Control rats (sham) tested in the same context showed more freezing than did rats with pre- or post-training MRN lesions. Startle was clearly potentiated in the presence of light CS in the sham-lesioned animals. Whereas pretraining lesions reduced both freezing and fear-potentiated startle, the post-training lesions reduced only freezing to context, without changing the fear-potentiated startle. In a second experiment, neurotoxic lesions of the MRN with local injections of N-methyl-D-aspartate or the activation of 5-HT1A somatodendritic auto-receptors of the MRN by microinjections of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-hydroxy- 2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) before the training sessions also reduced the amount of freezing and the fear-potentiated startle. Freezing is a prominent response of contextual fear conditioning, but does not seem to be crucial for the enhancement of the startle reflex by explicit aversive cues. As fear-potentiated startle may be produced in posttraining lesioned rats that are unable to freeze to fear contextual stimuli, dissociable systems seem to be recruited in each condition. Thus, contextual fear and fear-potentiated startle are conveyed by distinct 5-HT-mediated circuits of the MRN

    Avaliação do padrão tecnológico e tendências da Agricultura de Precisão - Safra 2011/12.

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    Resumo: Embora os conceitos e tecnologias da Agricultura de Precisão (AP) são bastante difundidos no Brasil, a AP ainda é pouco utilizada em algumas regiões produtoras de grãos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo fazer um levantamento sobre a utilização da AP, por meio da aplicação de um questionário via web e impresso. Foram encaminhados 250 e-mails convidando produtores e técnicos a responderem o questionário, além da realização de uma reunião técnica sobre AP em Guaraí/TO. Após análise das respostas obtidas, 67% dos produtores que responderam ao questionário informaram que iniciaram as atividades de AP entre dois e cinco anos. O tamanho do grid mais utilizado é de 5 hectares, sendo o serviço predominantemente realizado por empresas prestadoras de serviço, contudo os equipamentos e a interpretação dos resultados é realizada pela equipe técnica da propriedade. Embora não consigam observar a redução no custo de produção com a utilização da AP, os produtores discordam que os custos da AP sejam maiores que os benefícios observados. Além disso, os equipamentos e softwares hoje empregados na AP são um obstáculo ao crescimento e ao investimento na tecnologia. Como o questionário foi respondido por produtores e técnicos de diversas regiões do Brasil, constatou-se que o trabalho com AP ainda é bastante recente. Mesmo com conhecimento sobre a técnica e os benefícios que a tecnologia proporciona a utilização ainda é bastante restrita e necessita de mais acesso à informação e capacitação técnica, a fim de ter um uso mais eficaz e eficiente