496 research outputs found

    Double Beta Decay, Nuclear Structure and Physics beyond the Standard Model

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    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta) is presently the only known experiment to distinguisch between Dirac neutrinos, different from their antiparticles, and Majorana neutrinos, identical with their antiparticles. In addition 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta allows to determine the absolute scale of the neutrino masses. This is not possible with neutrino oscillations. To determine the neutrino masses one must assume, that the light Majorana neutrino exchange is the leading mechanism for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta and that the matrix element of this transition can ba calculated reliably. The experimental 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta transition amplitude in this mechanism is a product of the light left handed effective Majorana neutrino mass and of this transition matrix element. The different methods, Quasi-particle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA), Shell Model (SM), Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (PHFB) and Interacting Boson Model (IBM2) used in the literature and the reliability of the matrix elements in these approaches are reviewed. In the second part it is investigated how one can determine the leading mechanism or mechanisms from the data of the 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta decay in different nuclei. Explicite expressions are given for the transition matrix elements. is shown, that possible interference terms allow to test CP (Charge and Parity conjugation) violation.Comment: Contribution to the EPS conference in Eilath: "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 5." April 3rd to 8th. 201

    Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and conserved charge densities in the relativistic fluid in heavy-ion collisions

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    Dissipative processes in relativistic fluids are known to be important in the analyses of the hot QCD matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In this work, I consider dissipative corrections to energy and conserved charge densities, which are conventionally assumed to be vanishing but could be finite. Causal dissipative hydrodynamics is formulated in the presence of those dissipative currents. The relation between hydrodynamic stability and transport coefficients is discussed. I then study their phenomenological consequences on the observables of heavy-ion collisions in numerical simulations. It is shown that particle spectra and elliptic flow can be visibly modified.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; title changed, references added, conclusions unchange

    The effects of deformation and pairing correlations on nuclear charge form factor

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    A set of moderately deformed sds-d shell nuclei is employed for testing the reliability of the nuclear ground state wave functions which are obtained in the context of a BCS approach and offer a simultaneous consideration of deformation and pairing correlations effects. In this method, the mean field is assumed to be an axially symmetric Woods-Saxon potential and the effective two-body interaction is a monopole pairing force. As quantities of main interest we have chosen the nuclear form factors, the occupancies of the active (surface) orbits and the Fermi sea depletion, which provide quite good tests for microscopic descriptions of nuclei within many body theories. For our comparisons with results emerging from other similar methods, an axially deformed harmonic oscillator field is also utilized.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Exciton Valley Dynamics probed by Kerr Rotation in WSe2 Monolayers

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    We have experimentally studied the pump-probe Kerr rotation dynamics in WSe2_2 monolayers. This yields a direct measurement of the exciton valley depolarization time τv\tau_v. At T=4K, we find τv6\tau_v\approx 6ps, a fast relaxation time resulting from the strong electron-hole Coulomb exchange interaction in bright excitons. The exciton valley depolarization time decreases significantly when the lattice temperature increases with τv\tau_v being as short as 1.5ps at 125K. The temperature dependence is well explained by the developed theory taking into account the exchange interaction and a fast exciton scattering time on short-range potentials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Carrier and polarization dynamics in monolayer MoS2

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    In monolayer MoS2 optical transitions across the direct bandgap are governed by chiral selection rules, allowing optical valley initialization. In time resolved photoluminescence (PL) experiments we find that both the polarization and emission dynamics do not change from 4K to 300K within our time resolution. We measure a high polarization and show that under pulsed excitation the emission polarization significantly decreases with increasing laser power. We find a fast exciton emission decay time on the order of 4ps. The absence of a clear PL polarization decay within our time resolution suggests that the initially injected polarization dominates the steady state PL polarization. The observed decrease of the initial polarization with increasing pump photon energy hints at a possible ultrafast intervalley relaxation beyond the experimental ps time resolution. By compensating the temperature induced change in bandgap energy with the excitation laser energy an emission polarization of 40% is recovered at 300K, close to the maximum emission polarization for this sample at 4K.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures including supplementary materia

    The 0nbb-decay nuclear matrix elements with self-consistent short-range correlations

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    A self-consistent calculation of nuclear matrix elements of the neutrinoless double beta decays (0nbb) of 76Ge, 82Se, 96Zr, 100Mo, 116Cd, 128Te, 130Te and 130Xe is presented in the framework of the renormalized quasiparticle random phase approximation (RQRPA) and the standard QRPA. The pairing and residual interactions as well as the two-nucleon short-range correlations are for the first time derived from the same modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials, namely from charge-dependent Bonn potential (CD-Bonn) and the Argonne V18 potential. In a comparison with the traditional approach of using the Miller-Spencer Jastrow correlations matrix elements for the 0nbb-decay are obtained, which are larger in magnitude. We analyze the differences among various two-nucleon correlations including those of the unitary correlation operator method (UCOM) and quantify the uncertainties in the calculated 0nbb-decay matrix elements.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure