4 research outputs found

    The effect of tillage system and fertilization on corn yield and water use efficiency in irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine

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    Efficient water management in agriculture is an important part of the general programme on water resources preservation. This study is devoted to the determination of the effects of soil processing system and mineral fertilization on the water use efficiency and productivity of grain corn (Zea mays Linnaeus, 1753). The trials were conducted in 2017–2018 on irrigated land in the South of Ukraine. The field experiments were carried out on the experimental plots of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS in four replications. We studied the following agrotechnological parameters and their combinations: Factor A – primary tillage type and depth within different tillage systems in the short crop rotation (grain corn – grain sorghum – winter wheat – soybean); Factor B – application rates of mineral fertilizers (N0P0, N120P60, N180P60). We established that the highest yield of grain accompanied by the best water use efficiency was provided by the cultivation technology with disk cultivator tillage on the depth of 8–10 cm within the differentiated tillage system in the crop rotation under the maximum nutritive background of N180P60. This agrotechnological variant resulted in a corn grain yield of 14.51 and 14.59 t/ha in 2017 and 2018 years of the study, respectively. The coefficient of water use efficiency, which is the relation of the water used by the crop to the yield, in this variant was the lowest – 39.6 and 42.0 mm/t in 2017 and 2018, respectively, which indicates the optimum response of corn grain to watering. The worst indexes of water use efficiency and corn productivity were determined in the experimental variant with disk cultivator tillage on the depth of 12–14 cm within the subsoil tillage system within the crop rotation under non-fertilized conditions. We determined that strengthening of the crop nutrition under the rational tillage system in crop rotation is helpful in optimization of the crop water use in the irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine, which is very important in the current conditions of freshwater scarcity

    Effect of agrotechnological elements on milk thistle (Silynum marianum) productivity

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    The milk thistle is a highly valuable medicinal plant, widely used in treatment of liver diseases. Soil-climate conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine are favourable for crop cultivation. The goal of the study was to determine relations between milk thistle productivity and elements of cultivation technology, viz., primary tillage depth (14–16 and 20–22 cm), inter-row spacing (30, 45, 60 cm), timing of sowing (3rd decade of March, middle of April, 3rd decade of April) and mineral fertilizer application doses (no fertilizers, N45P45, N90P90). Field trials were carried out during the period from 2010 to 2012 on the irrigated lands of the Institute of Rice of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine by using the split plot design method in four replications. The climate of the territory of the trials is typical for the steppe zone. The soil type was dark-chestnut residual solonetz middle-loamy soil. We used the Yuhoslava variety of milk thistle in the trials. Cultivation technology was standard, excluding the studied factors. The results of the trials showed significant impact of all the studied cultivation technology elements on milk thistle seed and oil yields. The maximum average seed (1.66 t/ha) and oil (489 kg/ha) yields were obtained under the primary tillage at the depth of 20–22 cm, inter-row spacing of 60 cm, sowing in the 3rd decade of March, applying mineral fertilizers in a dose of N90P90. The highest input in seed and oil yields rise was made by the mineral fertilizers, which increased milk thistle productivity by 1.57 times comparatively with non-fertilized treatments. We also established a strong direct interrelationship between seed and oil yield: coefficient of determination was 0.96. Results of the current study are slightly limited, so further investigations in the field of milk thistle cultivation technology development and improvement are required to provide Ukrainian farmers with scientifically grounded agrotechnology of this valuable medicinal plant

    Analysis of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes by microsatellite loci of the QTL­hotspot­region associated with drought tolerance

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    <p><strong>Purpose. </strong>To determine the polymorphism of microsa­tellite loci of the QTL­hotspot­region of linkage group 4, associated with drought tolerance in Ukrainian chickpea varieties.<strong> Methods. </strong>Extraction and purification of DNA from seedlings using the CTAB method; polymerase chain reaction; horizontal gel electrophoresis; determination of the size of amplification products using the “Image J” prog­ram. <strong>Results.</strong> Allelic combinations of microsatellite loci ICCM0249, NCPGR127, TAA170, NCPGR21, TA130, STMS11 of the QTL­hotspot­region of linkage group 4 of the chickpea genome were established. It was found that the loci STMS11, NCPGR127, NCPGR21 were not polymorphic within the sample of varieties analyzed, one allele was detected for each locus; two alleles were detected for the loci ICCM0249 and TAA170 and three alleles for the locus TAA130, indica­ting their polymorphism. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Microsatellite loci STMS11, NCPGR127, NCPGR21 are non­polymorphic in seven Ukrainian chickpea varieties. Three loci are polymorphic with two alleles for ICCM0249 and TAA170 and three alleles for TAA130. According to the analysis of chickpea varie­ties, five types of allelic combinations of microsatellite loci ICCM0249, NCPGR127, TAA170, NCPGR21, TA130, STMS11 were established. An allele of 185 bp unique to the sample of cultivars studied was identified in the variety ‘Pamiat’</p&gt

    Ocena wiarygodności programu CROPWAT 8.0 do obliczania ewapotranspiracji i zapotrzebowania roślin na wodę

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    The results of the study devoted to assessment of accuracy and reliability of the CROPWAT 8.0 software application calculations of the evapotranspiration and crop water requirements are represented in the article. The study was based on the results of the perennial field experiments, conducted during the period from 2012 to 2017 at the irrigated lands of the South of Ukraine with different crops, namely: sweet corn, grain corn, soybean, sorghum. We assessed accuracy of the CROPWAT 8.0 software application by the comparison of the calculated values with the real ones. We determined considerable differences between the calculated crops evapotranspiration values and crops irrigation requirements and the real ones obtained in the field experiments. The difference was the most essential in case of the dripirrigated sweet corn crop and averaged to 46.05% for evapotranspiration and 89.20% for irrigation water requirements, correspondingly. Overhead sprinkler irrigated crops are likely to be more suitable for accurate evapotranspiration prediction by using the CROPWAT 8.0. The slightest discrepancy between the calculated and actual values of the studied parameters were determined on the overhead sprinkler irrigated grain corn crops, where the differences averaged just to 15.86% for evapotranspiration and 41.63% for irrigation norm. The results of the study gave us an opportunity to conclude that CROPWAT 8.0 software application should not be used without previous calibration and adjustment of the crop coefficients for the concrete agricultural production conditions.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań poświęconych ocenie dokładności i wiarygodności obliczeń ewapotranspiracji i zapotrzebowania roślin na wodę z zastosowaniem programu CROPWAT 8.0. Podstawą badań były wyniki wieloletniego eksperymentu polowego prowadzonego od 2012 do 2017 r. na nawadnianych polach południowej Ukrainy z różnymi uprawami: kukurydzy cukrowej, kukurydzy zwykłej, soi i sorgo. Oceniono dokładność wyników uzyskanych za pomocą CROPWAT 8.0 przez porównanie wartości obliczonych z wartościami rzeczywistymi. Stwierdzono znaczne różnice między obliczonymi wartościami ewapotranspiracji upraw i ich zapotrzebowaniem na wodę a wartościami rzeczywistymi z eksperymentów polowych. Największe różnice stwierdzono w przypadku kroplowo nawadnianych upraw kukurydzy cukrowej i wynosiły one 46,05% w odniesieniu do ewapotranspiracji i 89,20% do zapotrzebowania na wodę do nawodnień. Obliczenia ewapotranspiracji za pomocą CROPWAT 8.0 były bardziej dokładne w odniesieniu do upraw nawadnianych deszczowniami. Najmniejszą rozbieżność między obliczonymi a rzeczywistymi wartościami badanych parametrów stwierdzono w przypadku deszczowanych upraw kukurydzy zwykłej, gdzie różnice wynosiły 15,86% w odniesieniu do ewapotranspiracji i 41,63% do norm nawadniania. Wyniki badań dają podstawy do wnioskowania, że CROPWAT 8.0 nie powinien być stosowany bez wstępnej kalibracji i dostosowania współczynników upraw do konkretnych warunków produkcji rolniczej