788 research outputs found

    Studi Kualitatif Faktor yang Melatarbelakangi Drop Out Pengobatan Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Hasil pengobatan BTA positif di Balai Pengobatan Penyakit Paru-ParuTegal tahun 2008-2010, menyatakan angka drop out belum mencapai target nasional (<10%), sehingga permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui faktor yang melatarbelakangi drop out pengobatan tuberkulosis paru di BP4 Tegal. Penelitian ini dilakukan di balai pengobatan penyakit paru Tegal padatahun 2011.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan narasumber penelitian adalah pasien yang drop out dari pengobatan tuberkulosis yang berjumlah 8 orang. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan faktor yang melatarbelakangi drop out adalah lama pengobatan melewati tahap intensif sehingga gejala hilang dan pasien merasa sembuh, pembiyaan pengobatan tidak secara cuma-cuma, pasien tidak mengetahui tentang tahapan pengobatan, tidak adanya Pengawas Menelan Obat,adanya kesulitan transportasi menuju BP4, adanya efek samping obat, ketidaktahuan tentang komplikasi penyakit.Based on the results of treatment of smear positive in Medicine Center for Lung Disease Tegal in 2008-2010, drop out rate had not reached the national target (<10%), were 18%, 14%, and 13%. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors behind the drop out of tuberculosis treatment. The study was qualitative research. Informants research was patients who drop out of treatment for tuberculosis, amounting 8 people. Techniques of data collection was done by in-depth interviews used an interview guide. Research concluded the factors behind of drop out were time of treatment through stage of intensive so symptoms disappear and the patient was cured, treatment was not free financing so that it becomes a barriers, Informants wasn't know about the stages of treatment, although informants had high motivation and family support but barriers make stopped of treatment, informants had not Swallowing Drugs Controller, easy access to MCLD easy but difficult if not used the motorcycle, Informants experienced drug side effects, the perception of informants won't be severed tuberculosis if the stopped of treatment, perceptions of treatment benefit was limited sources eliminates symptoms of tuberculosis, Informant had many barriers in treatment

    Using Service-Learning in Urban Areas in Semarang Regency to Address Local Knowledge System

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    Service-learning has gained substantial recognition as an effective type of pedagogy and has enhanced civic education across the disciplines, however remains a lack of understanding of this type of learning in Indonesia. The goals of the study were (1) to explore the forms of local knowledge systems practiced in Semarang Regency and how they are used in resources conservation using service-learning method, (2) to foster student engagement with the community, and (3) to promote student awareness of community resources that are directly relevant to local knowledge system issues. The success of the service-learning projects in meeting these goals was assessed via qualitative analysis of student reflective papers and classroom presentations. The results indicated there were local knowledges that were still successfully in use, but often only very locally. Furthermore, the results also indicated that the service-learning projects promoted students\u27 valuable academic skills, including communication, team-building, and critical thinking, built their self-esteem, their awareness of community needs and resources, and demonstrated the relevance of course content to real life

    Persepsi Dan Minat Pemuda Terhadap Agribisnis Sapi Madura (Studi Di Kecamatan Waru, Kabupaten Pamekasan)

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    The study was aimed to investigate the youth perception and interest on Madura cattle agribusiness. The respondents of this research were selected randomly from 100 youths aged 16-30 years. The method of the research was survey. The data were gathered from August to September 2014 in Waru sub district, Pamekasan regency. Primary data including perception, interests as well as internal and external factors were analyzed using descriptive analysis, chi square analysis and rank spearman correlation analysis. Chi square analysis was used to determine the relationship between the internal and external factors of respondents to the interest on Madura cattle agribusiness. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between perception and interest of respondents on Madura cattle agribusiness. The results showed that youth had a good perception toward Madura cattle agribusiness because it was supported by conducive environment, had a high economic value, good support from the government and increased prestige. The highest interest on Madura cattle agribusiness was found based on a business plan creation. The internal factors (education level, gender, jobs and marital status) had a positive association with youth interest on livestock farming activities. Their interest was also positively related to external factors such as neighbor\u27s jobs and information searching activities

    The Impact of Marketing Mix, Consumer's Characteristics, and Psychological Factors to Consumer's Purchase Intention on Brand β€œW” in Surabaya

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    This research is conducted to find out the impact of marketing mix, customer's characteristics, and psychological factors toward consumers' purchase intention in cosmetic industry. The object of this research is Brand β€œW”, the biggest player in Halal cosmetic market in Asia Pacific. This research will focus on marketing activities conducted by Brand β€œW” to arouse consumers' purchase intention. However, unlike other researches, this research will not only use marketing theory, but also consumer behavior theory to complement and strengthen the research's accuracy. From marketing theory, marketing mix are used with the attributes of product, price, promotion, and place. From consumer behavior theory, consumer's characteristics (i.e. cultural, social, and personal influences) and psychological influences are used.Multiple regression analysis is used to analyze the response from 138 respondents. The sampling method used is probability sampling, especially simple random sampling. From the analysis, marketing mix, consumer's characteristics, and psychological factors have simultaneous significant impact toward consumer's purchase intention on Brand β€œW”. However, partially, only product, culture influences, and psychological influences have significant impact toward consumer's purchase intention on Brand β€œW”

    Tingkat Manajemen Risiko Bencana Tsunami Berbasis Masyarakat di RW. 08 Kelurahan Ploso Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Kabupaten Pacitan merupakan wilayah yang berpotensi terdampak bencana tsunami. Adanya kawasan pantai dengan karakteristik bentuk teluk menyebabkan semakin meningkatnya risiko bencana tsunami jika terjadi di lingkungan yang berbatasan langsung dengan pantai tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan, tingkat ketahanan masyarakat pesisir Pacitan masih rendah. Namun, pada akhir tahun 2015 dibentuk kelompok sadar keselamatan pantai di lingkungan RW.08 Kelurahan Ploso Kabupaten Pacitan yang ditujukan agar dapat menanggulangi bencana laut dan menjaga keselamatan pengunjung. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan kajian dalam menganalisa tingkat manajemen risiko bencana tsunami berbasis masyarakat di RW. 08 Kelurahan Ploso Kabupaten Pacitan, sebagai bahan dalam Perumusan konsep manajemen risiko bencana tsunami berbasis masyarakat kedepannya. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian mengenai konsep manajemen risiko bencana tsunami berbasis masyarakat (studi kasus: RW. 08 Kelurahan Ploso Kabupaten Pacitan). Melalui teknik analisis isi (content analysis) dapat diketahui tindakan-tindakan manajemen risiko bencana tsunami yang telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat di RW. 08 Kelurahan Ploso Kabupaten Pacitan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat manajemen risiko bencana tsunami berbasis masyarakat sudah sangat bagus dengan persentase rata-rata 89,34% tahapan manajemen sudah pernah dilakukan oleh masyarakat

    Kajian Pendahuluan Kelayakan Penerapan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik secara Komunal di Permukiman Kota Bogor

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    A preliminary assessment of an application of sewerage system with Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and Down flow Hanging Sponge (DHS) technology was conducted inNorth Bogor. The Problem which often emerge in management of domestic wastewater is the limited land area and fund to built and operate a wastewater treatment facility. To overcome such problem, it is needed to develop a cheap wastewater treatment technology with high efficiency, easy to operate and also should be compact. The combination technology of UASB and DHS is proposed as an economic wastewater treatment which easy to handling. Therefore, to make sure that the technology is feasible or not to be built inNorth Bogor, there is need the preliminary assessment. The assessment was conducted through a survey of technical and social economic aspect. The results show that sewerage system using UASB and DHS technology is feasible

    Kajian Kelayakan Ekonomi Rencana Pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Domestik Komunal Sistem Uasb-dhs Di Kota Bogor

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    Domestic wastewater is one of the potential sources of environment pollution. Based on the JICA Report, 1995 the environmental pollution in Jabodetabek was 80% caused by the domestic wastewater. To minimize the environmental pollution, the wastewater have to be treated before discharge to river. Problem which often emerge in management of domestic waste is the limited land area and existing fund to built a wastewater treatment facility and also the high operating cost. To overcome these problems, it needs development of low cost wastewater treatment technology with high removal efficiency, easy to operate and also should be compact. A combination technology of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and Downflow Hanging Sponge (DHS) represents an economic wastewater treatment, easy to operate and has high removal efficiency that is 98% for BOD and 99,8% for bacterium. However, to build the wastewater treatment facility by using the UASB and DHS technology, it needs a feasibility study. This paper explains an economic and social feasibility study of application the UASB and DHS wastewater treatment technology at Bogor City. By the calculation of benefit and cost ratio (BCR), the result shows that the BCR is 2.13. It means the UASB and DHS wastewater treatment project at Bogor City was feasible
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