290 research outputs found

    Approximate algorithms for minimization of binary decision diagrams on the basis of linear transformations of variables

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    Algorithms for an approximate minimization of binary decision diagrams (BDD) on the basis of linear transformations of variables are proposed. The algorithms rely on the transformations of only adjacent variables and have a polynomial complexity relative to the size of the table that lists values of the function involved

    Optimal conditions and the dynamics of quantum memory for spatial frequency grating resonators

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    The dynamics of the interaction between microcavities connected to a common waveguide in a multiresonator quantum memory circuit is investigated. Optimum conditions are identified for the use of quantum memory and a dynamic picture of the exchange of energy between different microcavities is obtained

    Ionospheric effects of solar eclipses at midlatitudes

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    The influence of solar eclipses on the ionospheric plasma is considered based of the data of midlatitude vertical sounding stations during the entire period from the beginning of ionospheric studies in Russia. Changes in the electron density in the F and E regions during solar eclipses have been quantitatively estimated. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2009

    Detection of several daemon populations in Earth-crossing orbits

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    Detection of negative daemons, DArk Electric Matter Objects, viz. Planckian supermassive (~2*10^-5 g) particles, whose population has been detected in March 2000 to populate near-Earth, almost circular, heliocentric orbits (NEACHOs), is being continued. The NEACHO objects hit the Earth with a velocity ~10-15 km/s. The results of these and new experiments (April-June, 2001) are now processed taking into account the scintillation shape depending on the magnitude and sign of the velocity of the daemons crossing our detector. The data accumulated during the time of the experiment and processed in this way reveal also the presence of (1) a high-velocity (~35-50 km/s) daemon population whose objects can be related to a population in the Galactic disk and/or that in strongly elongated, Earth-crossing heliocentric orbits (SEECHOs), as well as (2) a low-velocity (~3-10 km/s) population in geocentric Earth-surface-crossing orbits (GESCOs), whose objects traverse repeatedly the Earth to suffer a decrease in velocity by ~30-40% in a month in the process. An evolutionary relation between all these three (four?) populations is discussed. Assumptions concerning their manifestations in further observations are put forward. An analysis of possible interaction processes of daemons, which may have different velocities and directions of motion, with the detector components [ZnS(Ag) layers, 0.3-mm thick tinned-iron sheets etc.] on the atomic (emission of Auger electrons) and nuclear (nucleon evaporation from a nucleus excited in the capture and, subsequently, the decay of its protons) levels has permitted estimation of some characteristic times. In particular, the decay time of a daemon-containing proton is ~10^-6 s.Comment: 17 pages in PDF format. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute preprint No.1753 (July 10, 2001). The work was presented at the All-Russian Astronomical Conference, August 6-12, 2001, St.Petersburg, Russi


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    There were presented results of research of billet of hard alloy (HA) from powders, obtaining by electro spark dispersion (ESD) of tungsten-contained waste of alloy trade mark T15K6. For manufacturing of HA-powder from waste was used plant for ESD conductive materials. As working liquid in its reactor was used distilled water and lighting kerosene. Process of dispersion was conducted at the following parameters: energy discharge capacity capacitance 35 μF, voltage 200–220 V, pulse recurrence frequency 30 Hz. Experiments proved that HA-billet as result of cold isostatic pressing at pressure 300 MPa and subsequent sintering at vacuum at temperature 1500 °C during 2 hours of powders, obtaining from waste by means of ESD, have in comparison with industrial hard alloy of trade mark T156K more porosity (by 4,22–9,22 times), less grain sizes (by 1,5–3,0 times), more high density (by 5 %), less crushing stress (by 1,2–3,2 times) and more micro hardness (by 1,2 times).Представлены результаты исследования заготовок твердого сплава (ТС) из порошков, полученных электроэрозионным диспергированием (ЭЭД) вольфрамсодержащих отходов сплавов марки Т15К6. Для изготовления ТС-порошка из отходов использовали установку для ЭЭД токопроводящих материалов. В качестве рабочих жидкостей в ее реакторе применяли дистиллированную воду и керосин осветительный. Процесс диспергирования проводили при следующих электрических параметрах: емкость разрядных конденсаторов 35 мкФ, напряжение 200–220 В, частота следования импульсов 30 Гц. Экспериментально установлено, что ТС-заготовки в результате холодного изостатического прессования при давлении 300 МПа и последующего спекания в вакууме при температуре 1500 °С в течение 2 ч порошков, полученных из отходов методом ЭЭД, имеют в сравнении с промышленным твердым сплавом марки Т15К6 бóльшую пористость (в 4,22–9,92 раза),меньший размер зерна (в 1,5–3,0 раза), более высокую плотность (на 5 %), более низкий предел прочности при сжатии (в 1,2–3,2 раза) и бóльшую микротвердость (в 1,2 раза)

    Synthesis and structure of lower rim-substituted alkynyl derivatives of thiacalix[4]arene

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Lower-rim substituted bis- and tetrakis(alkynyloxy)thiacalix[4]arenes in cone and 1,3-alternate configurations were synthesized by the Mitsunobu reaction, and their structure was determined using homoand heteronuclear one- and two-dimensional NMR techniques. Bis(prop-2-yn-1-yloxy)thiacalix[4]arene was found to exist in conformational equilibrium whose position depends on the temperature and reaction conditions


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    The aim of this study was to characterize the situation of HIV infection among pregnant women in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2013-2017 on the basis of a comprehensive retrospective analysis of indicators.A comprehensive retrospective analysis of statistical data on 2734 cases of pregnancies of HIV-infected women who were on dispensary observation at the Republican center for prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases in the period from 2013 to 2017 was carried out. The prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women during the study period tended to increase annually from 656.4 to 857.8 per 100 thousand pregnancies. The prevalence of HIV infection among pregnant women who have completed pregnancy by childbirth increased from 650.7 to 795.0 per 100 thousand women who gave birth. The incidence of HIV infection among pregnant women, reflecting the first identified cases, increased from 248.4 to 267.1 per 100 thousand pregnancies. The proportion of newly diagnosed HIV infections among pregnant women in the structure of the overall HIV incidence has decreased from 7.92% to 6.03%. The main route of HIV infection of pregnant women was sexual, the average for the period of its specific weight was 92.6±4.0%, the parenteral pathway accounted for 7.4±4.0%. There is a steady change in the age structure of HIV-infected pregnant women with first time established diagnosis, towards the age group of 21-30 years. If in 2013, the structure was dominated by pregnant women aged 31-40 years (60.2%), in 2017 the first place was the age group of 21-30 years (47.9%). On average, 24.7±2.3% of HIV-infected women were admitted to the study period under observation up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The rate of vertical transmission of HIV infection averaged 2.9±1.0% over the period. Determination of the main trends of HIV infection among pregnant women, allows to assess the effectiveness of the implemented therapeutic and preventive measures, to develop and implement new methods of organization of medical care of this category of population, aimed at reducing the spread of the disease.Целью настоящего исследования являлась характеристика ситуации по ВИЧ-инфекции среди беременных женщин в Республике Башкортостан в 2013–2017 гг. на основе комплексного ретроспективного анализа показателей. Проведен комплексный ретроспективный анализ статистических данных 2734 случаев беременностей ВИЧ-инфицированных женщин, находившихся на диспансерном наблюдении в Республиканском центре по профилактике и борьбе со СПИДом и инфекционными заболеваниями в период с 2013 по 2017 г.Показатель пораженности ВИЧ-инфекцией беременных женщин в исследуемый период имел тенденцию к ежегодному росту с 656,4 до 857,8 на 100 тыс. беременностей. Показатель пораженности ВИЧ-инфекцией среди беременных, завершивших беременность родами, вырос с 650,7 до 795,0 на 100 тыс. родивших женщин. Показатель заболеваемости ВИЧ-инфекцией среди беременных женщин, отражающий впервые выявленные случаи, вырос с 248,4 до 267,1 на 100 тыс. беременностей. Удельный вес впервые выявленных случаев ВИЧ- инфекции среди беременных женщин в структуре об- щей заболеваемости ВИЧ-инфекцией снизился с 7,92% до 6,03%. Основным путем заражения ВИЧ-инфекцией беременных женщин являлся половой, в среднем за период его удельный вес составлял 92,6±4,0%, на парентеральный путь приходилось 7,4±4,0%. Прослеживается устойчивое изменение возрастной структуры ВИЧ-инфицированных беременных женщин с впервые установленным диагнозом в сторону возрастной группы 21–30 лет. Если в 2013 г. в структуре преобладали беременные женщины в возрасте 31–40 лет (60,2%), то в 2017 г. на первое место вышла возрастная группа 21–30 лет (47,9%). В среднем за исследуемый период под наблюдение в срок до 12 недель беременности по- ступило 24,7±2,3% ВИЧ-инфицированных женщин. Показатель вертикальной трансмиссии ВИЧ-инфекции в среднем за период составил 2,9±1,0%. Определение основных тенденций распространения ВИЧ-инфекции среди беременных женщин позволяет проводить оценку эффективности реализуемых лечебно-профилактических мероприятий, разрабатывать и внедрять новые методы организации медицинской помощи данной категории населения, направленные на снижение распространения данного заболевания