4,067 research outputs found

    High Latitude Radio Emission in a Sample of Edge-On Spiral Galaxies

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    We have mapped 16 edge-on galaxies at 20 cm using the VLA. For 5 galaxies, we could form spectral index, energy and magnetic field maps. We find that all but one galaxy show evidence for non-thermal high latitude radio continuum emission, suggesting that cosmic ray halos are common in star forming galaxies. The high latitude emission is seen over a variety of spatial scales and in discrete and/or smooth features. In general, the discrete features emanate from the disk, but estimates of CR diffusion lengths suggest that diffusion alone is insufficient to transport the particles to the high latitudes seen (> 15 kpc in one case). Thus CRs likely diffuse through low density regions and/or are assisted by other mechanisms (e.g. winds). We searched for correlations between the prevalence of high latitude radio emission and a number of other properties, including the global SFR, supernova input rate per unit star forming, and do not find clear correlations with any of these properties.Comment: 40 pages of text, 3 figures, 6 tables, and an appendix of 21 jpeg figures (which is a radio continuum catalogue of 17 galaxies). to appear in A. J. (around January 1999

    Instant Two-Body Equation in Breit Frame

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    A quasipotential formalism for elastic scattering from relativistic bound states is based on applying an instant constraint to both initial and final states in the Breit frame. This formalism is advantageous for the analysis of electromagnetic interactions because current conservation and four momentum conservation are realized within a three-dimensional formalism. Wave functions are required in a frame where the total momentum is nonzero, which means that the usual partial wave analysis is inapplicable. In this work, the three-dimensional equation is solved numerically, taking into account the relevant symmetries. A dynamical boost of the interaction also is needed for the instant formalism, which in general requires that the boosted interaction be defined as the solution of a four-dimensional equation. For the case of a scalar separable interaction, this equation is solved and the Lorentz invariance of the three-dimensional formulation using the boosted interaction is verified. For more realistic interactions, a simple approximation is used to characterize the boost of the interaction.Comment: 20 pages in revtex 3, 3 figures. Fixed reform/tex errors

    Electromagnetic Scattering from Relativistic Bound States

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    The quasipotential formalism for elastic scattering from relativistic bound states is formulated based on the instant constraint in the Breit frame. The quasipotential electromagnetic current is derived from Mandelstam's five-point kernel and obeys a two-body Ward identity. Breit-frame wave functions are obtained directly by solving integral equations with nonzero total three-momentum, thus accomplishing a dynamical boost. Calculations of electron-deuteron elastic form factors illustrate the importance of the dynamical boost versus kinematic boosts of the rest frame wave functions.Comment: RevTeX 3.0 manuscript, 9 pages. UU-file is a single PostScript file of the manuscript including figures. U. MD PP #93-17

    Massive envelopes and filaments in the NGC 3603 star forming region

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    The formation of massive stars and their arrival on the zero-age main-sequence occurs hidden behind dense clouds of gas and dust. In the giant Hii region NGC 3603, the radiation of a young cluster of OB stars has dispersed dust and gas in its vicinity. At a projected distance of 2:5 pc from the cluster, a bright mid-infrared (mid-IR) source (IRS 9A) had been identified as a massive young stellar object (MYSO), located on the side of a molecular clump (MM2) of gas facing the cluster. We investigated the physical conditions in MM2, based on APEX sub-mm observations using the SABOCA and SHFI instruments, and archival ATCA 3 mm continuum and CS spectral line data. We resolved MM2 into several compact cores, one of them closely associated with IRS 9A. These are likely infrared dark clouds as they do not show the typical hot-core emission lines and are mostly opaque against the mid-IR background. The compact cores have masses of up to several hundred times the solar mass and gas temperatures of about 50 K, without evidence of internal ionizing sources. We speculate that IRS 9A is younger than the cluster stars, but is in an evolutionary state after that of the compact cores

    Properties of bow-shock sources at the Galactic center

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    There are an enigmatic population of massive stars around the Galactic Center (GC) that were formed some Ma ago. A fraction of these stars has been found to orbit the supermassive black hole, SgrA*, in a projected clockwise disk, which suggests that they were formed in a formerly existing dense disk around SgrA*. We focus on the extended, near-infrared (NIR) sources IRS1W, IRS5, IRS10W, and IRS21 that have been suggested to be young, massive stars that form bow-shocks through their interaction with the ISM. Their nature has impeded accurate determination of their orbital parameters. We aim at establishing their nature and kinematics to test whether they form part of the clockwise disk. We performed NIR multi-wavelength imaging using adaptive optics (AO) and sparse aperture masking (SAM). We introduce a new method for self-calibration of the SAM PSF in dense stellar fields. The emission mechanism, morphology and kinematics of the targets were examined via 3D bow-shock models. We confirm previous findings that IRS21, IRS1W, and IRS5 are bow-shocks created by the interaction between mass-losing stars and the interstellar gas. The nature of IRS10W remains unclear. Our modeling shows that the bow-shock-emission is caused by thermal emission while the scattering of stellar light does not play any significant role. IRS 1W appears to be a bow-shock produced by an anisotropic stellar wind or by locally inhomogeneous ISM density. Our best-fit models provide an estimate of the local proper motion of the ISM in the NA in agreement with the published models. Assuming that all of the sources are tied to SgrA*, their orbital planes were obtained via a Monte-Carlo simulation. Our orbital analysis suggests that they are not part of any of the clockwise disk. We thus add more evidence to recent findings that a large part of the massive stars show apparently random orbital orientations.Comment: accepted for publication by A&A, 17 pages, 11 figures, 1 appendi

    Modeling Ultraviolet Wind Line Variability in Massive Hot Stars

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    We model the detailed time-evolution of Discrete Absorption Components (DACs) observed in P Cygni profiles of the Si IV lam1400 resonance doublet lines of the fast-rotating supergiant HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib). We adopt the common assumption that the DACs are caused by Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) in the stellar wind. We perform 3D radiative transfer calculations with hydrodynamic models of the stellar wind that incorporate these large-scale density- and velocity-structures. We develop the 3D transfer code Wind3D to investigate the physical properties of CIRs with detailed fits to the DAC shape and morphology. The CIRs are caused by irregularities on the stellar surface that change the radiative force in the stellar wind. In our hydrodynamic model we approximate these irregularities by circular symmetric spots on the stellar surface. We use the Zeus3D code to model the stellar wind and the CIRs, limited to the equatorial plane. We constrain the properties of large-scale wind structures with detailed fits to DACs observed in HD 64760. A model with two spots of unequal brightness and size on opposite sides of the equator, with opening angles of 20 +/- 5 degr and 30 +/- 5 degr diameter, and that are 20 +/- 5 % and 8 +/- 5 % brighter than the stellar surface, respectively, provides the best fit to the observed DACs. The recurrence time of the DACs compared to the estimated rotational period corresponds to spot velocities that are 5 times slower than the rotational velocity. The mass-loss rate of the structured wind model for HD 64760 does not exceed the rate of the spherically symmetric smooth wind model by more than 1 %. The fact that DACs are observed in a large number of hot stars constrains the clumping that can be present in their winds, as substantial amounts of clumping would tend to destroy the CIRs.Comment: 58 pages, 16 figures, 1 animation. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Main Journal. More information and animations are available at http://alobel.freeshell.org/hotstars.htm

    Unveiling the near-infrared structure of the massive-young stellar object NGC 3603 IRS 9A with sparse aperture masking and spectroastrometry

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    Contemporary theory holds that massive stars gather mass during their initial phases via accreting disk-like structures. However, conclusive evidence for disks has remained elusive for the most massive young objects. This is mainly due to significant observational challenges. Incisive studies, even targeting individual objects, are therefore relevant to the progression of the field. NGC 3603 IRS 9A* is a young massive stellar object still surrounded by an envelope of molecular gas. Previous mid-infrared observations with long-baseline interferometry provided evidence for a disk of 50 mas diameter at its core. This work aims at a comprehensive study of the physics and morphology of IRS 9A at near-infrared wavelengths. New sparse aperture masking interferometry data taken with NACO/VLT at Ks and Lp filters were obtained and analysed together with archival CRIRES spectra of the H2 and BrG lines. The calibrated visibilities recorded at Ks and Lp bands suggest the presence of a partially resolved compact object of 30 mas at the core of IRS 9A, together with the presence of over-resolved flux. The spectroastrometric signal of the H2 line shows that this spectral feature proceeds from the large scale extended emission (300 mas) of IRS 9A, while the BrG line appears to be formed at the core of the object (20 mas). This scenario is consistent with the brightness distribution of the source for near- and mid-infrared wavelengths at various spatial scales. However, our model suffers from remaining inconsistencies between SED modelling and the interferometric data. Moreover, the BrG spectroastrometric signal indicates that the core of IRS 9A exhibits some form of complexity such as asymmetries in the disk. Future high-resolution observations are required to confirm the disk/envelope model and to flesh out the details of the physical form of the inner regions of IRS 9A.Comment: Accepted to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 14 figure

    Direct Detection of the Tertiary Component in the Massive Multiple HD 150 136 with VLTI

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    Massive stars are of fundamental importance for almost all aspects of astrophysics, but there still exist large gaps in our understanding of their properties and formation because they are rare and therefore distant. It has been found that most O-stars are multiples. HD 150 136 is the nearest system to Earth with >100 M_sol, and provides a unique opportunity to study an extremely massive system. Recently, evidence for the existence of a third component in HD 150 136, in addition to the tight spectroscopic binary that forms the main component, was found in spectroscopic observations. Our aim was to image and obtain astrometric and photometric measurements of this component using long baseline optical interferometry to further constrain the nature of this component. We observed HD150136 with the near-infrared instrument AMBER attached to the ESO VLT Interferometer. The recovered closure phases are robust to systematic errors and provide unique information on the source asymmetry. Therefore, they are of crucial relevance for both image reconstruction and model fitting of the source structure. The third component in HD 150 136 is clearly detected in the high-quality data from AMBER. It is located at a projected angular distance of 7.3 mas, or about 13 AU at the line-of-sight distance of HD 150 136, at a position angle of 209 degrees East of North, and has a flux ratio of 0.25 with respect to the inner binary. We resolved the third component of HD 150 136 in J, H and K filters. The luminosity and color of the tertiary agrees with the predictions and shows that it is also an O main-sequence star. The small measured angular separation indicates that the tertiary may be approaching the periastron of its orbit. These results, only achievable with long baseline near infrared interferometry, constitute the first step towards the understanding of the massive star formation mechanisms

    Chandra Observation of the Edge-on Galaxy NGC 3556 (M 108): Violent Galactic Disk-halo Interaction Revealed

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    We present a 60 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the isolated edge-on spiral NGC 3556, together with a multiwavelength analysis of various discrete X-ray sources and diffuse X-ray features. Among 33 discrete X-ray sources detected within the I_B = 25 mag per square arcsec isophote ellipse of the galaxy, we identify a candidate for the galactic nucleus, an ultraluminous X-ray source that might be an accreting intermediate-mass black hole, a possible X-ray binary with a radio counterpart, and two radio-bright giant HII regions. We detect large amounts of extraplanar diffuse X-ray emission, which extends about 10 kpc radially in the disk and >~ 4 kpc away from the galactic plane. The diffuse X-ray emission exhibits significant substructures, possibly representing various blown-out superbubbles or chimneys of hot gas heated in massive star forming regions. This X-ray-emitting gas has temperatures in the range of ~ 2-7 x 10^6 K and has a total cooling rate of ~ 2 x 10^40 erg/s. The energy can be easily supplied by supernova blast-waves in the galaxy. These results demonstrate NGC 3556 as being a galaxy undergoing vigorous disk-halo interaction. The halo in NGC 3556 is considerably less extended, however, than that of NGC 4631, in spite of many similarities between the two galaxies. This may be due to the fact that NGC 3556 is isolated whereas NGC 4631 is interacting. Thus NGC 3556 presents a more pristine environment for studying the disk-halo interaction.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures. To appear in ApJ. Please see http://www.astro.umass.edu/~wqd/papers/n3556/n3556.pdf for a high resolution versio

    Dynamical mass of the O-type supergiant in Zeta Orionis A

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    A close companion of Zeta Orionis A was found in 2000 with the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer (NPOI), and shown to be a physical companion. Because the primary is a supergiant of type O, for which dynamical mass measurements are very rare, the companion was observed with NPOI over the full 7-year orbit. Our aim was to determine the dynamical mass of a supergiant that, due to the physical separation of more than 10 AU between the components, cannot have undergone mass exchange with the companion. The interferometric observations allow measuring the relative positions of the binary components and their relative brightness. The data collected over the full orbital period allows all seven orbital elements to be determined. In addition to the interferometric observations, we analyzed archival spectra obtained at the Calar Alto, Haute Provence, Cerro Armazones, and La Silla observatories, as well as new spectra obtained at the VLT on Cerro Paranal. In the high-resolution spectra we identified a few lines that can be associated exclusively to one or the other component for the measurement of the radial velocities of both. The combination of astrometry and spectroscopy then yields the stellar masses and the distance to the binary star. The resulting masses for components Aa of 14.0 solar masses and Ab of 7.4 solar masses are low compared to theoretical expectations, with a distance of 294 pc which is smaller than a photometric distance estimate of 387 pc based on the spectral type B0III of the B component. If the latter (because it is also consistent with the distance to the Orion OB1 association) is adopted, the mass of the secondary component Ab of 14 solar masses would agree with classifying a star of type B0.5IV. It is fainter than the primary by about 2.2 magnitudes in the visual. The primary mass is then determined to be 33 solar masses
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