7,542 research outputs found

    Spherical harmonic modes of 5.5 post-Newtonian gravitational wave polarizations and associated factorized resummed waveforms for a particle in circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hol

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    Recent breakthroughs in numerical relativity enable one to examine the validity of the post-Newtonian expansion in the late stages of inspiral. For the comparison between post-Newtonian (PN) expansion and numerical simulations, the waveforms in terms of the spin-weighted spherical harmonics are more useful than the plus and cross polarizations, which are used for data analysis of gravitational waves. Factorized resummed waveforms achieve better agreement with numerical results than the conventional Taylor expanded post-Newtonian waveforms. In this paper, we revisit the post-Newtonian expansion of gravitational waves for a test-particle of mass \m in circular orbit of radius r0r_0 around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass MM and derive the spherical harmonic components associated with the gravitational wave polarizations up to order v11v^{11} beyond Newtonian. Using the more accurate hmh_{\ell m}'s computed in this work, we provide the more complete set of associated ρm\rho_{\ell m}'s and δm\delta_{\ell m}'s that form important bricks in the factorized resummation of waveforms with potential applications for the construction of further improved waveforms for prototypical compact binary sources in the future. We also provide ready-to-use expressions of the 5.5PN gravitational waves polarizations h+h_+ and h×h_\times in the test-particle limit for gravitational wave data analysis applications. Additionally, we provide closed analytical expressions for 2.5PN hmh_{\ell m}, 2PN ρm\rho_{\ell m} and 3PN δm\delta_{\ell m}, for general multipolar orders \ell and mm in the test-particle limit. Finally, we also examine the implications of the present analysis for compact binary sources in Laser Interferometer Space Antenna.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, match with accepted version by PR

    Surface-integral expressions for the multipole moments of post-Newtonian sources and the boosted Schwarzschild solution

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    New expressions for the multipole moments of an isolated post-Newtonian source, in the form of surface integrals in the outer near-zone, are derived. As an application we compute the ``source'' quadrupole moment of a Schwarzschild solution boosted to uniform velocity, at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order. We show that the consideration of this boosted Schwarzschild solution (BSS) is enough to uniquely determine one of the ambiguity parameters in the recent computation of the gravitational wave generation by compact binaries at 3PN order: zeta=-7/33. We argue that this value is the only one for which the Poincar\'e invariance of the 3PN wave generation formalism is realized. As a check, we confirm the value of zeta by a different method, based on the far-zone expansion of the BSS at fixed retarded time, and a calculation of the relevant non-linear multipole interactions in the external metric at the 3PN order.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy flux to third post-Newtonian order

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    The multipolar-post-Minkowskian approach to gravitational radiation is applied to the problem of the generation of waves by the compact binary inspiral. We investigate specifically the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation in the total energy flux. The new results are the computation of the mass quadrupole moment of the binary to the 3PN order, and the current quadrupole and mass octupole to the 2PN order. Wave tails and tails of tails in the far zone are included up to the 3.5PN order. The recently derived 3PN equations of binary motion are used to compute the time-derivatives of the moments. We find perfect agreement to the 3.5PN order with perturbation calculations of black holes in the test-mass limit for one body. Technical inputs in our computation include a model of point particles for describing the compact objects, and the Hadamard self-field regularization. Because of a physical incompleteness of the Hadamard regularization at the 3PN order, the energy flux depends on one unknown physical parameter, which is a combination of a parameter \lambda in the equations of motion, and a new parameter \theta coming from the quadrupole moment.Comment: 69 pages, version which includes the correction of an Erratum to be published in Phys. Rev. D (2005

    Second post-Newtonian gravitational radiation reaction for two-body systems: Nonspinning bodies

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    Starting from the recently obtained 2PN accurate forms of the energy and angular momentum fluxes from inspiralling compact binaries, we deduce the gravitational radiation reaction to 2PN order beyond the quadrupole approximation - 4.5PN terms in the equation of motion - using the refined balance method proposed by Iyer and Will. We explore critically the features of their construction and illustrate them by contrast to other possible variants. The equations of motion are valid for general binary orbits and for a class of coordinate gauges. The limiting cases of circular orbits and radial infall are also discussed.Comment: 38 pages, REVTeX, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Improved filters for gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries

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    The order of the post-Newtonian expansion needed to extract in a reliable and accurate manner the fully general relativistic gravitational wave signal from inspiraling compact binaries is explored. A class of approximate wave forms, called P-approximants, is constructed based on the following two inputs: (a) the introduction of two new energy-type and flux-type functions e(v) and f(v), respectively, (b) the systematic use of the Padé approximation for constructing successive approximants of e(v) and f(v). The new P-approximants are not only more effectual (larger overlaps) and more faithful (smaller biases) than the standard Taylor approximants, but also converge faster and monotonically. The presently available (v/c)^5-accurate post-Newtonian results can be used to construct P-approximate wave forms that provide overlaps with the exact wave form larger than 96.5%, implying that more than 90% of potential events can be detected with the aid of P-approximants as opposed to a mere 10–15 % that would be detectable using standard post-Newtonian approximants

    Post-Newtonian prediction for the (2,2) mode of the gravitational wave emitted by compact binaries

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    We present our 3.5PN computation of the (2,2) mode of the gravitational wave amplitude emitted by compact binaries, on quasi-circular orbits and in the absence of spins. We use the multipolar post-Newtonian wave generation formalism, extending and building on previous works which computed the 3PN order. This calculation required the extension of the multipolar post-Minkowskian algorithm, as well as the computation of the mass source quadrupole at 3.5PN order. Our result will allow more accurate comparisons to numerical relativity, and is a first step towards the computation of the full 3.5PN waveform amplitude, which would improve the estimation of the source parameters by gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 5 pages; proceeding of the 9th LISA Symposium, Pari

    The third and a half post-Newtonian gravitational wave quadrupole mode for quasi-circular inspiralling compact binaries

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    We compute the quadrupole mode of the gravitational waveform of inspiralling compact binaries at the third and a half post-Newtonian (3.5PN) approximation of general relativity. The computation is performed using the multipolar post-Newtonian formalism, and restricted to binaries without spins moving on quasi-circular orbits. The new inputs mainly include the 3.5PN terms in the mass quadrupole moment of the source, and the control of required subdominant corrections to the contributions of hereditary integrals (tails and non-linear memory effect). The result is given in the form of the quadrupolar mode (2,2) in a spin-weighted spherical harmonic decomposition of the waveform, and may be used for comparison with the counterpart quantity computed in numerical relativity. It is a step towards the computation of the full 3.5PN waveform, whose knowledge is expected to reduce the errors on the location parameters of the source.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections, including some rephrasing in the introduction and in section III

    Comparison of post-Newtonian templates for extreme mass ratio inspirals

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    Extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs), the inspirals of compact objects into supermassive black holes, are important gravitational wave sources for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). We study the performance of various post-Newtonian (PN) template families relative to the high precision numerical waveforms in the context of EMRI parameter estimation with LISA. Expressions for the time domain waveforms TaylorT1, TaylorT2, TaylorT3, TaylorT4 and TaylorEt are derived up to 22PN order, i.e O(v44)\mathcal{O}(v^{44}) (vv is the characteristic velocity of the binary) beyond the Newtonian term, for a test particle in a circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole. The phase difference between the above 22PN waveform families and numerical waveforms are evaluated during two-year inspirals for two prototypical EMRI systems with mass ratios 10410^{-4} and 10510^{-5}. We find that the dephases (in radians) for TaylorT1 and TaylorT2, respectively, are about 10910^{-9} (10210^{-2}) and 10910^{-9} (10310^{-3}) for mass ratio 10410^{-4} (10510^{-5}). This suggests that using 22PN TaylorT1 or TaylorT2 waveforms for parameter estimation of EMRIs will result in accuracies comparable to numerical waveform accuracy for most of the LISA parameter space. On the other hand, from the dephase results, we find that TaylorT3, TaylorT4 and TaylorEt fare relatively poorly as one approaches the last stable orbit. This implies that, as for comparable mass binaries using the 3.5PN phase of waveforms, the 22PN TaylorT3 and TaylorEt approximants do not perform well enough for the EMRIs. The reason underlying the poor performance of TaylorT3, TaylorT4 and TaylorEt relative to TaylorT1 and TaylorT2 is finally examined.Comment: 10 page

    Gravitational radiation from inspiralling compact binaries completed at the third post-Newtonian order

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    The gravitational radiation from point particle binaries is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) approximation of general relativity. Three previously introduced ambiguity parameters, coming from the Hadamard self-field regularization of the 3PN source-type mass quadrupole moment, are consistently determined by means of dimensional regularization, and proved to have the values xi = -9871/9240, kappa = 0 and zeta = -7/33. These results complete the derivation of the general relativistic prediction for compact binary inspiral up to 3.5PN order, and should be of use for searching and deciphering the signals in the current network of gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 4 pages in 2-column format, LaTeX 2e, REVTeX 4, no figur