1,200 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic properties and radiation damage investigation of a diamond based Schottky diode for ion-beam therapy microdosimetry

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    In this work, a detailed analysis of the properties of a novel microdosimeter based on a synthetic single crystal diamond is reported. Focused ion microbeams were used to investigate the device spectropscopic properties as well as the induced radiation damageeffects. A diamond based Schottky diode was fabricated by chemical vapor deposition with a very thin detecting region, about 400 nm thick (approximately 1.4 μm water equivalent thickness), corresponding to the typical size in microdosimetric measurements. A 200 × 200 μm2 square metallic contact was patterned on the diamond surface by standard photolithography to define the sensitive area. Experimental measurements were carried out at the Ruder Boškovic′ Institute microbeam facility using 4 MeV carbon and 5 MeV silicon ions. Ion beam induced charge maps were employed to characterize the microdosimeter response in terms of its charge collection properties. A stable response with no evidence of polarization or memory effects was observed up to the maximum investigated ion beam flux of about 1.7 × 109 ions·cm−2·s−1. A homogeneity of the response about 6% was found over the sensitive region with a well-defined confinement of the response within the active area. Tests of the radiation damageeffect were performed by selectively irradiating small areas of the device with different ion fluences, up to about 1012 ions/cm2. An exponential decrease of the charge collection efficiency was observed with a characteristic decay constant of about 4.8 MGy and 1 MGy for C and Si ions, respectively. The experimental data were analyzed by means of GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulations. A direct correlation between the diamond damaging effect and the Non Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) fraction was found. In particular, an exponential decay of the charge collection efficiency with an exponential decay as a function of NIEL is observed, with a characteristic constant of about 9.3 kGy-NIEL for both carbon and silicon ions

    Accounting and governance in the final years of the Papal States: Dual roles in the papacy of Pius IX (1846–1870)

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    The Papal States represent a unique and long period in Italian government and in the government of the Roman Catholic Church prior to Italy's unification in 1870. The 25-year period prior to unification was a particularly tumultuous period when the Papal States struggled for survival, faced military and popular challenges and became increasingly indebted. Accounting could become an important tool to assist decision-making and enhance the Papal States' sustainability, as shown by the governance reforms promulgated by Pope Pius IX in this period. Nevertheless, accountants chose what to make visible and emphasised secular, rather than the sacred aspects of the Papal States. Despite reforms, there was a disconnection between the leaders and the accountants. This research therefore examines the role of accounting in such an institution, and extends the concept of a sacred-secular divide to a state government beset by resource constraints and challenged to fulfil its spiritual aims

    Thermal and fast neutron dosimetry using artificial single crystal diamond detectors

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    In this work we propose the artificial Single Crystal Diamond (SCD) detector covered with a thin layer (0.5 μm/4 μm) of 6LiF as a simultaneous thermal and fast neutron fluence monitor. Some interesting properties of the diamond response versus the neutron energy are evidenced thanks to Monte Carlo simulation using the MCNPX code which allows to propose the diamond detector also as an ambient dose equivalent (H(10)) monitor (REM counter). © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Neutron spectrometer for fast nuclear reactors

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    In this paper we describe the development and first tests of a neutron spectrometer designed for high flux environments, such as the ones found in fast nuclear reactors. The spectrometer is based on the conversion of neutrons impinging on 6^6Li into α\alpha and tt whose total energy comprises the initial neutron energy and the reaction QQ-value. The 6^6LiF layer is sandwiched between two CVD diamond detectors, which measure the two reaction products in coincidence. The spectrometer was calibrated at two neutron energies in well known thermal and 3 MeV neutron fluxes. The measured neutron detection efficiency varies from 4.2×10−4\times 10^{-4} to 3.5×10−8\times 10^{-8} for thermal and 3 MeV neutrons, respectively. These values are in agreement with Geant4 simulations and close to simple estimates based on the knowledge of the 6^6Li(n,α\alpha)tt cross section. The energy resolution of the spectrometer was found to be better than 100 keV when using 5 m cables between the detector and the preamplifiers.Comment: submitted to NI

    Development of On-Line Tritium Monitor Based Upon Artificial Diamond for Fusion Applications

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    In this paper a novel on-line tritium monitor is presented. It is made with a single crystal diamond detector (SCD) covered with a thin layer of LiF 95% enriched in <sup>6</sup>Li. Thermal neutrons impinging on the LiF layer produce α and T ions which are detected by the active diamond. The pulse height spectrum shows two separated peaks due to α and T ions respectively. By a proper calibration in a reference thermal flux the number of <sup>6</sup>Li atoms and thus the absolute n+<sup>6</sup>Li→α+T reaction rate per unitary flux can be established. Once calibrated the detector can be used to measure the tritium production. Due to the many outstanding properties of diamond this detector could operate in the harsh working conditions of a fusion breeding blanket. A test of this detector was performed at the 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG). The detector was inserted inside a mock-up of the European Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL) Tritium Blanket Module (TBM), designed to validate the neutronic database for fusion application. The mock-up of the TBM was designed to perform a full set of experiments to validate tritium production code prediction comparing the experimental results with calculations. The measured tritium rates with the Li-Diamond detector are described in this paper. Comparison with calculations is in progress and will be reported in a future paper

    Dosimetric characterization of a synthetic single crystal diamond detector in a clinical 62 MeV ocular therapy proton beam

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    A synthetic single crystal diamond based Schottky photodiode was tested at INFN-LNS on the proton beam line (62 MeV) dedicated to the radiation treatment of ocular disease. The diamond detector response was studied in terms of pre-irradiation dose, linearity with dose and dose rate, and angular dependence. Depth dose curves were measured for the 62 MeV pristine proton beam and for three unmodulated range-shifted proton beams; furthermore, the spread-out Bragg peak was measured for a modulated therapeutic proton beam. Beam parameters, recommended by the ICRU report 78, were evaluated to analyze depth-dose curves from diamond detector. Measured dose distributions were compared with the corresponding dose distributions acquired with reference plane-parallel ionization chambers. Field size dependence of the output factor (dose per monitor unit) in a therapeutic modulated proton beam was measured with the diamond detector over the range of ocular proton therapy collimator diameters (5-30 mm). Output factors measured with the diamond detector were compared to the ones by a Markus ionization chamber, a Scanditronix Hi-p Si stereotactic diode and a radiochromic EBT2 film. Signal stability within 0.5% was demonstrated for the diamond detector with no need of any pre-irradiation dose. Dose and dose rate dependence of the diamond response was measured: deviations from linearity resulted to be within ±0.5% over the investigated ranges of 0.5-40.0 Gy and 0.3-30.0 Gy/min respectively. Output factors from diamond detector measured with the smallest collimator (5 mm in diameter) showed a maximum deviation of about 3% with respect to the high resolution radiochromic EBT2 film. Depth-dose curves measured by diamond for unmodulated and modulated beams were in good agreement with those from the reference plane-parallel Markus chamber, with relative differences lower than ±1% in peak-to-plateau ratios, well within experimental uncertainties. A 2.5% variation in diamond detector response was observed in angular dependence measurements carried-out by varying the proton beam incidence angle in the polar direction. The dosimetric characterization of the tested synthetic single crystal diamond detector clearly indicates its suitability for relative dosimetry in ocular therapy proton beams, with no need of any correction factors accounting for dose rate and linear energy transfer dependence

    Thermal and fast neutron detection in chemical vapor deposition single-crystal diamond detectors

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    Recently, a compact solid-state neutron detector capable of simultaneously detecting thermal and fast neutrons was proposed [M. Marinelli et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 143509 (2006)]. Its design is based on a p-type/intrinsic/metal layered structure obtained by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of homoepitaxial diamond followed by thermal evaporation of an Al contact and a <sup>6</sup>LiF converting layer. Fast neutrons are directly detected in the CVD diamond bulk, since they have enough energy to produce the <sup>12</sup>C(n, α)<sup>9</sup>Be reaction in diamond. Thermal neutrons are instead converted into charged particles in the <sup>6</sup>LiF layer through the <sup>6</sup>Li(n, α)T nuclear reaction. These charged particles are then detected in the diamond layer. The thickness of the <sup>6</sup>LiF converting layer and the CVD diamond sensing layer affect the counting efficiency and energy resolution of the detector both for low- (thermal) and high-energy neutrons. An analysis is carried out on the dynamics of the <sup>6</sup>Li(n, α)T and the <sup>12</sup>C(n, α)<sup>9</sup>Be reactions products, and the distribution of the energy released inside the sensitive layer is calculated. The detector counting efficiency and energy resolution were accordingly derived as a function of the thickness of the <sup>6</sup>LiF and CVD diamond layers, both for thermal and fast neutrons, thus allowing us to choose the optimum detector design for any particular application. Comparison with experimental results is also reported

    A diamond detector based dosimetric system for instantaneous dose rate measurements in FLASH electron beams

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    Objective. A reliable determination of the instantaneous dose rate (I-DR) delivered in FLASH radiotherapy treatments is believed to be crucial to assess the so-called FLASH effect in preclinical and biological studies. At present, no detectors nor real-time procedures are available to do that in ultra high dose rate (UH-DR) electron beams, typically consisting of μs pulses characterized by I-DRs of the order of MGy/s. A dosimetric system is proposed possibly overcoming the above reported limitation, based on the recently developed flashDiamond (fD) detector (model 60025, PTW-Freiburg, Germany). Approach. A dosimetric system is proposed, based on a flashDiamond detector prototype, properly modified and adapted for very fast signal transmission. It was used in combination with a fast transimpedance amplifier and a digital oscilloscope to record the temporal traces of the pulses delivered by an ElectronFlash linac (SIT S.p.A., Italy). The proposed dosimetric systems was investigated in terms of the temporal characteristics of its response and the capability to measure the absolute delivered dose and instantaneous dose rate (I-DR). A ‘standard’ flashDiamond was also investigated and its response compared with the one of the specifically designed prototype. Main results. Temporal traces recorded in several UH-DR irradiation conditions showed very good signal to noise ratios and rise and decay times of the order of a few tens ns, faster than the ones obtained by the current transformer embedded in the linac head. By analyzing such signals, a calibration coefficient was derived for the fD prototype and found to be in agreement within 1% with the one obtained under reference 60Co irradiation. I-DRs as high as about 2 MGy s−1 were detected without any undesired saturation effect. Absolute dose per pulse values extracted by integrating the I-DR signals were found to be linear up to at least 7.13 Gy and in very good agreement with the ones obtained by connecting the fD to a UNIDOS electrometer (PTW-Freiburg, Germany). A good short term reproducibility of the linac output was observed, characterized by a pulse-to-pulse variation coefficient of 0.9%. Negligible differences were observed when replacing the fD prototype with a standard one, with the only exception of a somewhat slower response time for the latter detector type. Significance. The proposed fD-based system was demonstrated to be a suitable tool for a thorough characterization of UH-DR beams, providing accurate and reliable time resolved I-DR measurements from which absolute dose values can be straightforwardly derived

    Diamond detectors for dose and instantaneous dose-rate measurements for ultra-high dose-rate scanned helium ion beams

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    Background: The possible emergence of the FLASH effect—the sparing of normal tissue while maintaining tumor control—after irradiations at dose-rates exceeding several tens of Gy per second, has recently spurred a surge of studies attempting to characterize and rationalize the phenomenon. Investigating and reporting the dose and instantaneous dose-rate of ultra-high dose-rate (UHDR) particle radiotherapy beams is crucial for understanding and assessing the FLASH effect, towards pre-clinical application and quality assurance programs. Purpose: The purpose of the present work is to investigate a novel diamond-based detector system for dose and instantaneous dose-rate measurements in UHDR particle beams. Methods: Two types of diamond detectors, a microDiamond (PTW 60019) and a diamond detector prototype specifically designed for operation in UHDR beams (flashDiamond), and two different readout electronic chains, were investigated for absorbed dose and instantaneous dose-rate measurements. The detectors were irradiated with a helium beam of 145.7 MeV/u under conventional and UHDR delivery. Dose-rate delivery records by the monitoring ionization chamber and diamond detectors were studied for single spot irradiations. Dose linearity at 5&nbsp;cm depth and in-depth dose response from 2 to 16&nbsp;cm were investigated for both measurement chains and both detectors in a water tank. Measurements with cylindrical and plane-parallel ionization chambers as well as Monte-Carlo simulations were performed for comparisons. Results: Diamond detectors allowed for recording the temporal structure of the beam, in good agreement with the one obtained by the monitoring ionization chamber. A better time resolution of the order of few μs was observed as compared to the approximately 50 μs of the monitoring ionization chamber. Both diamonds detectors show an excellent linearity response in both delivery modalities. Dose values derived by integrating the measured instantaneous dose-rates are in very good agreement with the ones obtained by the standard electrometer readings. Bragg peak curves confirmed the consistency of the charge measurements by the two systems. Conclusions: The proposed novel dosimetric system allows for a detailed investigation of the temporal evolution of UHDR beams. As a result, reliable and accurate determinations of dose and instantaneous dose-rate are possible, both required for a comprehensive characterization of UHDR beams and relevant for FLASH effect assessment in clinical treatments
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