22,624 research outputs found

    Conditions for entanglement transformation between a class of multipartite pure states with generalized Schmidt decompositions

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    In this note we generalize Nielsen's marjoization criterion for the convertibility of bipartite pure states [Phys. Rev. Lett \textbf{83}, 436(1999)] to a special class of multipartite pure states which have generalized Schmidt decompositions.Comment: 3 pages (Revetex 4), no figures. A brief note on entanglement transformation. Comments are welcom

    Optimal time decay of the non cut-off Boltzmann equation in the whole space

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    In this paper we study the large-time behavior of perturbative classical solutions to the hard and soft potential Boltzmann equation without the angular cut-off assumption in the whole space \threed_x with \DgE. We use the existence theory of global in time nearby Maxwellian solutions from \cite{gsNonCutA,gsNonCut0}. It has been a longstanding open problem to determine the large time decay rates for the soft potential Boltzmann equation in the whole space, with or without the angular cut-off assumption \cite{MR677262,MR2847536}. For perturbative initial data, we prove that solutions converge to the global Maxwellian with the optimal large-time decay rate of O(t^{-\frac{\Ndim}{2}+\frac{\Ndim}{2r}}) in the L^2_\vel(L^r_x)-norm for any 2≤r≤∞2\leq r\leq \infty.Comment: 31 pages, final version to appear in KR

    Nonlocal Dynamics of Passive Tracer Dispersion with Random Stopping

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    We investigate the nonlocal behavior of passive tracer dispersion with random stopping at various sites in fluids. This kind of dispersion processes is modeled by an integral partial differential equation, i.e., an advection-diffusion equation with a memory term. We have shown the exponential decay of the passive tracer concentration, under suitable conditions for the velocity field and the probability distribution of random stopping time.Comment: 7 page

    Dissipative Quasigeostrophic Dynamics under Random Forcing

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    The quasigeostrophic model is a simplified geophysical fluid model at asymptotically high rotation rate or at small Rossby number. We consider the quasigeostrophic equation with dissipation under random forcing in bounded domains. We show that global unique solutions exist for appropriate initial data. Unlike the deterministic quasigeostrophic equation whose well-posedness is well-known, there seems no rigorous result on global existence and uniqueness of the randomly forced quasigeostrophic equation. Our work provides such a rigorous result on global existence and uniqueness, under very mild conditions.Comment: LaTeX, 15 page

    Topological Properties of Spatial Coherence Function

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    Topology of the spatial coherence function is considered in details. The phase singularity (coherence vortices) structures of coherence function are classified by Hopf index and Brouwer degree in topology. The coherence flux quantization and the linking of the closed coherence vortices are also studied from the topological properties of the spatial coherence function.Comment: 9 page

    Approximation of Random Slow Manifolds and Settling of Inertial Particles under Uncertainty

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    A method is provided for approximating random slow manifolds of a class of slow-fast stochastic dynamical systems. Thus approximate, low dimensional, reduced slow systems are obtained analytically in the case of sufficiently large time scale separation. To illustrate this dimension reduction procedure, the impact of random environmental fluctuations on the settling motion of inertial particles in a cellular flow field is examined. It is found that noise delays settling for some particles but enhances settling for others. A deterministic stable manifold is an agent to facilitate this phenomenon. Overall, noise appears to delay the settling in an averaged sense.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure
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