35 research outputs found

    Implementation of Fuzzy Inference System with Tsukamoto Method for Study Programme Selection

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    Deciding study programme is crucial because any fault in making the decision will affect students' learning motivation, length of study period which exceeds the standard, and the students' failure. With a methodical selection of study programme, each student is expected to focus on his interest and capability more. Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with Tsukamoto method can be applied to support the settlement. In the method, output is obtained with four stages, namely the formation of fuzzy sets, the establishment of rules, the application of implicated functions, and defuzzification. The purpose of this study is to apply FIS with Tsukamoto method to the decision of study programme which fits prospective students' interest and capability. Moreover, the input variables involve Interview Scores, Scores of Informatics Engineering, Scores of Information Systems and Scores of Written Tests. Output variables are the students' interest either in the Department of Informatics Engeenering or the Department of Information Syste

    Decision Support System (DSS) for the Determination of Percentage of Scholarship Quantity Based Fuzzy Tahani

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    To ensure quality education, the Government must provide services and conveniences to education without any descriminations. To conduct quality education needed some big enough fee therefore for every learner at any unit of education are entitled to tuition fees for those whose parents could not afford to finance their education, and the right to obtain a scholarship for those who has achievment. (Putra & Hardiyanti, 2011).By taking the results of previous research, entitled the application of Fuzzy Inference System Mamdani\u27s method for the determination of quantity percentage of scholarship (Research Lecturer Beginners by 2013), on research this time the researcher do application design with combination of algortitma Fuzzy Inference System Mamdani Method and using the Fuzzy Method for designing Databases Tahani decision support system (SPK).Fuzzy tahani is one method of Fuzzy that uses the database standard. the data are classified based on how the data are seen by the user. So that all the results of the algorithms of previous research can be used to create applications by using Fuzzy method Tahani Database.The type of This research is a kind of applied research, it is a bridge from basic research between experimental research. In the design and development of decision support system based on Desktop Application is a system development methodology used is a structured methodology with the model development SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) that serves to illustrate the main stages and steps of each stage are generally divided into three main activity analysis, design and implementation of data collection Techniques as well as performed there are 3 methods of interview techniques, Documentation and Observation. The Data obtained from the marketing of Computer Science Faculty -Bandar Lampung UniversityThe purpose of this research is Designing Applications by using the Fuzzy Database method\u27s Tahani with available the desktop application so that the eligibility determination process for new student scholarships being accepted right on the target, fast and objective

    Implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to Automate Logging Track Record Students and Alumni

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    Biro Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan dan Hubungan Alumni (BPKHA) Bandar Lampung University has one of the tasks for the alumnus record, but the way that used by BPKHA UBL still manually so that the alumnus data that are collected, it has not been gathered maximally. Therefore, the researchers examined the problem by tracking the footsteps of alumni studies or surveys of graduates have been made one of college accreditation requirements by using Customer Relationship Management (CRM ), because such methods focus on how to attract the alumnus so that they always fill up the alumnus form and register themselves in detail . Tracer Study becomes increasingly important role as it can provide important information for the development of higher education . Additionally tracer study acts as a tool to evaluate the relevance between higher education and the world of work, it can provide useful input for lecturer and administrator to improved performance, as well as give feedback to parents in monitoring their children's education ( Schomburg, 2006 ). From the analysis and the design that have been successfully fabricated, The Software of Information System of Students and Alumnus Record Traces Based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for Automation. Data Collection, with the stages of planning , analysis, design, implementation and testing. The system is constructed to provide information to the University and alumnus as well as students either acquire phase, enhance, and retain with different features are tailored to the results of the analysis

    Perancangan Alat Pengering Mie Ramah Lingkungan

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    Noodle is a food product which is made from wheat, with or without additional ingredients. The products of noodle are generally used as the source of energy because the contents of carbohydrates are relatively high.Drainage is a process to extract or separate the water in the relatively small ammount from the substances using thermal energy. The purposes from this drainage process are: to decrease the water level from the subtances to have longer shelflife, decrease the subtances' volume to ease and save the transport costs, packaging and storage.The main principple of drainage is extraction of the water from subtances as the result on process of heat transfer which is correlated with the difference of temperature between product's suface with water's surface in several location inside the products.Noodle drainage methods can be distinguished as Home Industrial Scale and Big Industrial Scale. Home Industrial Scale can be distinguished as Sun dry and Toaster. Big Industrial Scale can be distinguished as Toaster and Hot Dryer.In this research, noodle drying process are using the tools that can lessen the weaknesses which is owned by the previous tools used, including in big industry. The tool used in this research is using centrifugal force for drainage and blower with the low costs.Materials used in this research have a simple design thatmake it easy to be applied. Moreover the materials used are save for the food processing

    Rekayasa Software Computer Aided Process Planning Berbasis Metode CBR Untuk Membantu Proses Pembuatan Batik

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    If we make batik manually, it will less effective and efficient.besides that can make worker uncomfortable. Because the new worker must learn all over again to be a reliable process planner as his predecessor. This is loss to the company. Fortunately there is a method called Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). CAPP can use to make job more fast than before. Besides that it will make more effective and efficient plan process

    Layanan SMS Nilai dengan Menggunakan Teori CRM untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Mahasiswa

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    Universitas Bandar Lampung merupakan salah satu lembaga swasta yang menyediakan jasa pendidikan bagi masyarakat. Universitas Bandar Lampung telah memiliki pengalaman dalam menyediakan jasa pendidikan selama 25 tahun dan memiliki komitmen untuk selalu memberikan yang terbaik bagi masyarakat dalam rangka untuk mencerdaskan masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan menggambarkan serta menjelaskan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan nilai di Universitas Bandar Lampung. Peneliti akan menggunakan teori CRM pada sistem layanan sms yang berhubungan dengan nilai. Penjelasan mengenai sistem layanan sms nilai dengan teori CRM akan dijelaskan pada bab IV penelitian ini

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Front Office pada Wisma Chandra dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Ms. Visual Basic 6.0

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    Pada masa kini, perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi informasi terus berjalan. Untuk dapat bersaing sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, Wisma Chandra Bandar Lampung diharapkan meninggalkan cara manual dalam proses penginputan data, karena akan mengurangi efektifitas kerja sehingga hasilnya kurang dirasakan optimal. Pembuatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang program aplikasi front office yang dapat membantu dalam transaksi penginputan data pada Wisma Chandra Bandar Lampung.Penelitian ini akan menggambarkan serta menjelaskan rancangan program aplikasi front office pada Wisma Chandra. Dalam merancang program, penulis menggunakan tahapan-tahapan perancangan program yang dijelaskan pada bagian keempat dari penelitian ini

    Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Perangkat Keras Komputer Menggunakan Augmented Reality

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini diarahkan untuk menambah referensi belajar mahasiswa Pengantar Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bandar Lampung, dengan memungkinkan penggunanya melihat komponen perangkat keras komputer beserta detailnya. Sejauh ini pada materi pengenalan perangkat keras komputer media belajar mahasiswa umumnya langsung melihat komponen komputer di kelas saat matakuliah berlangsung. Penelitian ini merancang sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran pengenalan perangkat keras komputer, dimana desain penanda/marker yang telah disediakan oleh peneliti. Pengguna dapat melihat Komponen-komponen perangkat keras komputer dapat dilihat dalam bentuk objek virtual, yang diarahkan pada marker. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode markerless augmented reality dimana marker yang digunakan sebagai tracker tidak hanya gambar hitam dan putih serta berbentuk garis yang tegas pada Sisi-sisi marker. Sehingga pada penelitian ini, marker yang digunakan oleh peneliti dibuat berdasarkan gambar 3 dimensi dari objek yang akan tampil langsun

    Perbandingan Algoritma Fuzzy Saw dan AHP untuk Penentuan Siswa Terbaik pada Aplikasi E-Report Sekolah

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini membangun system pendukung keputasn dengan membandingkan dua metode untuk menentukan metode yang terbaik dengan aplikasi berbasis web. Dalam penerapan SPK di bangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis WEB yang dirancang menggunakan metode fuzzy SAW dan AHP yang bertujuan dalam  membandingkan algoritma SAW dan AHP untuk menentukan siswa terbaik yang selanjutnya di uji akurasinya menggunakan metode Confusion Matrix. Sehingga dihasilkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan pada aplikasi E-report berbasis Website menggunakan Metode fuzzy AHP dan fuzzy SAW yang dapat menentukan siswa terbaik dan menyediakan layanan dalam mengelola data keseharian siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hasil dari perbandingan metode AHP dan SAW dalam menentukan siswa terbaik, perbandingan tersebut dilakukan dengan menghitung hasil akurasi dari hasil perangkingan siswa tersebut dengan menggunakan metode confusion matrixs