79 research outputs found

    Large magnetoresistance at room-temperature in semiconducting polymer sandwich devices

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    We report on the discovery of a large, room temperature magnetoresistance (MR) effect in polyfluorene sandwich devices in weak magnetic fields. We characterize this effect and discuss its dependence on voltage, temperature, film thickness, electrode materials, and (unintentional) impurity concentration. We usually observed negative MR, but positive MR can also be achieved under high applied electric fields. The MR effect reaches up to 10% at fields of 10mT at room temperature. The effect shows only a weak temperature dependence and is independent of the sign and direction of the magnetic field. We find that the effect is related to the hole current in the devices.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Conjugation-Length Dependence of Spin-Dependent Exciton Formation Rates in Pi-Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers

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    We have measured the ratio, r = σS/σT\sigma_S/\sigma_T of the formation cross section, σ\sigma of singlet (σS\sigma_S) and triplet (σT\sigma_T) excitons from oppositely charged polarons in a large variety of π\pi-conjugated oligomer and polymer films, using the photoinduced absorption and optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopies. The ratio r is directly related to the singlet exciton yield, which in turn determines the maximum electroluminescence quantum efficiency in organic light emitting diodes (OLED). We discovered that r increases with the conjugation length, CL; in fact a universal dependence exists in which r1r^{-1} depends linearly on CL1CL^{-1}, irrespective of the chain backbone structure. These results indicate that π\pi-conjugated polymers have a clear advantage over small molecules in OLED applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A New Approach to Non-Commutative U(N) Gauge Fields

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    Based on the recently introduced model of arXiv:0912.2634 for non-commutative U(1) gauge fields, a generalized version of that action for U(N) gauge fields is put forward. In this approach to non-commutative gauge field theories, UV/IR mixing effects are circumvented by introducing additional 'soft breaking' terms in the action which implement an IR damping mechanism. The techniques used are similar to those of the well-known Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD.Comment: 11 pages; v2 minor correction

    Induced Gauge Theory on a Noncommutative Space

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    We consider a scalar ϕ4\phi^4 theory on canonically deformed Euclidean space in 4 dimensions with an additional oscillator potential. This model is known to be renormalisable. An exterior gauge field is coupled in a gauge invariant manner to the scalar field. We extract the dynamics for the gauge field from the divergent terms of the 1-loop effective action using a matrix basis and propose an action for the noncommutative gauge theory, which is a candidate for a renormalisable model.Comment: Typos corrected, one reference added; eqn. (49) corrected, one equation number added; 30 page

    Electron correlation effects in electron-hole recombination in organic light-emitting diodes

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    We develop a general theory of electron--hole recombination in organic light emitting diodes that leads to formation of emissive singlet excitons and nonemissive triplet excitons. We briefly review other existing theories and show how our approach is substantively different from these theories. Using an exact time-dependent approach to the interchain/intermolecular charge-transfer within a long-range interacting model we find that, (i) the relative yield of the singlet exciton in polymers is considerably larger than the 25% predicted from statistical considerations, (ii) the singlet exciton yield increases with chain length in oligomers, and, (iii) in small molecules containing nitrogen heteroatoms, the relative yield of the singlet exciton is considerably smaller and may be even close to 25%. The above results are independent of whether or not the bond-charge repulsion, X_perp, is included in the interchain part of the Hamiltonian for the two-chain system. The larger (smaller) yield of the singlet (triplet) exciton in carbon-based long-chain polymers is a consequence of both its ionic (covalent) nature and smaller (larger) binding energy. In nitrogen containing monomers, wavefunctions are closer to the noninteracting limit, and this decreases (increases) the relative yield of the singlet (triplet) exciton. Our results are in qualitative agreement with electroluminescence experiments involving both molecular and polymeric light emitters. The time-dependent approach developed here for describing intermolecular charge-transfer processes is completely general and may be applied to many other such processes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Correlated theory of triplet photoinduced absorption in phenylene-vinylene chains

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    In this paper we present results of large-scale correlated calculations of triplet photoinduced absorption (PA) spectrum of oligomers of poly-(para)phenylenevinylene (PPV) containing up to five phenyl rings. In particular, the high-energy features in the triplet PA spectrum of oligo-PPVs are the focus of this study, which, so far, have not been investigated theoretically, or experimentally. The calculations were performed using the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model Hamiltonian, and many-body effects were taken into account by means of multi-reference singles-doubles configuration interaction procedure (MRSDCI), without neglecting any molecular orbitals. The computed triplet PA spectrum of oligo-PPVs exhibits rich structure consisting of alternating peaks of high and low intensities. The predicted higher energy features of the triplet spectrum can be tested in future experiments. Additionally, theoretical estimates of exciton binding energy are also presented.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    On Non-Commutative U*(1) Gauge Models and Renormalizability

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    Based on our recent findings regarding (non-)renormalizability of non-commutative U*(1) gauge theories [arxiv:0908.0467, arxiv:0908.1743] we present the construction of a new type of model. By introducing a soft breaking term in such a way that only the bilinear part of the action is modified, no interaction between the gauge sector and auxiliary fields occurs. Demanding in addition that the latter form BRST doublet structures, this leads to a minimally altered non-commutative U*(1) gauge model featuring an IR damping behavior. Moreover, the new breaking term is shown to provide the necessary structure in order to absorb the inevitable quadratic IR divergences appearing at one-loop level in theories of this kind. In the present paper we compute Feynman rules, symmetries and results for the vacuum polarization together with the one-loop renormalization of the gauge boson propagator and the three-point functions.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; v2-v4: clarified several points, and minor correction

    On the Renormalizability of Noncommutative U(1) Gauge Theory - an Algebraic Approach

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    We investigate the quantum effects of the nonlocal gauge invariant operator 1D2Fμν1D2Fμν\frac{1}{{}{D}^{2}}{F}_{\mu \nu}\ast \frac{1}{{}{D}^{2}}{F}^{\mu \nu} in the noncommutative U(1) action and its consequences to the infrared sector of the theory. Nonlocal operators of such kind were proposed to solve the infrared problem of the noncommutative gauge theories evading the questions on the explicit breaking of the Lorentz invariance. More recently, a first step in the localization of this operator was accomplished by means of the introduction of an extra tensorial matter field, and the first loop analysis was carried out (Eur.Phys.J.C62:433443,2009)(Eur.Phys.J.\textbf{C62}:433-443,2009). We will complete this localization avoiding the introduction of new degrees of freedom beyond those of the original action by using only BRST doublets. This will allow us to make a complete BRST algebraic study of the renormalizability of the theory, following Zwanziger's method of localization of nonlocal operators in QFT.Comment: standard Latex no figures, version2 accepted in J. Phys A: Math Theo

    Degenerate noncommutativity

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    We study a renormalizable four dimensional model with two deformed quantized space directions. A one-loop renormalization is performed explicitly. The Euclidean model is connected to the Minkowski version via an analytic continuation. At a special value of the parameters a nontrivial fixed point of the renormalization group occurs.Comment: 16 page

    Scalar field propagation in the phi^4 kappa-Minkowski model

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    In this article we use the noncommutative (NC) kappa-Minkowski phi^4 model based on the kappa-deformed star product, ({*}_h). The action is modified by expanding up to linear order in the kappa-deformation parameter a, producing an effective model on commutative spacetime. For the computation of the tadpole diagram contributions to the scalar field propagation/self-energy, we anticipate that statistics on the kappa-Minkowski is specifically kappa-deformed. Thus our prescription in fact represents hybrid approach between standard quantum field theory (QFT) and NCQFT on the kappa-deformed Minkowski spacetime, resulting in a kappa-effective model. The propagation is analyzed in the framework of the two-point Green's function for low, intermediate, and for the Planckian propagation energies, respectively. Semiclassical/hybrid behavior of the first order quantum correction do show up due to the kappa-deformed momentum conservation law. For low energies, the dependence of the tadpole contribution on the deformation parameter a drops out completely, while for Planckian energies, it tends to a fixed finite value. The mass term of the scalar field is shifted and these shifts are very different at different propagation energies. At the Planckian energies we obtain the direction dependent kappa-modified dispersion relations. Thus our kappa-effective model for the massive scalar field shows a birefringence effect.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures; To be published in JHEP. Minor typos corrected. Shorter version of the paper arXiv:1107.236