37,658 research outputs found

    Carrier extraction circuit

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    Feedback loop extracts demodulated reference signals from IF input and feeds signal back to demodulator. Since reference signal is extracted directly from carrier, no separate reference need be transmitted. Circuit obtains coherent carrier from balanced or unbalanced four-phase signal of varying characteristics

    Traffic control system and method

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    Frequency of carrier received by aircraft is measured and compared with reference to indicate magnitude of Doppler shift. One Doppler frequency range is selected and indicated by digital signal. Difference between frequency is offset of apparent carrier frequency transmitted by aircraft

    Traffic control system and method Patent

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    Traffic control system for supersonic transports using synchronous satellite for data relay between vehicles and ground statio

    Spontaneous radiative decay of translational levels of an atom near a dielectric surface

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    We study spontaneous radiative decay of translational levels of an atom in the vicinity of a semi-infinite dielectric. We systematically derive the microscopic dynamical equations for the spontaneous decay process. We calculate analytically and numerically the radiative linewidths and the spontaneous transition rates for the translational levels. The roles of the interference between the emitted and reflected fields and of the transmission into the evanescent modes are clearly identified. Our numerical calculations for the silica--cesium interaction show that the radiative linewidths of the bound excited levels with large enough but not too large vibrational quantum numbers are moderately enhanced by the emission into the evanescent modes and those for the deep bound levels are substantially reduced by the surface-induced red shift of the transition frequency

    Functional requirements for the man-vehicle systems research facility

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    The NASA Ames Research Center proposed a man-vehicle systems research facility to support flight simulation studies which are needed for identifying and correcting the sources of human error associated with current and future air carrier operations. The organization of research facility is reviewed and functional requirements and related priorities for the facility are recommended based on a review of potentially critical operational scenarios. Requirements are included for the experimenter's simulation control and data acquisition functions, as well as for the visual field, motion, sound, computation, crew station, and intercommunications subsystems. The related issues of functional fidelity and level of simulation are addressed, and specific criteria for quantitative assessment of various aspects of fidelity are offered. Recommendations for facility integration, checkout, and staffing are included

    ASCA and ROSAT observations of nearby cluster cooling flows

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    We present a detailed analysis of the X-ray properties of the cooling flows in a sample of nearby, X-ray bright clusters of galaxies using high-quality ASCA spectra and ROSAT X-ray images. We demonstrate the need for multiphase models to consistently explain the spectral and imaging X-ray data for the clusters. The mass deposition rates of the cooling flows, independently determined from the ASCA spectra and ROSAT images, exhibit reasonable agreement. We confirm the presence of intrinsic X-ray absorption in the clusters using a variety of spectral models. We also report detections of extended 100μ100\mum infrared emission, spatially coincident with the cooling flows, in several of the systems studied. The observed infrared fluxes and flux limits are in good agreement with the predicted values due to reprocessed X-ray emission from the cooling flows. We present precise measurements of the abundances of iron, magnesium, silicon and sulphur in the central regions of the Virgo and Centaurus clusters. Our results firmly favour models in which a high mass fraction (70-80 per cent) of the iron in the X-ray gas in these regions is due to Type Ia supernovae. Finally, we present a series of methods which may be used to measure the ages of cooling flows from the X-ray data. The results for the present sample of clusters indicate ages of between 2.5 and 7 Gyr. If the ages of cooling flows are primarily set by subcluster merger events, then our results suggest that in the largest clusters, mergers with subclusters with masses of approximately 30 per cent of the final cluster mass are likely to disrupt cooling flows.Comment: Final version. MNRAS, in press. 36 pages, 9 figs, 14 tables in MNRAS LaTex styl

    Symmetry analysis of crystalline spin textures in dipolar spinor condensates

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    We study periodic crystalline spin textures in spinor condensates with dipolar interactions via a systematic symmetry analysis of the low-energy effective theory. By considering symmetry operations which combine real and spin space operations, we classify symmetry groups consistent with non-trivial experimental and theoretical constraints. Minimizing the energy within each symmetry class allows us to explore possible ground states.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Field-induced structure transformation in electrorheological solids

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    We have computed the local electric field in a body-centered tetragonal (BCT) lattice of point dipoles via the Ewald-Kornfeld formulation, in an attempt to examine the effects of a structure transformation on the local field strength. For the ground state of an electrorheological solid of hard spheres, we identified a novel structure transformation from the BCT to the face-centered cubic (FCC) lattices by changing the uniaxial lattice constant c under the hard sphere constraint. In contrast to the previous results, the local field exhibits a non-monotonic transition from BCT to FCC. As c increases from the BCT ground state, the local field initially decreases rapidly towards the isotropic value at the body-centered cubic lattice, decreases further, reaching a minimum value and increases, passing through the isotropic value again at an intermediate lattice, reaches a maximum value and finally decreases to the FCC value. An experimental realization of the structure transformation is suggested. Moreover, the change in the local field can lead to a generalized Clausius-Mossotti equation for the BCT lattices.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Noble gas films on a decagonal AlNiCo quasicrystal

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    Thermodynamic properties of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe adsorbed on an Al-Ni-Co quasicrystalline surface (QC) are studied with Grand Canonical Monte Carlo by employing Lennard-Jones interactions with parameter values derived from experiments and traditional combining rules. In all the gas/QC systems, a layer-by-layer film growth is observed at low temperature. The monolayers have regular epitaxial fivefold arrangements which evolve toward sixfold close-packed structures as the pressure is increased. The final states can contain either considerable or negligible amounts of defects. In the latter case, there occurs a structural transition from five to sixfold symmetry which can be described by introducing an order parameter, whose evolution characterizes the transition to be continuous or discontinuous as in the case of Xe/QC (first-order transition with associated latent heat). By simulating fictitious noble gases, we find that the existence of the transition is correlated with the size mismatch between adsorbate and substrate's characteristic lengths. A simple rule is proposed to predict the phenomenon.Comment: 19 pages. 8 figures. (color figures can be seen at http://alpha.mems.duke.edu/wahyu/ or http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/19/1/016007/