61 research outputs found

    Perceived risk of insect-based foods: An assessment of the entomophagy attitude questionnaire predictive validity

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    Insects are a promising alternative protein source and their possible integration in the human diet has been extensively studied, also with reference to the degree of consumer acceptability and the main factors determining reluctance among Western consumers. Several studies have also proposed the use of protein meals derived from insects in animal feed as a possible way to promote the development of the insect chain. Consumer attitudes, perceived risks, and intention to eat insect-based foods have been extensively researched, yet the relationships between those factors are still unclear. On a sample of 202 Italian consumers, the present research used the Entomophagy Attitude Questionnaire (EAQ) to analyse the degree of acceptability of insects as food and meat obtained from animals raised on insect-based feeds with a specific focus on the role of attitudes and perceived risk. The research also evaluated the differences in acceptability between different types of animals fed with insects. The results show that the intention to engage in entomophagy is significantly correlated with all three of the EAQ’s subscales, as well as with perceived risk. However, the effect of perceived risk does not significantly improve the predictive validity of EAQ with respect to the intention to eat insect-based food. The results also show that the degree of acceptability for different insect meal-reared animals changes among consumers: beef and pork are characterized by a lower degree of acceptability, while poultry and fish are more accepted by consumers

    Revision of the systematics of the Polystomoidinae (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea, Polystomatidae) with redefinition of Polystomoides Ward, 1917 and Uteropolystomoides Tinsley, 2017

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    Polystomatids are platyhelminth parasites that infect mainly amphibians and freshwater turtles. For more than seven decades, chelonian polystomes were classified into three genera according to the number of hamuli, i.e. absent for Neopolystoma, one pair for Polystomoidella and two pairs for Polystomoides. Following re-examination of morphological characters, seven new genera were erected the past six years, namely Apaloneotrema, Aussietrema, Fornixtrema, Manotrema, Pleurodirotrema, Uropolystomoides and Uteropolystomoides. However, the polyphyly of Neopolystoma and Polystomoides on the one hand, and the nested position of Uteropolystomoides within a clade encompassing all Neopolystoma and Polystomoides spp. on the other, still raised questions about the validity of these genera. We therefore re-examined several types, paratypes and voucher specimens, and investigated the molecular phylogeny of polystomes sampled from the oral cavity of North American turtles to re-evaluate their systematic status. We show that all Polystomoides Ward, 1917, sensu Du Preez et al., 2022, Neopolystoma Price, 1939, sensu Du Preez et al., 2022 and Uteropolystomoides Tinsley, 2017 species, display vaginae that are peripheral and extend well beyond the intestine. We thus reassign all species of the clade to Polystomoides and propose nine new combinations; however, although Uteropolystomoides is nested within this clade, based on its unique morphological features, we propose to keep it as a valid taxon. Polystomoides as redefined herein groups all polystome species infecting either the oral cavity or the urinary bladder of cryptodires, with peripheral vaginae and with or without two pairs of small hamuli. Uteropolystomoides nelsoni (Du Preez & Van Rooyen 2015), originally described from Pseudemys nelsoni Carr is now regarded as Uteropolystomoides multifalx (Stunkard, 1924) n. comb. infecting three distinct Pseudemys species of North America

    Morphological and Molecular Evolution Are Not Linked in Lamellodiscus (Plathyhelminthes, Monogenea)

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    Lamellodiscus Johnston & Tiegs 1922 (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) is a genus of common parasites on the gills of sparid fishes. Here we show that this genus is probably undergoing a fast molecular diversification, as reflected by the important genetic variability observed within three molecular markers (partial nuclear 18S rDNA, Internal Transcribed Spacer 1, and mitonchondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I). Using an updated phylogeny of this genus, we show that molecular and morphological evolution are weakly correlated, and that most of the morphologically defined taxonomical units are not consistent with the molecular data. We suggest that Lamellodiscus morphology is probably constrained by strong environmental (host-induced) pressure, and discuss why this result can apply to other taxa. Genetic variability within nuclear 18S and mitochondrial COI genes are compared for several monogenean genera, as this measure may reflect the level of diversification within a genus. Overall our results suggest that cryptic speciation events may occur within Lamellodiscus, and discuss the links between morphological and molecular evolution

    Evolutionary relationships and divergence times among the native rats of Australia

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    Background The genus Rattus is highly speciose and has a complex taxonomy that is not fully resolved. As shown previously there are two major groups within the genus, an Asian and an Australo-Papuan group. This study focuses on the Australo-Papuan group and particularly on the Australian rats. There are uncertainties regarding the number of species within the group and the relationships among them. We analysed 16 mitochondrial genomes, including seven novel genomes from six species, to help elucidate the evolutionary history of the Australian rats. We also demonstrate, from a larger dataset, the usefulness of short regions of the mitochondrial genome in identifying these rats at the species level. Results Analyses of 16 mitochondrial genomes representing species sampled from Australo-Papuan and Asian clades of Rattus indicate divergence of these two groups ~2.7 million years ago (Mya). Subsequent diversification of at least 4 lineages within the Australo-Papuan clade was rapid and occurred over the period from ~ 0.9-1.7 Mya, a finding that explains the difficulty in resolving some relationships within this clade. Phylogenetic analyses of our 126 taxon, but shorter sequence (1952 nucleotides long), Rattus database generally give well supported species clades. Conclusions Our whole mitochondrial genome analyses are concordant with a taxonomic division that places the native Australian rats into the Rattus fuscipes species group. We suggest the following order of divergence of the Australian species. R. fuscipes is the oldest lineage among the Australian rats and is not part of a New Guinean radiation. R. lutreolus is also within this Australian clade and shallower than R. tunneyi while the R. sordidus group is the shallowest lineage in the clade. The divergences within the R. sordidus and R. leucopus lineages occurring about half a million years ago support the hypotheses of more recent interchanges of rats between Australia and New Guinea. While problematic for inference of deeper divergences, we report that the analysis of shorter mitochondrial sequences is very useful for species identification in rats

    Multiple Geographic Origins of Commensalism and Complex Dispersal History of Black Rats

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    The Black Rat (Rattus rattus) spread out of Asia to become one of the world's worst agricultural and urban pests, and a reservoir or vector of numerous zoonotic diseases, including the devastating plague. Despite the global scale and inestimable cost of their impacts on both human livelihoods and natural ecosystems, little is known of the global genetic diversity of Black Rats, the timing and directions of their historical dispersals, and the risks associated with contemporary movements. We surveyed mitochondrial DNA of Black Rats collected across their global range as a first step towards obtaining an historical genetic perspective on this socioeconomically important group of rodents. We found a strong phylogeographic pattern with well-differentiated lineages of Black Rats native to South Asia, the Himalayan region, southern Indochina, and northern Indochina to East Asia, and a diversification that probably commenced in the early Middle Pleistocene. We also identified two other currently recognised species of Rattus as potential derivatives of a paraphyletic R. rattus. Three of the four phylogenetic lineage units within R. rattus show clear genetic signatures of major population expansion in prehistoric times, and the distribution of particular haplogroups mirrors archaeologically and historically documented patterns of human dispersal and trade. Commensalism clearly arose multiple times in R. rattus and in widely separated geographic regions, and this may account for apparent regionalism in their associated pathogens. Our findings represent an important step towards deeper understanding the complex and influential relationship that has developed between Black Rats and humans, and invite a thorough re-examination of host-pathogen associations among Black Rats

    Jeje: repensando nações e transnacionalismo

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    A propos de la d\ue9formation artificielle du cr\ue2ne chez les Mombouttous de l\u27Ouell\ue9 [Figs]

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    Volume: 33Start Page: 287End Page: 29

    A future of sustainable wine? A reasoned review and discussion of ongoing programs around the world

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    Recently consumers through their more conscious purchases are called to act as citizens working towards a more sustainable future. As a consequence, today many countries are investing a significant amount of effort in encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices in vineyards and wineries. While other important transnational institutions (as the OIV) are strongly committed to adopt and develop wide-ranging roadmaps to develop sustainable vitiviniculture practices. In this scenario, the wine industry has witnessed a proliferation of voluntary labels and programs aimed at certifying sustainable practices. The present paper systemically analyzes the many sustainable systems for wine around the world in order to outline the current complex landscape of voluntary, industry and third-party codes and certification processes that have emerged in specific countries and the international arena. Furthermore the paper highlights the core features and key differences of the main programs currently active