10 research outputs found

    Microbes of traditional fermentation processes as synthetic biology chassis to tackle future food challenges

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    Microbial diversity is magnificent and essential to almost all life on Earth. Microbes are an essential part of every human, allowing us to utilize otherwise inaccessible resources. It is no surprise that humans started, initially unconsciously, domesticating microbes for food production: one may call this microbial domestication 1.0. Sourdough bread is just one of the miracles performed by microbial fermentation, allowing extraction of more nutrients from flour and at the same time creating a fluffy and delicious loaf. There are a broad range of products the production of which requires fermentation such as chocolate, cheese, coffee and vinegar. Eventually, with the rise of microscopy, humans became aware of microbial life. Today our knowledge and technological advances allow us to genetically engineer microbes - one may call this microbial domestication 2.0. Synthetic biology and microbial chassis adaptation allow us to tackle current and future food challenges. One of the most apparent challenges is the limited space on Earth available for agriculture and its major tolls on the environment through use of pesticides and the replacement of ecosystems with monocultures. Further challenges include transport and packaging, exacerbated by the 24/7 on-demand mentality of many customers. Synthetic biology already tackles multiple food challenges and will be able to tackle many future food challenges. In this perspective article, we highlight recent microbial synthetic biology research to address future food challenges. We further give a perspective on how synthetic biology tools may teach old microbes new tricks, and what standardized microbial domestication could look like

    SCRaMbLE: A Study of Its Robustness and Challenges through Enhancement of Hygromycin B Resistance in a Semi-Synthetic Yeast

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    Recent advances in synthetic genomics launched the ambitious goal of generating the first synthetic designer eukaryote, based on the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc2.0). Excitingly, the Sc2.0 project is now nearing its completion and SCRaMbLE, an accelerated evolution tool implemented by the integration of symmetrical loxP sites (loxPSym) downstream of almost every non-essential gene, is arguably the most applicable synthetic genome-wide alteration to date. The SCRaMbLE system offers the capability to perform rapid genome diversification, providing huge potential for targeted strain improvement. Here we describe how SCRaMbLE can evolve a semi-synthetic yeast strain housing the synthetic chromosome II (synII) to generate hygromycin B resistant genotypes. Exploiting long-read nanopore sequencing, we show that all structural variations are due to recombination between loxP sites, with no off-target effects. We also highlight a phenomenon imposed on SCRaMbLE termed "essential raft", where a fragment flanked by a pair of loxPSym sites can move within the genome but cannot be removed due to essentiality restrictions. Despite this, SCRaMbLE was able to explore the genomic space and produce alternative structural compositions that resulted in an increased hygromycin B resistance in the synII strain. We show that among the rearrangements generated via SCRaMbLE, deletions of YBR219C and YBR220C contribute to hygromycin B resistance phenotypes. However, the hygromycin B resistance provided by SCRaMbLEd genomes showed significant improvement when compared to corresponding single deletions, demonstrating the importance of the complex structural variations generated by SCRaMbLE to improve hygromycin B resistance. We anticipate that SCRaMbLE and its successors will be an invaluable tool to predict and evaluate the emergence of antibiotic resistance in yeast