63 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu Bahan Bakar terhadap Keperluan Bahan Bakar pada Motor Diesel Satu Silinder 20 Hp dengan Elektroliser

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    Sutomo, Murni, Rahmat, An internal combustion process of fuel will works effectively if the fuel's density and viscosity is lower so we would like to use a heater in order to decrease the density and viscosity of the fuel. Based on this condition, we would like to use an electrolizer and a diesel engine to improve the fuel consumption. Electrolizer will increases the gas reaction so we hope that fuel consumption rate will decrease. The result of this research is the effective temperature of fuel is 50oC – 60oC will produce the effective combustion. The fuel consumption decreased in 6 kW is 0.12 lt/kWH

    Pengaruh Elektroliser terhadap Kepekaan Bahan Bakar pada Mesin Diesel 1 Silinder 20 Hp

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    Sutomo, Murni, Senen, Rahmat, Electrolyzer is development of a electrolysis technology to produce HHO gas, or Brown's gas. Diesel engine use solar (diesel oil) as combustion's material to produce thermal energy and oxidation and will be changed to mechanic energy. The base product of thermal energy by oxidation diesel oil, is would like to use electrolyzer to produce HHO and insert to the fuel combustion. Because HHO is a reactive gas, so in our research we hopeful will increase the thermal energy in combustion process and decrease the diesel oil consumption. The result of this research is the BSFC (Brake Shat Fuel Consumption) will decrease 2.5% up to 3.2%

    Aplikasi Sig Untuk Penentuan Daerah Quick Count Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Studi Kasus : Pemilihan Walikota Cirebon 2013, Jawa Barat)

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    Pemilihan kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah ( Pilkada ) adalah proses untuk memilih kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah . Pelaksanaan pilkada dilakukan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) yang bertugas hingga rekapitulasi suara diumumkan. Rekapitulasi suara akan diumumkan KPU dalam waktu 7-21 hari setelah pilkada dilaksanakan. Untuk mengetahui hasil pilkada sementara sebelum KPU mengumumkan hasil rekapitulasi suara, dilakukanlah Quick Count . Dalam proses quick count, penentuan sampel pengamatan merupakan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi keakuratan dan ketelitian hasil quick count.Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG ) adalah sistem berbasis komputer yang didesain untuk mengumpulkan, mengelola, memanipulasi, menganalisis, dan menampilkan informasi spasial. Dalam penelitian ini SIG akan menganalisis data spasial yang ada, untuk penentuan daerah sampel quick count dengan menggunakan metode analisys overlay dan scoring.Hasil yang diperoleh dari penentuan daerah sampel quick count berjumlah 8 Kelurahan dan 247 TPS, dari total populasi 22 Kelurahan dan 542 TPS. Sampel tersebut mampu mewakili populasi pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, dengan kesalahan maksimum sebesar 2,81%

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencatatan Penjualan Suku Cadang dan Jasa Service Motor Berbasis Desktop pada PT. AS MOTOR

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    The process of recording the sale of spare parts and services, the service motor that includes the company\u27s interaction to the customer and internal interactions between parts of the PT. As Motor not computerized. The problem that exists is in the process of identifying damage to vehicle in which the mechanics are not doing service in accordance with the standard operating procedure as well as the mechanics are working on improvements often work vehicle repair other customers and service advisors are not directly know the stock of spare parts that exist when the sales of spare parts, the impact is disturbing the development and progress of the workshop.The solution to solve the problem is an application that can automate customer interactions to the company and the interaction between the internal parts is to design and build applications recording sales of spare parts and services, the service -based motor desktop. These applications generate sales reports information in the form of spare parts, spare parts sales reports per period, circulation reports sales of spare parts, service revenue reports per mechanics, spare parts inventory reports, and reports the purchase of spare parts

    Pembuatan Peta Jalur Kondusif Bersepeda Kota Semarang

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    Bike started to be used by people of Semarang city as an alternative transportation for daily activities such as go to work, go to school, and go to college. However, using the bike for daily activities can lead to fatigue, causing decreased concentration. One workable solution is to create a map that presents information about bike lanes in the Semarang city that conducive to pass. In this study, the bike lanes in the Semarang city will be identified into 5 categories based on the height difference between two points every 100 meters. Category flat-track and slight-downhill is a conducive path. Category steep-downhill and easy-uphill is a semi-conducive path. And category hard-uphill is not a conducive path. From the results of the study at 10 locations, noted that the bike lanes in the Semarang city has a composition of 90% flat-track, 4% slight-downhill, 3.2% easy-uphill, 2% hard-uphill, and 0.8% steep-downhill
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