3,039 research outputs found

    Contribution of the Internal Field to the Anisotropic Optical Reflectance of GaP(110)

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    This article presents the theory of optical reflection from thin slabs of GaP(110) by means of the discrete dipole model and focusses especially upon the possible implications of this model for the surface induced optical anisotropy. The reflectance of a semi-infinite sample is extracted from slab calculations and compared with experiments. We find that the internal field has a very important role in determining the surface induced optical anisotropy. We also show that the surface sensitivity of such experiments can be estimated to be about five monolayer

    Trayectorias: a new model for online task-based learning

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    This paper discusses a framework for designing online tasks that capitalizes on the possibilities that the Internet and the Web offer for language learning. To present such a framework, we draw from constructivist theories (Brooks and Brooks, 1993) and their application to educational technology (Newby, Stepich, Lehman and Russell, 1996; Jonassen, Mayes and McAleese, 1993); second language learning and learning autonomy (Benson and Voller, 1997); and distance education (Race, 1989; White, 1999). On the one hand our model balances the requirements of the need for control and learning autonomy by the independent language learner; and on the other, the possibilities that online task-based learning offer for new reading processes by taking into account new literacy models (Schetzer and Warschauer, 2000), and the effect that the new media have on students’ knowledge construction and understanding of texts. We explain how this model works in the design of reading tasks within the specific distance learning context of the Open University, UK. Trayectorias is a tool that consists of an open problem-solving Web-quest and provides students with ‘scaffolding’ that guides their navigation around the Web whilst modelling learning approaches and new learning paradigms triggered by the medium. We then discuss a small-scale trial with a cohort of students (n = 23). This trial had a double purpose: (a) to evaluate to what extent the writing task fulfilled the investigators’ intentions; and (b) to obtain some information about the students’ perceptions of the task

    Ab initio study of reflectance anisotropy spectra of a sub-monolayer oxidized Si(100) surface

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    The effects of oxygen adsorption on the reflectance anisotropy spectrum (RAS) of reconstructed Si(100):O surfaces at sub-monolayer coverage (first stages of oxidation) have been studied by an ab initio DFT-LDA scheme within a plane-wave, norm-conserving pseudopotential approach. Dangling bonds and the main features of the characteristic RAS of the clean Si(100) surface are mostly preserved after oxidation of 50% of the surface dimers, with some visible changes: a small red shift of the first peak, and the appearance of a distinct spectral structure at about 1.5 eV. The electronic transitions involved in the latter have been analyzed through state-by-state and layer-by-layer decompositions of the RAS. We suggest that new interplay between present theoretical results and reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy experiments could lead to further clarification of structural and kinetic details of the Si(100) oxidation process in the sub-monolayer range.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. To be published in Physical Rev.

    Hide and seek on complex networks

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    Signaling pathways and networks determine the ability to communicate in systems ranging from living cells to human society. We investigate how the network structure constrains communication in social-, man-made and biological networks. We find that human networks of governance and collaboration are predictable on teat-a-teat level, reflecting well defined pathways, but globally inefficient. In contrast, the Internet tends to have better overall communication abilities, more alternative pathways, and is therefore more robust. Between these extremes the molecular network of Saccharomyces cerevisea is more similar to the simpler social systems, whereas the pattern of interactions in the more complex Drosophilia melanogaster, resembles the robust Internet.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Geospatial methods and tools for natural risk management and communications

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    In the last decade, real-time access to data and the use of high-resolution spatial information have provided scientists and engineers with valuable information to help them understand risk. At the same time, there has been a rapid growth of novel and cutting-edge information and communication technologies for the collection, analysis and dissemination of data, re-inventing the way in which risk management is carried out throughout its cycle (risk identification and reduction, preparedness, disaster relief and recovery). The applications of those geospatial technologies are expected to enable better mitigation of, and adaptation to, the disastrous impact of natural hazards. The description of risks may particularly benefit from the integrated use of new algorithms and monitoring techniques. The ability of new tools to carry out intensive analyses over huge datasets makes it possible to perform future risk assessments, keeping abreast of temporal and spatial changes in hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. The present special issue aims to describe the state-of-the-art of natural risk assessment, management, and communication using new geospatial models and Earth Observation (EO)architecture. More specifically, we have collected a number of contributions dealing with: (1) applications of EO data and machine learning techniques for hazard, vulnerability and risk mapping; (2) natural hazards monitoring and forecasting geospatial systems; (3) modeling of spatiotemporal resource optimization for emergency management in the post-disaster phase; and (4) development of tools and platforms for risk projection assessment and communication of inherent uncertainties

    Aging in coherent noise models and natural time

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    Event correlation between aftershocks in the coherent noise model is studied by making use of natural time, which has recently been introduced in complex time-series analysis. It is found that the aging phenomenon and the associated scaling property discovered in the observed seismic data are well reproduced by the model. It is also found that the scaling function is given by the qq-exponential function appearing in nonextensive statistical mechanics, showing power-law decay of event correlation in natural time.Comment: 4 pages and 5 figure

    Liquid phase epitaxy and optical investigation of KYb(WO4)2 thin layers

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    In recent years, Yb3+ has attracted much attention as an activating ion because of its small quantum defect for laser emission from 2F5/2 to 2F7/2 at ~1.03 ”m [1], which provides high efficiency and reduced heat generation. Of high practical interest is the thin-disk laser concept [2], which possesses a tremendous advantage over rod lasers because of its axial-cooling approach and consequent weak thermal lensing and good beam quality.\ud A promising material for Yb3+ thin-disk lasers is KYb(WO4)2 (KYbW) [3]. It can be grown from high-temperature solutions [4]. Nevertheless, the growth of high-quality, single-crystalline layers with thickness in the range of the absorption length of ~13 ”m at 981 nm has as yet not been reported. A suitable substrate material is KY(WO4)2 (KYW), but the relatively large differences in the thermal expansion coefficients between KYW and KYbW along the [100], [001], and especially [010] directions [5] favor low temperatures for the hetero-epitaxial growth.\ud For the first time, we demonstrate liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) of KYbW layers. The layers were grown at start temperatures as low as 520°C, which is favorable in order to decrease the thermal stresses due to the differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of substrate and layer. Moreover, the choice of [010]-oriented substrates bypasses the large difference in the thermal expansion coefficient along the [010] direction. KY1-xYbx(WO4)2 layers with varying x = 0.03-1.00 were grown by LPE. The chloride solvent consisted of the eutectic composition [6] 24.4 mol.% KCl, 30.4 mol.% NaCl, and 42.2 mol.% CsCl. The growth temperature spanned the range from 580 to 500°C and the cooling rate was 0.67-1.00 Kh-1. Crack-free, transparent KYbW layers were grown on (010) substrates.\ud Spectroscopic investigations have shown that the lifetime of ~250 ”s measured in our LPE-grown KYbW layers is dominated by radiative decay and is very similar to that measured in top-seeded-solution-grown bulk samples [4]. Fast energy migration among the Yb3+ ions and energy transfer to small amounts of Tm3+ and Er3+ ions present in the YbCl3 reagent lead to visible upconversion luminescence in the layers under 981-nm excitation.\ud \ud [1] T.Y. Fan, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 29, 1457 (1993).\ud [2] A. Giesen, H. HĂŒgel, A. Voss, K. Wittig, U. Brauch, H. Opower, Appl. Phys. B 58, 365 (1994).\ud [3] P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, X. Mateos, M.A. Bursukova, M.C. Pujol, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, F. GĂŒell, J. Massons, T. Kirilov, F. DĂ­az, Appl. Phys. B 74, 185 (2002).\ud [4] M.C. Pujol, M.A. Bursukova, F. GĂŒell, X. Mateos, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, J. Massons, F. DĂ­az, P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, Phys. Rev. B 65, 165121 (2002).\ud [5] M.C. Pujol, X. Mateos, R. SolĂ©, J. Massons, J. GavaldĂ , F. DĂ­az, M. AguilĂł, Mater. Sci. Forum 378-381, 710 (2001).\ud [6] D. Ehrentraut, M. Pollnau, S. KĂŒck, Appl. Phys. B 75, 59 (2002)

    Role of surface structural motifs on the stability and reflectance anisotropy spectra of Sb-rich GaSb(001) reconstructions

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    The structure of the technologically important-but still mostly unknown-GaSb(001)-c(2 x 6) surface reconstruction is investigated by means of ab initio simulations of reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) and total energy calculations. A large number of reconstruction models for the GaSb(001) surface in the Sb-rich coverage regime are considered. The influence of each single surface structural motif on the RAS spectra is studied in detail, as well as their role in the surface stability with regard to application of the electron counting rule (ECR). We interpret the features of the RAS data measured for this reconstruction and suggest a new model for the c(2 x 6) phase. In this model a few Sb atoms in the second layer are randomly substituted by Ga, forming surface antisite defects. When used to fulfill the ECR, this "doping" effect considerably lowers the total energy of the long chain c(2 x 6) reconstruction model, making it competitive with the more stable short-chain (4 x 3) reconstructions. Formation of the surface antisites occurs spontaneously in the presence of dynamical negative charge fluctuations and is favored by the excellent matching between GaSb(001) and metallic Sb and by the natural softness of the Ga-Sb bonds. Calculations of the reflectance anisotropy spectra confirm that this structure is a major component of a largely disordered surface, where motifs of the stable (4 x 3) reconstructions are also present
