361 research outputs found

    Cleaning of a surface of details in plasma of the volume category between solid and liquid electrodes

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Plasma electrothermal installation with the liquid cathode is developed. Cleaning modes from a surface of products are investigated and fulfilled

    Vibrational spectra and conformational isomerism of 2-phenoxy-5,6-benz-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepins

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    Using vibrational spectroscopy methods in different aggregate states and solutions with variation of the polarity of the medium, we have studied 2-phenoxy-5,6-benz-1,3,2-dioxaphosphepin and its oxo, thio, and seleno analogs. In the liquid and solutions, they exist as a conformational equilibrium of three forms: two chair forms, differing in the orientation of the phenoxyl radical, and a twist form. The population of the twist form is no more than 25%. The content of the chair conformers is determined by the solvent. In the crystal, all the compounds have the chair form with axial phenoxyl group. © 1989 Plenum Publishing Corporation

    A-infinity structure on simplicial complexes

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    A discrete (finite-difference) analogue of differential forms is considered, defined on simplicial complexes, including triangulations of continuous manifolds. Various operations are explicitly defined on these forms, including exterior derivative and exterior product. The latter one is non-associative. Instead, as anticipated, it is a part of non-trivial A-infinity structure, involving a chain of poly-linear operations, constrained by nilpotency relation: (d + \wedge + m + ...)^n = 0 with n=2.Comment: final version. 29 page


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    This paper reviews and analyzes popular website designs to identify trends and changes in the emergence of Internet resources. Some current trends that have been observed in web development over the past year were reviewed.В данной работе рассматриваются и анализируются популярные разработки веб-сайтов для выявления тенденций и изменений в появлении интернет-ресурсов. Рассмотрены некоторые текущие тенденции, которые наблюдались в веб-разработке за последний год

    Determination of regression materials mircohardness, processed by low-temperature plasma dependence on process conditions

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The influence of conditions of plasma surface treatment on hardening of carbon steel technological process was analyzed. Hardening was carried out in plasma electrothermal line with an electrolytic cathode. When processing, steel crystal grains are crushed and the structure is changed from ferrite-pearlite to bainite-troostite and martensite, depending on the processing conditions. In this case the surface microhardness increase in 2 - 3 times. The dependence of the carbon steel surface microhardness on the discharge current (2 - 10 A), the distance between the heat source and the surface, the plasma gas flow rate and treatment duration was found. On the basis of multifactor experiment planning methods and the method of least squares, the formula that describes this relationship was found. This allowed to conduct a targeted search of optimal conditions of processes of hardening steel and improve the efficiency and quality of research

    Plasma spray coating with ferromagnetic powder by thermo-electric plasma equipment

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Plasma spray coating is the most preferred and readily available method of carrying out repair and restoration works in comparison to other methods at present. Though the method of plasma spraying has been known for a long time, there are still a number of unsolved issues related to the choice of optimal deposition regimes. The thermo-electric plasma system for plasma spray coating with a liquid electrode is discussed in this article. The process and optimal parameters of plasma spray coating regimes are described


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    With the development of the fifth technological tenor and emerging elements of the sixth tenor in a number of leading economies the role of information as a production factor is increasing dramatically. In this regard, the competitiveness of the regional economy today is largely determined by the level of its IT penetration. The growth drivers in the innovation economy of a region that define its industrial structure, are high-tech industries such as software development, R&D as well as all high-tech productions that form the basis of the new tenor of technology. The paper examines the impact of the development level of the information infrastructure on the regional competitiveness. It proves that the investment attractiveness is highly dependent on how developed is the information infrastructure of a region. The international experience of regional informatization is considered. A particular stress is laid on the need to invest into the information infrastructure of Russian regions to create a favorable investment climate. The conclusions made in the paper are, according to the author, particularly important in the context of the trend for import substitution. The results of the research can be used to finalize strategic programs, such as “North-West 2030”, and taken into account by specialized executive bodies, particularly the Russian Ministry of Communications, as strategic priorities for the development of the regional infrastructure.С развитием в ряде ведущих экономик элементов пятого технологического уклада и началом формирования компонентов шестого критически возрастает роль информации как фактора производства. В связи с этим конкурентоспособность региональной экономики сегодня во многом определяется уровнем ее информатизации. Драйверами роста инновационной экономики региона, определяющими ее отраслевую структуру, являются высокотехнологичные отрасли, такие как разработка программного обеспечения, научно-исследовательская деятельность, а также в целом все наукоемкие производства, формирующие базис нового технологического уклада. В статье рассматривается влияние уровня развития информационной инфраструктуры на региональную конкурентоспособность. Доказывается высокая зависимость инвестиционной привлекательности региона от уровня развития информационной инфраструктуры. Рассматривается международный опыт региональной информатизации. Актуализируется необходимость инвестиций в информационную инфраструктуру регионов РФ с целью формирования благоприятного инвестиционного климата. Выводы, изложенные в статье, на взгляд автора, особенно актуальны в условиях тренда на импортозамещение. Результаты данного исследования могут быть использованы для доработки ряда стратегических программ, таких как «Северо-Запад 2030», а также учтены профильными органами исполнительной власти, в частности Министерством связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ, в качестве стратегических приоритетов развития региональной информационной инфраструктуры

    Russian and Foreign Experience of AntiCrisis Planning of 2008-2010 and Efficiency Estimation of Conducted AntiCrisis Programs

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    Another crisis requires mobilization of all knowledge, including experience of the mistakes. The crisis of 2008 is the actual guidance for minimizing crisis consequences. Of course, the reasons for the current and the previous crisis are fundamentally different, and are mostly regional rather than global, by nature. But the consequences for both are the same – fall of living standards, the collapse of the banking system, reduction of economic diversification. That is why it becomes so important for government to make both a rational and effective anti-crisis plan. The global financial crisis of 2008, which is under our consideration, originated in the United States as a result of the mortgage crisis. The phenomenon was spreading rapidly in the rest of the world. In particular, Russia immediately took a number of measures to reduce the negative effects in the first months. Subsequently, all the activities have merged into a single set of measures called “Anti-crisis program of the Russian Federation” (2009) and “The main directions of anti-crisis measures of the Russian Federation for 2010”. Programs had both positive and negative effects on the economic recovery. However, in total, they have helped Russia to overcome the crisis stage without catastrophic losses, which was even noted by the World Bank. The experience of some foreign countries is also subject to review because of their effectiveness and difference from the Russian one. It also complements the picture of the anti-crisis measures and makes it more solid and global. Tracing the history of the 2008 crisis, we can conclude that the state, fighting the crisis phenomena, was concerned with statistical indicators only, without regard for the lives of their citizens. In this scenario, the developed countries must learn to overcome the crisis with minimal state intervention, but a strong motivating effect

    Archaeological survey of wooden remains from 16th-19th century Sviyazhsk

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    This article is devoted to the results of an archaeological survey carried out in 2008 on the site of the former faubourg (suburb) of Sviyazhsk town. The survey obtained and analysed useful information about the nature and contents of the cultural layer being revealed by the eroding banks of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The survey represented the first archaeological research carried out in the Sviyazhsk faubourg, and yielded much information on its layout. The remains of approximately 40 wooden constructions (buildings, fences, pavements, etc.) from the second half of the 16th-beginning of the 20th century were uncovered during the excavation. The residential character of the excavated buildings was determined by the presence of furnace remains found on the excavation site. The unified orientation of the household buildings from various layers of the excavation site, dating from the mid-16th up to the 20th century, indicates the street plan of the faubourg, which was more or less maintained throughout its existence. More than half the studied constructions were damaged by fire which accordingly gave rise to the development of the Sviyazhsk faubourg. The finds - 5,374 items in total - included 2,863 ceramic fragments (of which 334 were of traditional Bulgar style); 2,391 leather items (shoes, mittens, quivers, etc.); textiles (wool, homespun linen, felt, willow fibre) and iron goods (knives, scissors, nails, etc.). The numerous finds that emerged from the excavation site reflect the life, craft, farming and trading activities of the population of this medieval town and concurred with other known sources illustrating the life of Sviyazhsk residents as the town waxed and waned in its political importance as a trading post and economic centre of the region